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Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by 918ben on 2011-07-27 23:25:00 (edited 2011-07-27 23:30:47)
OK i just found this thread (finally) so heres my info...

Steam ID: Nethar

Game List;
- Left For Dead 1 & 2
- Killing Floor
- Counter Strike
- Counter Strike Source
- Garry's Mod
- Portal 2
- Team Fortress 2
- Borderlands

XBOX Gamer Tag: Ragin ch0pst1X (yes it is case sensitive and yes, 0 is a number)

Game List;
-Left For Dead 2
-Halo ODST
-Halo Reach
-Call of Duty: Black Ops
-Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
-Fable 2 & 3
-Assassins Creed Brotherhood

All the information you will need :)

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-07-30 18:09:23
@Nethar - Welcome to the club!

Have been playing Catherine for the past few days, although I'm only playing it in one hour chunks. I love it, but I find it really difficult to play for more than an hour at a time. It's the same problem I was having with Heavy Rain, where I really want to continue, but the game (or at least the narrative) is way too intense for me to go on. This is probably a good way to play it though, as the game doesn't seem to be that long. I'm halfway through the game with about 4 hours play time, and I'd say about 40 minutes of that was spent playing that arcade game at Stray Sheep.

The story and dialog have been great so far, but I'm still not that fond of the gameplay style they chose. I'm playing on Easy, but I'm still finding it pretty difficult and stressful. I will admit that I am enjoying the puzzle sections more than I originally thought I would.

At the moment I'm entirely on the 'Order' side of the gauge. I'm doing whatever I can to make Katherine happy and get Catherine away (who's freaking creepy as hell in my opinion). I'm probably just going to take whatever ending I get and leave it. I don't usually play through games to get every ending available (I might look up the other endings on YouTube though).

I also got a chance to play the No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise demo as well. Not too bad of a game, although the level in the demo got old pretty fast, what with having to kill the same dudes over and over for about 20 minutes. I'm hoping to get my friend's Playstation Move so that I can try the demo using that, as I am pretty curious to see if it's any good using that control method. To be honest though, I'm not expecting it to even use the motion aspects of the Move, as the button layout shows your attacks being assigned to the face buttons of the Move controller.

Finally, I bought Section 8: Prejudice from the Playstation Store. If anyone else has this, there is a 4-player co-op survival mode, so I'm always up for that if some people want to give it a shot.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-07-30 21:01:26
Oh nice, is the game long at all Jon? It's on my gameQ and I forgot it released recently.
I've been down at my grandparent's house for like the past two weeks, so no PS3 (or fast internet... T_T).
I have two games waiting at home though, Black Ops (yes, I just want to try it, relax) and LBP 2 if anyone's up for that as well.
I've been off of the first since I've been waiting for Shuy to finish it up but here's no where to be found (probably internet issues).

I saw the two-player multiplayer of Catherine and I'm not sure if it's competing against someone (for fun),
or if it's more to the game (like possibly story relating or whatever).
The puzzles can get annoying though from what I've seen but I'm hoping that's not the main "aspect" of the game, now is it?

And about Move, my opinions on Move are like, it's just for regular casual games.
I played a game on KZ3 (when I still had it) and played against an entire lobby literally full of Move users.
Let's just say it was like facing a team of turtles or something, Move is not for the hardcore gamers.
I think it's too much money (for both of those things, the numbchuck and moveball or whatever),
cause honestly who plays with the regular dual-analog stick? It looks weird and prone to fall and smash.

lol but yeah I've been playing Pokemon SS (emulator) but probably when I get home I'll stop playing it.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-02 21:56:52
@DA - I think it's only going to last about 7 or 8 hours. I'm going through most of the dialog with characters at the bar and Landings, but I doubt that will drag things out much longer.

Anyway, just a heads up for a few people. Due to a promotion running at EBGames for the month (or for the next few weeks at least) I'm probably going to be flying through a lot of games. Basically, I bought one game, and as long as I trade it back in within 7 days, I can get a different one for nothing extra. I plan to just jump from one title to the next for as long as the promotion keeps up. Currently I have Bleach: Soul Resurrection, but on Friday me and my friend will be getting SOCOM 4.

Little Big Planet 2 is also on the list, so I may get that for a few days if it lasts long enough. I've noticed that there are a few people who have that game.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-03 20:37:14
[@Jon] I've gotten LBP2 from GF and I'm about to play that this week!
Gonna trade in Black Ops tomorrow, after playing online a little bit,
I can now officially confirm, that is sucks and people are ridiculous if they're fans of it, just my opinion.
What a horrible step back from MW2, and MW3 won't be any different if they don't fix the series issues.

Anyways, now I gotta finish applying for school (yeah I know, uber late...), so not sure when I'll cancel my GF subscription.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-03 21:06:36
If you guys wanna get an LBP2 night going, then I'm down to play. I think Maiku would be able to play as well.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-04 00:05:37
Does anything carry over from LBP1? Like the costumes you bought?
I still need to finish the first, though it's no issue if I don't.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-08-04 16:33:32
Purchased costumes do carry over.
Got myself back into minecraft by building a giant flying battleship. The are
crashed planes on the ground beneath it.

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-04 19:31:50
I'm not sure if I will have LBP2 next week or not, but if I do then I would be up for a night of random levels.

Bleach: Soul Resurrection gets traded in tomorrow for SOCOM 4, so I thought I would give my thoughts on it, since DA was wondering about it last night.

Bleach: Soul Resurrection - Jonathon's Opinion

There isn't a lot I can say about this game. I'm not a Bleach follower myself, even though I do like the characters and idea behind the series (I just can't follow a series that never ends. 70 episodes/30 volumes is usually all I can take).

Even for a Bleach fan however, it's difficult to recommend this game. I will commend the graphics and visual effects, which I think look really good. The special attacks, transformations and character models look great, although the environments are pretty empty and bland. There also seems to be quite a few options in terms of character you can play as, and you unlock them fairly quick.

That's really all the praise I can give it. Gameplay is incredibly repetitive, even more so than a typical Dynasty Warriors game. The 'Episodes' in story mode so far have all been in the exact same format. You start in one map and keep moving forward, beating the same groups of enemies along the way. There are some side paths to take, but you don't really get anything useful from exploring (besides the chance to get a higher score I guess, or if you are in need of some power up items such as health). You get to the end of the map, transition to another map and repeat the same process, except with a few stronger enemies mixed in with the regular dudes. At the end of the third map, you go to a boss fight. There's a small cutscene of the characters talking, you whittle the boss's life down to half, at which point another cutscene kicks in of them talking (except they look a little beat up), and then you just finish the boss off. I've played 10 of the Episodes in story mode so far, and every single one of them has followed this exact format. To make matters worse, there aren't really that many attack combinations to choose from. You just use the same 4 Button combo by pressing Square repeatedly, and if you feel like it, you can use a 2 or 3 Triangle Button combo that uses up the Spirit gauge. Some of the characters also say the name of their combo, so they tend to become extremely irritating early on due to them constantly repeating the same 2 or 3 words. Boss fights have a little variety to them, but not a lot. You essentially just need to attack them, back off if they guard, and then go back to attacking once they open up. When they go into a powered up state, you either non-stop attack them or stay far away until it wears off, because there's a chance they could pull their super move on you at any time, which (to my knowledge) is guaranteed to hit you and deal a lot of damage.

Story mode is basically just the major fights from the show (or at least the major fights from one of the arcs) strung together by a narrator who explains to you how this fight came to be. All the story mode allows you to do is play the battles that you have seen in the anime or read in the manga (and as I stated before, not from the beginning of the series. I think the game starts at around episode 200 or something of the show).

You are able to upgrade your characters, but it just raises stats. The only reason I can see for grinding the leveling system is for a playthrough on Hard. I don't see anything upgrades which change appearance, although there are skill upgrades, so maybe you are able to unlock different combo's to use.

Mission Mode is pretty much the same as Story Mode, except that it doesn't have the narrative. You just play a mission with set criteria (such as 'Defeat the Boss' or 'Defeat the Boss in under 30 Minutes').

There don't seem to be any collectible items, although you can unlock character Trophies by playing the Mission Mode. You can look at them and listen to voice clips, but not much else.

Overall, as I said in the beginning, I cannot recommend this game to anyone, even a Bleach fan. If you are a big fan of the series, then yeah, you might get some enjoyment out of this. I'm a huge fan of two series, and I would buy a game like this based on them, regardless of how good it was, so I know that there are people out there that will enjoy this. For regular fans however, there just isn't enough in this game to warrant the $60 price tag. Maybe I just haven't played it long enough to unlock the good stuff, but from what I have played, I don't see anything good on the horizon. If there's good in there, then it's buried deep.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-04 23:47:22
Yeah let's get started on LBP2, cause I'm probably gonna send it back into GF to get another game.
I've been so bored lately and there's nothing else to do.
I only had fun with Black Ops cause it was an online game I could play against other people,
and until BF3 comes out or UFC3 (next year) come out, I don't think I'll be playing that many games anymore,
especially since I'm probably canceling my GF subscription, cause it's friggin' slow as hell!

And yeah I'll try the Bleach game, didn't expect much out of it in the first place, cause well, it's Bleach.
Wish there was a demo though on PSN, but nope. Nothing else interesting on PSN as well. Waste.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-08 21:11:02
Alright, I should have LBP2 tomorrow. Probably only for a few days, but I should have it long enough to get a few nights of gameplay out of it.

So who would be available tomorrow? I'm off for the day and don't have to work until lunch on Wednesday, so I should be around most of the day and well into the night.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-08 23:39:42
Me of course. I'll have to be up early cause I'm going somewhere with my folks,
but I should be back around late lunch time so yeah I might hop on.
I've been cruising along the story now and it's really fun. My costume(s) are cool. ^_^


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-09 12:00:41 (edited 2011-08-09 12:01:16)
Alright, well I have LBP2 now, so for the time being I'll be going through the story mode. Like I said earlier, I'll be here for basically the entire night (upwards of 10 hours from now), so whenever you guys are ready just let me know.

What do you guys normally do during these LBP2 nights? Story mode, or just random user created levels?


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-10 23:58:14 (edited 2011-08-10 23:58:41)
I've never done any of the user-created levels? I guess that's found in the community? I don't know.
I never finished LBP (1) so I'm not even sure how long the actual game is...

I'm hoping to do a lot more in LBP2 though cause I wanna hurry and trade it back to GF.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-11 18:34:36
@DA - According to the trophies, I think there's only 2 levels left to the story mode.

I'm not sure when I will get the chance to play next. I was working tonight, and I'm unsure of whether or not I need to be up early tomorrow for odd jobs. Tomorrow night should be okay, but I won't be up too long then either. Saturday night is basically the same way. I need to have the game traded back in by Tuesday for that trade deal I'm using as well.

No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise comes out next week. I'll be picking that up and will hopefully have it done pretty quick.

Catherine is finished, and I got the Katherine True Ending. I really enjoyed the game, even though I wasn't a big fan of the puzzle sections. The ending was the exact kind of ending I love, so I'm glad I managed to get that one. I probably will not go back to get the other endings (I already read them over on the Wikia), since I like to stick with whatever ending I get on my playthrough (as long as it's a good one). Those are the endings that I consider 'canon'.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-11 20:36:24
Yeah I'm just going to finish it up then whenever I play it.
Got Sniper: Ghost Warrior so I'm going to check that out,
game seems like a simple, shorter tone game so I might be done with it quick.
I still gotta re-apply for school, I keep laying that off for some reason. >.<;;

I heard Catherine had 8 total different endings, and the stuff you say in texts and whatnot,
can either work or not work. Maybe there's guides online to help get a specific ending you want,
cause I read that some people did a certain thing to get a certain ending, but it still messed them up.

I also heard the puzzles were annoying hard even on normal and I'm not a fan of them being the main part of the game.
I'd rather Catherine be some RPG or something or even some sims dating game. XD

Btw, is there the original voices? I think I asked this before but probably forgot.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by on 2011-08-13 18:51:15
@DA - You probably should. I thought I was going to have more time to play it, but I haven't had a chance to get back on (maybe willpower is the better word). I may try to finish the story mode tomorrow night and play a few user levels, but I'll have to trade it back in on Monday I think.

Essentially how the ending mechanic works is that you get the Catherine endings on the Red side of the gauge and the Katherine endings on the Blue. The Affair endings require you to be in the middle I think, so I'm not sure what the threshold is for either side of the gauge. The true endings are only possible of the gauge is maxed to one side or the other, and how you answer the final four questions in the game determine what ending you get. (I got the True Katherine Ending, otherwise known as the True Lovers Ending. The gauge was maxed at blue, and the final four questions in the game determine whether I got the Bad, Normal or True end.)

As for the voices, I'm not sure what you mean by original. If you mean Japanese Language Voice Option then no, it's English only (I don't recall seeing a Japanese option anyway). The English VA'ing is actually very good in my opinion, so don't let that deter you from playing this game. Atlus does a good job in their localization. I spent the entire game convinced that Steve Blum was voicing the character Jonathan Ariga, but it was actually a guy by the name of Travis Willingham (who has appeared in quite a few Video Games that I've played actually). I loved his performance in Catherine. The only character I wasn't too fond of in terms of VA'ing was Yuri Lowenthal as the voice of the guy in the confession booth. It was almost the same as Toby's voice, but was a little irritating for some reason.


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-08-19 17:25:33
Yeah I sent it back in yesterday, played a few user levels but it just got a bit boring really.

From what I heard, there's 8 different endings for Catherine, so that makes it complicated much.
I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to play Catherine, I sort of took it off my gameQ so I could get two other games instead that are lengthy,
cause I'm thinking of canceling my GF membership this month, so it depends on when I get the games.
School's also another situation as well that's questionable, but either way I'm getting a bit bored playing random games.
I gotta start focusing on more important things (e.g. SCHOOL) and essentially later, work/living arrangements if school works/etc.

From what I saw in the demo yeah the Catherine demo was good, I'm just the type that always likes the original voice actors for the most part.
Though I don't play enough J-games that have original voice actors anyways, they're usually American related games.

Has anyone seen the Alpha footage of BF3 online??????!!!?? It's amazing!! O.O


Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by Maiku on 2011-08-19 22:23:58
My current buying plan is the following:

Disgaea 4, day 1
CoD: MW3 day 1
LoZ: Skyward Sword day 1
ES: Skyrim day 1

BF3, U3, DS, AC, MK7, SM3DL, and KI for Christmas and Beyond

Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
Link | by inuyasha on 2011-08-20 13:38:11
Eww CoD: MW3. Have you not seen the online play for BF3 yet? If not, go look it up right now, if you have, then you're out of your mind for wanting MW3 before it.

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