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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by xinshan on 2007-12-26 08:36:22
Wow~ Sugoii~ Nicey~! ^^

Those Deathnote cosplayers are funny. ^_^

And WOW again~! The Sasuke cosplayer is incredibly great!!!

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-12-26 09:58:23
I saw that Lucky Star one before!! It's friggin' awesome!
And yeah, That Byakuya one is totally bad455!


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by suzumiyamika on 2007-12-27 21:15:11
LOL, I don't know why, but I did this on impulse. xD

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2008-01-01 22:54:56
Wow, its been ages since I've been here. Been away for some cultural exchange program thing, but now I'm back. I probably won't be visiting as frequently as I did before, but I'll visit from time to time to see what you guys have brought to this thread or to add some pics of my own.

Anyways I see some new stuff that looks good and a particular one that made me go "Whu...?!?"

I was going through my anime collection yesterday and came across an anime I thought I'd never see again which was Fruits Basket. Since I've never seen any Fruits Basket cosplays before I'd thought that it was time to do some cosplay hunting. Almost forgot how addicting it can be ^^;

And now presenting: FRUITS BASKET COSPLAY

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-02 03:42:24
Haha, I haven't see Fruba yet, either. But the guy in the last picture has AWESOME hair! +.+`
Awesome Fruit Basket cosplay pictures, as usually from Kitty-sama!

I haven't hunted down any new ones in a while. Maybe I'll do some in my free time later on or so.


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-01-02 04:04:01
OMG H3 PICS!hahaha too bad i didnt get the chance to watch that dance!Hahaha

cool pics evil kitty!hahaha

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2008-01-18 18:33:09
I remember seeing a video of a whole crowd of cosplayers doing the Haruhi dance. I had no idea how popular it was. Makes me wanna learn it too, but if so, how am I gonna find the time to do it in secrecy without one of my family members catching me in the act? ^^;

Anyways, I've been watching the second season of Jigoku Shoujo a.k.a. Hell Girl on youtube and I realized that I have yet to come across ANYONE who cosplayed as Ichimoku Ren or Hone Onna and um...*checks wiki*, Oh, and Wanyudo.

After a very, very, very, (and a lot more very's in between,) long time, I finally came across a few people who cosplayed two of Ai's team namely Ren and Hone Onna. I thought I'd cry tears of happiness to find one of my favourite characters (aside from Ai) namely Ren being cosplayed and looks good to boot. YAY!

I couldn't find Wanyudo though, which is a shame since I have a bad habit of trying to find a full cast of cosplayers ^^;

So here we go. One picture of Hone Onna is from the live action series. Credits should go to the cosplayers and photographers who made this search worthwhile and for making such a wonderful series come to life :3


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-18 20:33:05
I like it when cosplayers Photoshop their images sometimes.
Makes it more realistic, and realistic to the anime.

Jigoku Shoujo cosplays are really good. The last image is just adorable and sweet.
The last one in the middle row looks like a peeping tom. XDXD


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2008-02-20 03:45:05 (edited 2008-02-20 03:46:05)
@ DA: Hahaha, peeping tom XD
Yeah, I like it when people sometimes photoshop their pictures too -- just not too much to the point where they alter their body proportions or changing them into a complete doll :S

Not much to say here so I'll just get right down to the cosplay pics. Credit should be given to the photographers and the cosplayers for the pics below.


2nd part of the cosplay pictures will come soon...I hope ^^;

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by DeG on 2008-03-07 19:30:27

Nice pics, evil kitty! :]

No recent posts eh...

Check this vid of FF cosplayers..really neat with pro cosplayers.
And look at that Kadaj...dang. :O


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2008-03-07 20:34:59
wowzers +_+ so many cosplayers ^///^

Tales of FC

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-07 22:06:23
Yeah, the girls looked amazing.
The guy's hair were nuts. I'd so get Cloud's style. >.<`

FF definitely has the best cosplayers as a whole.


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2008-03-08 05:06:06
OMG shinta! i loved this video~

steky indeed XD

even the sound track is nice~


 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-03-08 12:46:08
I love that song. It's from Otsuka Ai-chan. =^-^= ♥♥♥


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by DeG on 2008-03-11 22:13:49

Haha yea, that's right. ;3


kinda old video but nice..

lulz, "adik sa anime" means "addicted to anime" in tagalog (Filipino) xD [it says at the end and title]

Haruhi ftw!~♥ xD


lolz..expensive costumes. that's just how it is..haha. mikuru beammmmmuuu!~


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-04-15 01:57:43
nice vids shinta!hahaha

and samurai warriors cosplaY!cool!

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by Renma on 2008-05-29 01:55:28
Feels like reviving this thread....

The only Type-moon Cute Cosplayer I Found (Seems like I'm not that good in looking for an epic Cosplay.. Ah, Oh well...) ^-^ Behold! King Arturia!!

Oh Yeah,, There's another one actually... But I'm laughing really loud right now XDD Nice costume though ^^ Too bad, if only She has Kohaku's Face <3 /why I Can't find Decent Tsukihime Cosplay

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-05-29 02:08:28
kudos for revivng this thread renma

i think i saw those saber pics before...wait isnt that kipi? that popular cosplayer?
man she's HAWT! just look at that...ehem...hahahaha

nice kohaku pic hahaha

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by Renma on 2008-05-29 02:41:02 (edited 2008-05-29 02:42:00)
lol XDD I'm new to the thread so I Don't know Picts that have been posted or not..

here are some Random Finding XD

I Don't find this one to be great.. But Still.. It made me Shout "GO DO IIIT!!! NOOW!! I WANT TO SEE HEAD ROLLING!!"

OMG! Samus Aran!

There are quite a lot actually,, Type-moon Amateur Cosplayer.. ^^;; Still Can't find any Tsukihime Decent Cosplay *sob*

Anyway, Have some more of Fate stay night, this time They are dudes.

Gil's Costume is awesome if you ask me XDD

Dino and Kyoya from KHR XD

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by zparticus27 on 2008-05-29 02:52:31

the samus aran was awesome! i think i saw that in another forum as well...

and the gilgamesh armor rocks!hahaha

keep em comming pal!

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