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Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-09-08 22:16:08
@Ugo, the calculator is not done yet...still in the planning stages. I'm trying to make it simple for all

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Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-12 20:35:17 (edited 2007-10-24 21:28:56)
@Kay: Ahem... well, seeing as how it's been about a month... any progress?

@ All: Appears I cant really say much as how I'll have to wait until Bloodymoon's done with the things he's workin' on. So, here's the Symphosis that'll be used in the RP.


To My Dearest Bodyguards,

People are so interesting. But out of all the people, I appreciate the common folk. I myself, being an imperialist wouldnt last a day in the daily world the commonwealth manage to live through. My big brother is loved by the people of Kaddir. My sister, the Queen, seeks to protect her lands and the people by forming a union between the states of Southern Sumeria. I myself, Amelia Akatubi, am third in line to the throne, not much really though in comparison to my brother and sister to be honest! But both of them make sure I'm well taken care of, and I was happy and content with the life we three had... But as time whent on, things changed. The some people in our kingdom opposed the Alliance my sister, Sakevina Akatubi, proposed to the nobility of southern Sumeria. She believes that it would provide protection and unity amongst the people's of southern Sumeria. The Nobles greet my sister with open arms, but the common folk are greatly against it. Believing that they would lose their identity as the peoples of the Kaddir Province. My brother, Prince Hajiin Akatubi stands for the people, and formed a group opposed to my sister, the Empress. My sister, apon hearing the formation of this group, recieves support from the neiboring armies of the other Kingdoms in order to hunt down and crush the group. My Sister refuses to belive that my brother has a hand in all this... it seems like I would be the only one she would believe if I told her the truth. But... that could mean the death of my brother, and supporting my brother could lead to a bloody civil war. Both of them trust me deeply, and it pains me to think about betrying either one of them, reguardless the reason. So my dear bodyguards, if my next course of actions can change the course of history; what path would you suggest I follow?


(This may seem a bit ambitious, But I was kinda hoping to make this RP a bit more... I dunno, Interactive?)


Amelia is ultimately affected by the decisions of the bodyguards (the roles the player's play) and which side they decide to support (the Rebellion or the Imperialists) though Amelia was one of the important historical figures of the time, there was still the people who worked behind the scenes, this is their story...

Sweet Talk: (allows ya to talk with others, this is still in thought, but there are of course major players in this plot) so of course you'd want to get them to take your side, right? Be diplomatic. However the way your meeting turns out, you may come out with an ally, or find yourself in a pretty tight spot.

Conspire: The Imperialist supporters or the Rebellion will need Amelia's influence in order to gain power. What better way than to make the other side look bad? Or maybe even assasinate some of their supporters?

Start The Revolution or Prevent it?: Gain the support of the people's of the province, get them to Rebel against the Dynasty or to make them feircely loyal to the Empress. (for this, I'm thinking of making a map of Kaddir, which would show what populations perfer who)

Get some outside help: While some people in Sumeria seek unity, some want to keep it seperate, some will do either for a price. Get outside help from people.
(For this, I'm thinking of keeping track of the amount of members on either side. You can increase the members with hireing mercanaries or by getting the favor of a group of people)


(So in the end, I can say this RP's plot would be like how the Amelia Akatubi's bodyguards conspire and manipulate Amelia to further their cause. Hehe, this is only the begging, what then happens when the combat begins? Well, for now best to keep things to discuss in this range)

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-10-12 20:47:29
@Ugo, it's only 10% done. i don't have much time these days since i'll only be on the computer every weekends so things will progress slowly

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Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-12 20:55:27
@ Kay: That's fine with me... nothing we can do about that.

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-10-12 21:00:35
@Ugo, well, only the calculator and battle sequence are left. I've done most of the stuff a while back though

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Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-12 21:15:46
@ Kay: Yeah... I'll have to refresh myself on the accecories and equippables. I never got to commenting on them...

They're all there, but there's still the matter dealing with their armor values, damage amplification, etc. Heh, dont mind me... (getting the feeling they're being bossy) just do what ya can. ^^'

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by karuzo on 2007-10-15 01:32:56 (edited 2007-10-15 01:58:11)
so guys... need help???

again so about our characters will tbe the AWP TOS ones or create another one???

i am confused at the summary but i will try my best to analyze it

my character renditions [help me T_T]

proposal # 1

Karuzo- Warrior Class

Reverie- Mage [Medea as i call it]

Alynka and Cyrac- still rendering

Proposal # 2

Vita - Warrior Class

Raine- Warrior Class or Gunner Class


Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-15 17:19:56
@ Karuzo: I'm pretty sure in the first summary it says that this story takes place much after Tales of Sumeria. Basically a new set of characters. People who join play the roles of Amelia Akatubi's (A girl who is third in line to the throne of Kaddir) Bodyguards. There are two "sides" to the story, An "Rebel" side, and an "Imperial" side. Both try to seek to gain more influence over Amelia who could decide which side in the end will win.

Right now all the help I'm looking at is how to get players a bit more interactive rather than just a buch of characters doing so-what. In the end, I was hoping for all the players to drive the story rather than it being me controling all the major events. (Look in the "features" 5 posts above for some examples). All I'm asking is for suggestions to help get those features to run a bit more smoothly if possible.

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by karuzo on 2007-10-15 21:11:44
OK new set of characters....

thats fine with me

well the third proposal will be fine

sorry i cant help a lot here


Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-18 05:04:23
@ugo: MY head is spinning..... Uhh.... @_@ let's see now... so basicaly aour characters are ether imperialist or rebels, and which ever side get's amelia's support wins..... did I get that correct or am I missing somthing here....

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-19 11:59:48
@Xero: Un, that's basically it. To put it in simple terms:

Imperialist Win: Amelia decides to tell her sister that her brother is the leader of the Rebellion. Most likley leading to her brother's death, leaveing the rebellion with no leader. Without his skill, the rebellion is doomed to be crushed by the Imperialist forces of the empress, and supporting forces from Kaddir's allied kingdoms.

Rebel Win: Amelia decides no to tell her sister that her brother is in on the rebellion, and decides to support her brother. With no one else able to convince the Empress's brother is the true enemy, the rebellion is able to operate, in hopes to eventually overthrow the empress and put Amelia's brother as king.

So there's the possible outcomes, the story is what each side does in order to reach it, and eventually, which one acheives it...

Hope that helps! :D

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-20 07:55:51
okay it helped a lot... now I got a grasp of the storyline...... now all I got to do is rework Symeria to fit in the Swordsman class..... Oh well I'll get to it once the profile setup comes out...... and figure out which side I'll be on.... Oh boy.....

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-10-20 19:46:29 (edited 2007-10-20 19:54:06)
I'm almost done^^ (haven't put it up on the wiki just yet)

anyways, i'm proposing that for the bio and stuff, use the below dressing...

Base Stats
Name: Ciel R.Belmoon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior


Battle Stats-

* Change to Punch: & Kick: for fighters or Attack: for Mage, Cleric and Gunsman

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Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-20 22:12:02 (edited 2007-10-20 22:12:20)
@ Kay: Yep that looks great. Though, I got a couple of questions: What exactly is "TP", and also the small "Thrust" and "Slash" Values under strength? Also, putting a small descr in ()'s will help people who arent all too familiar with the idea of posting stats. Also I'm pretty sure that there's a limit on the beggining stats right? Would it be better to let the people post it up themselves, or would it be better to have the beggining stats Pre-Set according to their class? Also how are stats increased as a characters level increases? (wah~! I'm being bossy again! *bows rapidly* Go-Gomen!!!)

@ All: Haha! I might be able to do a Cover and post up characters drawn by myself, I got another scanner off a garage sale, and got it working properly without frying it this time! Woot~! (I'm not an amazing artist though... T-T)

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-10-20 22:42:54 (edited 2007-10-20 22:46:02)
i'll edit the above to make it newbie friendly

as for TP, it stands for Technical Points, which is pretty much like MP.

Strength is the strength of your character while Slash and Thrust are your attacking power (Strength+Weapon's 'Slash' and 'Thrust' stats)
see the weapons page to see what i mean--

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Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-20 23:50:07
@ Kay: Ah, I see now. Well, I guess I'll hold more questions till the next update. There's still the question reguarding how all the other stats are assigned at the begginging. Is it like they have a set amount of points they spend or is it pre-determined by their choice of class?

@ All: Any other suggestions reguarding how to manage things in the "features" or any other ideas on how to make things beyond the battle phases interactive is more than encouraged!

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by karuzo on 2007-10-20 23:56:36 (edited 2007-10-20 23:57:17)
2All- due to some WTHs happening in reality.. my mind can not understand any words now adays [i have finished my finals i having a hang over] T_T

interesting biography there well i will put mine also

Base Stats

Name: Vita Eisen
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Class: Warrior


Weapon: Hailberg

Battle Stats-


@All- so what can i help in here???


Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2007-10-21 01:06:37
@Ugo, there's a given set of points for them to use. I was thinking of making it fixed at first but i scrapped that idea to make the RPers have a bit more control for their stats. how this will be implemented will be said probably by next week if i have time

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Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-22 05:20:55
@kay: so the stats are like Ragnarok online where we distribute poin'ts ourselves..... man If I ever become a programer I must remember to make our rp a real game..... and the weapons are from tales of Destiny 2...... took me a while to remember them....

@ugo: well seing as there are many options that affect your alegeance... why not give them the option to make their own group that can ether A. help ether the empire or rebels as an outside force or whatever or B. plot to figth againt's both..... if that is to much work then I completely understand.....

Re: Legacies of the Divine Rite: Development Thread
Link | by on 2007-10-22 22:28:56
@ Xero: As much as I love compicated plots, I'll have to stamp that out. Like ya said, a bit too difficult to try throwing a third entity at this point in time. There is say an outside force though.

(Kind of outside forces)

Southern Sumerian Coalition: An army made up of forces from states anwering The Empress of Kaddir's cry for help.

Mercanaries: (Still Pending) Random bands of people that can be added into either side for extra support (I was thinking about letting people join in as mercanaries, however I found it too difficult have a storyline for them to follow before they got hired/joined into a side.)


@ Karuzo: A 9 year old being Amelia's bodyguard? She must indeed be quite gifted...


@ All: so... here's those maps I promised. Sadly, they are a tad.. (as in very) crude... but you can all still get the idea, right?

Basic Kaddir City and Boundary Map

Kaddir Population Opinion Map

I hope to update the opinion map as region opinions changes... notice that most imperials live on the islands whilst most of the regions supporting rebels are on the mainland. Population Opinion in a region changes with major events, or though making alliances. SO say like when a governer of one of the provinces decides to support the rebellion. the region may go to the rebellion's favor. There are many ways to get a population to your side (Go ahead and try to do what you think is best) I have no rules in how you try to get Amelia and the population's favor, but I'll be realistic in what outcomes can happen, good or bad.

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