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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by ketsuki on 2005-11-11 16:42:30
nightmare, how was your party? let us know. hope you have lots of fun.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2005-11-12 13:18:41
a party eh?that sounds nice.last time i had a party was in...forever?

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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-12 14:01:35
I don't think I've ever been to a party... I like sitting in my little cubby hole, playing my computer. Hope your party was good, Nightmare!

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-12 14:25:48
I have been reading all the posts here, depression... Kinda has an effect on me really, but not that wholly. Though I don't, in any way, intend to sound rude, but I'd rather view things than reply because I'm not really good in giving advices concerning 'these' matters. (I'm wondering what team I would be in for this comment... Life-sucks team? Life-aint-so-bad team? So-so team? Hmm... I'm thinking!)

Ah fine I'll advice. You guys ought to have a nice break from it all. Party is one thing. Enjoy yourselves outdoors! Sachiel, parties are awesome, it's way better than just sitting in your cubby hole, watchamacallit. Lol.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-12 14:42:25
I go outdoors a lot! My brother, my friend, and me have been cutting down a tree for a while now. It sounds so cool when it falls down! Also, have you seen my cubby hole? I've posted images of it a page or two back. It's so nice in here! I don't even know where any parties are being held, anyways.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-12 15:24:17
I hope that cutting-down-a-tree is legal. In our country, the government poses serious prohibitions against unyielding illegal loggers. There have been issues, and the saddest thing is, crucial phenomena such as landslides and long-lasting floods, which greatly affect the innocent people who have built their homes near the areas, have been filed. It's nay good to say that we're more than lucky to not experience hurricanes or tsunamis, but the thing is, people suffer as much as the same.

Though cutting an ordinary tree would cost us 3 seedlings to plant in return. I just hope that it's given some attention when many are obviously not obliged, nonetheless slipshod. >.>; Yeah, as I've said, I've been viewing a number of posts here, and I've seen those images. You're trapping full radiation in direct contact to yourself which is really unhealthy.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by nightmare on 2005-11-12 17:43:11
the party was not that great...i when to Alyssa's place and they showed a movie (feardotcom) Alyssa just talked to her friends and stuff...but i was really happy just to be near know, it made me feel a little better, after i left ive been missing her really badly. the worst part is that the girls were all scared and screeming and they would not let me cuddle with them so i could calm them down...not even Alyssa...i really don't like it when she screemed. its kinda like you know that your friend is scarred but you cannot do anything.

welcome to my thread rukin! your imput is very valuable!\

Rin: "Only us? I can't believe that. " yep only you 2...believe it!

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by night_link on 2005-11-12 19:53:50
This is going to be my last post for a long while. Something is up that I have to take care of and is a kind of long story. I'm not going to be alone or lost because I'm still going to remember a lot of what everyone posted before. I'll be sure to post first thing when I come back and give help again to anyone who needs it.

Thanks everyone for being there for each other,

Young Kai

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-13 00:24:53
Kai, where are you going!?

Dang, Nightmare. I was hoping that your party would go well... /tear

It's okay to cut down this tree, we planted years ago, it's killing our grass and ripping out our sidewalk... We putting it out of it's misery... Of course, we caused it by cutting it with a chainsaw >:-)

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2005-11-13 05:59:21 (edited 2005-11-13 05:59:33)
sachiel:yer cutting down a tree?i always wanted to try that once :p

nightmare:ic...looks like the party didn't go as well as you hoped.and it sounded like a once in a lifetime chance too.and what's feardotcom??never heard of it...

kai:yeah kai,where are ya goin??


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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-14 10:31:50
All you need is an axe or a chainsaw. Chainsaws are cool *suddenly thinks about Doom*... If you're using an axe, remember to cut like / then \, /, \, /, \, etc. It works much better.
I really want to find something for you to do, Nightmare. Your parents (or at least your mom) are too tight on you.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by ketsuki on 2005-11-14 18:35:19
sorry to hear that the party didnt go that well, nightmare, but at least you spent time with alyssa.

everyone, i have updates on me and kistu-chan (it mostly about my weekend), its kind of long so if you are tire of hearing about her or just dont feel like reading that much, then skip this.

FRIDAY, kitsu-chan wasnt at school, she had told me she didnt feel like going but i didnt expect her not to go. so i went home earlier, went to work, later on at night i was feeling like crap. i got out the house and walked for a while. when i came back i did my usual stuff. i couldnt go to sleep so i was up listening to music the whole night, went to sleep around 4 a.m. staring at a pick of kitsu-chan that on my bed (sad isnt it?).

SATURDAY, i woke up around noon. and just layed on the bed for a long time. when i finally got up it was around 4. i was feel like crap, just like the night before. i went out side around 8 and went to my usual spot, there i cried, wishing to be with my granma, realizing once more how stupid i am. how pointless our life really is. and sat there, cryed and smoke over half a pack, I keep wishing to be dead. And the songs I had on my mp3 player where “bottom of a bottle” and “duality”. after a while i came back home and when bact to lay down. after a while i got online and talked to everyone. my friend told me to tell her how i felt, just to remind her, so i did. i thought "hey, i got nothing more to loose". and eventually asked her if she only saw me as a friend. time when by and she didnt say anything, so i said "i knew it, its just that a part of me wished there was something more" and she responded to that with "i never answered you." so i told her to give me and answer. adn she said "" so i asked her if that was no i dont like you or no i dont wanna give you an answer (cuz sometimes she refuses to answer some questions, even if they are just stupid lil things) and she said "um...i dont know." so i said it was ok. and we went on with our random conversations.i did go to sleep till like 5 this time.

SUNDAY, i woke up around 3, and i had finilla had a dream, a screwed up one, but it was sort of nice. and i remember it.
-THE DREAM, somehow kitsune was at the house im working at. she was on one of the beds, i went and talked to her and we walked out of the room, she was in front of me so i went up to her and hugged her from behind, then i felt teardrops on my arms while kitsu-chan said "i can do this." we walked bact to the room and she laid down. i laid next to her but looking at her, almost as if i was onto of her. we were talking about something, then my granma (my granma has been dead for over two years, she was the one person i cared the most for in this fucked up world. and i was wishing i was with her yesterday, when i was leaning against a tree and crying.) and she sat next to kitsune. i layed on top of kitsune with my head on her chest and looking at my grandma, my granma was holding my hand and said something and left. when that happened i looked up at kitsu-chan and kissed her, there was no reaction at first, but then she kissed back. (somehow ended up somewhere else) then i was working, painting to be precisely, and walked in another room and kitsu-chan was there laying in a bed playing with her gameboy DS, so i jumped on top of her playing around and put some paint on her cheek. she flipped me of the bed and said "DAMN YOU!!! YOU MADE ME LOOSE, NOW I GOTS TO DO IT OVER AGAIN." (mysteriously we moved to my house in Honduras, well its my aunt's place but it doesnt really matter. over there we have a two story house with a balcony around the the whole second story.) we walked out of the first floor (me and kistu-chan) and there was a dude (whose name seem to be joshua). kitsu-chan walked up to him and said "Hey. Joshua, whats up?", after saying that she gave him a big kiss on the lips. i keep walking and went up the stairs to the balcony, halfway up, i see kitsune walking underneath them. i got pissed and punched the steps (the steps are made of concrete) and i keep walking to the balcony, where there seem to be about 5 or 6 persons there, they were just the shape of people, just black figures as if there were just shadows. there was only on person who i could recognize, it was my cousin (she is in miami, and we when trough alot aand comforted each other when she was here.) and we talked about her marriage (she isnt married at all, she just broke up with one of many boyfriends she has had.) and why did she get married. and then i turn around and i see kitsu-chan and motion her with my hand to come over. she came and sat down nest to me, really close to me. and my cousin turned into a kitty. (dont ask me how she just did) kitsune started playing with my cousin, who is now a kitty. and rested her head in my lap after i told her to leave the kitty alone that is was gonna scratch her if she keep pulling its tail. i looked into her eyes aas she looked into mines and we shared a romantic kiss. thats when i woke up.
Then through out the whole day I kept realizing how stupid and foolish my hope and my dream were. I was still happy. And the image that has been poping in my head was the one of the last kiss from my dream. I also let my mom fool with my hair, she used some stuff to make it straight, and I like it, but I wish it was longer so I would look like on of my paintings.

damn, this is a long post and this is the short version of things. SORRY.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-14 19:13:09
Hmm... Ketsuki, your dream is very interesting... Maybe, what your dream means is that you feel like you and Kitsu had something, but then you lost it. And maybe your grandma saying something and leaving... That was important, I'm not sure how yet, though... When Kitsu kissed Joshua, could that have been the time the Kitsu was with someone else? The shadowy figures in your dream might have been your friends, although you loved Kitsu so much that they seemed not to matter. And then, the kiss at the end (I really hope I'm right on this one), marriage!!

Now, you can go ahead and say "Dreams are dreams, nothing important." Except dreams come from what you think, what lies in your subconsious (<-- I spelled that wrong /tear /tear), and what you want. So, all dreams have some sort of special meaning, we just need to find out what they are.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by ketsuki on 2005-11-14 20:35:27
ok, i know my dream was interesting (wierd), i believe that my granma was say that i was loved, but i could be wrong. "The shadowy figures in your dream might have been your friends, although you loved Kitsu so much that they seemed not to matter." i dont love her, i like her. i care alot for her, but i dont love, i dont know how it feels to love, i dont belive in that kind of love. the only person i ever cared for that much that it could have been called love would be my granma. but even that is a different kind of love, "the kiss at the end (I really hope I'm right on this one), marriage!!" i hope you are wrong about the last kiss, she is only 16, and i dont like the whole marriage idea, not now, maybe later on, but not now. but i wouldnt mind her being with me for a very long time.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-11-15 00:55:43

If you dont love her why do you care so much? Why would you want to marry her if you dont love her? If you just liked her you should be able to get over her.

You are either fooling yourself and completely oblivious about love, or what you say is actually true.

If you really dont love Kitsu, then get off her back. I dont see how Kitsu would want someone who doesnt love her, is constantly depressing, is no fun, overly emotional, and smokes (bad habit, go get rid of it.) I mean if you dont love her then what do you have to offer? If you are gonna confess see what happens when you say the words "I don't love you but I really, really like you." I dont think anyone could fall for someone like you.

To be frank Ketsuki you need to improve yourself in many ways, you got to many problems with your personality, as well as other defects. No offence but you are very pitiful. Even if Kitsu and you get together I think you would still be a miserable, depressed, and still be on this thread posting more and more problems.

Are you depressed when you watch your anime? What does anime do for you?

Im sorry if this post feels like a smack in the face, but smacks get a good message through. Here have another "smack!" No more huggles for Ketsuki, he now gets smackles. "smack!" Hey this is fun "smack!" "smack!" "smack!" "smack!" "smack!" "smack!" "smack!" "smack!" "smack!" hahaha my monitor broke.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by desertranger on 2005-11-15 06:53:48 (edited 2005-11-15 13:11:03)
Ketsuki wrote"The shadowy figures in your dream might have been your friends, although you loved Kitsu so much that they seemed not to matter." i dont love her, i like her. i care alot for her, but i dont love, i dont know how it feels to love, I dont belive in that kind of love. the only person i ever cared for that much that it could have been called love would be my granma. but even that is a different kind of love, "the kiss at the end (I really hope I'm right on this one), marriage!!

You dumb shit! - Your in love! . You agonize over her all the time. Moon silly, can't sleep because your thoughts are of her. Sounds like love to me. Get off your ass, get up some courage and tell her "Kitsu, I love you".

Your problem is your a teen and teens are afraid of rejection. Screw that shit, I've been rejected a lot. I don't like it either. Only you are just sitting there pissing and moaning about it. You don't acomplish anything just sittin there and creating one problem after another.

Don't create problems, find solutions.

3 step solution to Kitsu.

1. Go visit cute Kitsu.
2. Take sweet Kitsu in your arms and give her a hug, stroke her back and hair.
3. Kiss her and say with everything you can put behind it and say, "Kitsu I love you". Then kiss her again and say "Kitsu I love you".

More say it fast, "I love you, I love you, I love you"

Then fill her with kisses.

If she says yes or kisses you back your problems are over and you can now tell her how long you have loved her. It doesn't have to end in marriage. I know a few couples who have been together for years who are not married.

If she says no, you now have unrequited love and a broken heart but at least you know. So go home get drunk/stoned or whatever and forget all about her.

Q: Well Gee, DR how do you know all this?

A: I had a GF I loved dearly, I still do and Rin knows it. It took a long time for me to tell her that I loved her and to ask her to marry me. She said, "No", very gently. So rejected I went back to the base and found my friends Lee and Walt, smoked a couple of joints with 'em and emptied a bottle of tequila. No more Fay no more GFs til I met Rin a year and a half later. The problem is, Fay is still in my life. She married Walt who was my pilot who is still a close friend. She put together Rin's wedding at Disneyworld and is a now a very close friend of Rin's although they didn't start out that way. I love Rin, I still feel sadness at Fay's rejection even tho' she does love me. We are friends now and I know we can never be lovers again. That's rejection.

Get over it.

To Kitsu: I love you, I love you, I love you

For Rin:

Image hosted by I love you Image hosted by I love you Image hosted by I love you Image hosted by I love you Image hosted by I love you Image hosted by I love you Image hosted by I love you Image hosted by I love you Image hosted by

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2005-11-15 09:41:57
ketsuki:i hafta agree with ranger.stop idling around and go to her!tell her haw u feel.i've been rejected a few times by the same girl and sure,i'll get sad for a while but at least i know how she really feels about me at and that really feels like a load off my chest(but i'm not gonna give up though :p).what i'm trying to say is'DUN BE AFRAID TO GET REJECTED'it's just an experience in life.

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Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-15 10:06:05
Aye! Go for it! You're a man, after all. You should boost your confidence, have the guts to tell her as straight as you can! Nay worries, you have to face it. It would be a one-step ahead of the ladder for manhood. =D

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by crystal on 2005-11-15 12:43:44
and besides, if you get down, watch an anime of something, besides its not like guys to go really sad. Anime and manga are the things that give me the strengh to live, I have nothing else to look up to really. And anime seems to tell me something from like a different dimension. I dont think i could survive without.

never give up,
never be sad,
the past is the past,
think upon the future as of today,
and be happy for what you have now.

Re: The Depression Thread Continued
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-11-15 12:46:35
O_o Everyone on this thread is grouping together behind Ketsuki and pushing him toward Kitsu... I'm not sure if this is good or bad, but it must be done. *walks with the rest of the thread people* Go on, tell her.

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