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Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-03 16:03:49
I make mostly avis, the Blair siggy was my first and only siggy xD, the L one I found somewhere else. I don't think it's all that good but thanks ^^

I live in Florida, U.S.A and yeah, time for me to finish my project.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-03 16:17:29
XD most discussed topic of the new year: what is Chrona's gender?

i'm back to school Monday too -.- working on an essay for Ancient Civs when i go back *sigh* i don't wanna go back...even if i only have work in one class...

no, Maka's mom has yet to make an appearance. actually, in the manga, the whole "demon hunter wavelength" thing that Maka has isn't attributed to her mother (i double checked after seeing that episode). someone on another site suggested (bitterly) that the reason Maka's mom has yet to appear is likely because there was no real purpose for her to appear, and so instead of the depressing topic of death or just not mentioning her, Okubo had her and Spirit/Death Scythe divorced.

of course, there's the odder theories, like the divorce was to hide something about Maka's mother or whatever. one of the reasons guessed is that she (Maka's mom) is a witch! it would certainly make things interesting in the series, since it's implied with Angela (and another that i can't mention due to manga spoilers) that not all witches are bad or against Shibusen.

another theory for her disappearance is that once a weapon becomes a Death Scythe, the resonance between them and their technician is rendered null so they can no longer properly work together. it doesn't make much sense, but considering the partners of the other Death Scythes (except Justin, who made himself a Death Scythe) haven't been mentioned despite their accomplishments (creating a Death Scythe, for crying out loud!).

what do you think? (btw, i live in Ontario, Canada, so that may give you an idea as to the difference in timezones if such is the case)

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by KUA on 2009-01-03 16:28:00
i love this anime so far....the intro and endings have really good songs and animation..the quality is really good especially since i download them and ive always liked stuff bones worked on...Would have to say my fav char is black star that or the serpent girl in kid form xD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-03 18:19:37
chibi Medusa? she's kinda cute in her own creepy, manipulative kind of way. Black*Star's awesome too.

i agree, they chose really good songs for Soul Eater. they're all really catchy and stay in your head. not to mention the in-show soundtrack, like the background music, is pretty awesome too. Iwasaki Taku (the composer for said music) is quite the epic song writer.

Studio Bones does a very good job in the animes they do. many of my favourite series were done by them, such as Fullmetal Alchemist and Wolf's Rain, and it makes me feel good that they're doing such a great job on Soul Eater. i started the manga after the anime had come out, but i first started reading the manga before watching the anime. my dad and brother are hooked on the series too (although my dad just watches the anime).

...i really like blathering, don't i? XD

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-03 21:35:16
Maka's mom a witch. Come to think of it that would be an excellent plot twist. But now if that happens, I will expect it! d'oh. But I was thinking about the whole witch thing. I was thinking Mifune really should join Shibusen but what would happen to Angela? Not all witches could be bad. That second theory doesn't make any sense at all. I would think that a meister who can forge a Death Scythe would have an even higher resonance with the weapon than before, even though Death Scythes can act independently from the Meisters. And if that was the Case, why would a Meister work so hard on a creating a Death Scythe when it only stops resonating with them after they've made it? That'd mean Maka and Soul couldn't work together TT_TT

The music is really quite awesome. I was listening to the soundtrack for days and am still listening to it while I do my project. Normally I fast forward through the opening credits of anime but I never once skipped forward through Resonance. I also like the hip-hop BG music in the series [So Crazy, So Scandalous],Camelia's Theme,I Wanna Be, basically most songs xD. Bones is indeed a great studio. Eureka 7 and Xam'd [which is bumped down to my second favorite series I'm following after Soul Eater xD] are created by them. It's always quality from Bones.

Ontario is in Eastern timezone, right? So we are on the same time. Actually it's a pretty big province so you might be on Central time... I don't think you blather, but this is coming from someone who likes to blather herself xD. You have a Dad that watches anime! he's so cool. My grandparents want nothing to do with anime, and they nag at me saying it's a waste of "studying time." whatever, lol.

My favorite character,hmm.. it's a contest between Blair and Dr.Stein.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 07:59:34
oh- the time difference will be roughly 6-7 hours then....

nice siggy btw Insanity.

I want Mifune to join Shibusen too, but he has to get Angela back first which is a bother..

and i actaully think Maka's mum has passed away or summit- it would be great she was a witch, but unlikely...

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 08:26:10
Stel: Maka's mom being a witch would be a cool twist. i personally think it's fun when some theory you've come up with in a series ends up being true, because you have the right to shout "I KNEW IT!!!". it's happened with Bleach for me a couple times XD

no, not all witches are bad. i'm sure some of them are even willing to follow Shinigami's ideals. i think if Mifune can get Angela away from Arachne, they could both go to Shibusen, and Angela may be able to be placed in Shinigami's protection. she's not bad, she's just a child. she can be influenced to work with the weapons and meisters while possibly working as a meister herself.

you're right, the second theory doesn't make much sense at all, but hey, it's a theory. doesn't mean it's not correct.

yeah, i'm Eastern time, same as you, but i believe all of Ontario is included in it. could be wrong though; geography was never my strong point XD yeah, my dad's pretty cool, and he supplies me with most of my anime. who would have known all it took was watching InuYasha XD funny thing is, back when i wanted to be an animator, he said that i would probably be done with anime at that point. wrong! still going strong many years later, even if my future career of choice has changed to the field of writing.

Mokona: where do you live? 6-7 hours is quite the difference in time...

glad you like it ^^

i don't think she's dead, because she keeps being referred to by Spirit and Maka as if she's still alive, just elsewhere. the divorce apparently was recent in the series timeline, so unless everyone who mentions her as if she's still alive is either ignorant or in denial, i don't think she died.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 11:01:18 (edited 2009-01-04 11:04:15)
lol- i live in england :P

sometimes i guess ppl refer to dead people like they are in a faraway place for example to kids- or they just prefer saying that they are " away " than - you know - not there.

BTW, does anyone know how they can check who's added u as a buddy ?

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 11:12:18
cool :D i'd actually like to visit england someday (actually, i'd like to visit anywhere since i'm such a freakin' tourist that loves seeing the world)

hm, that's true, but it doesn't make sense for the series. all the main characters (the Shibusen students) are either pre-teens or early teens, and they understand the concept of death (they work for Shinigami-sama, for crying out loud! he's Death God!), so it's a stretch for them to say that someone who's dead is "away". there's no bitterness or depression revolving around Maka's mother (except for Spirit because she divorced him, but that's another matter) that would typically be associated with someone being dead. it's also never been specifically said that she's "away" or "elsewhere", just not married to Spirit anymore. for all we know, she might be in Death City, she just doesn't interact with the characters because she doesn't serve a particular purpose right now. she may appear when she does have a reason to be part of the cast, but for now she's just mentioned in passing as she doesn't need to be present to be something that Maka must live up to or surpass.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 11:25:09
But i would have expected there would have been some form of communication between Maka, Spirit and her by now, like at least a talk or call or summit- i totally get what u mean by them being not used to death, but not particularly bitter about it, but it's hard to say- they certainly work around it, but this is fmaily here- i've been to Canda once to visit my family- it's totally awesome there !!

btw, any reply on the buddies list ?

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 12:05:41
you're right, it is odd that Maka's mom hasn't contacted Maka (she won't listen to Spirit, obviously), but i guess you could say that she's allowing Maka her independance. or that the fact she calls isn't important to the plot or character development, so she may call or talk with Maka off-screen. like Maka, she likely avoids Spirit when she can, and ignores him or tells him to bugger off when she can't XD

she may become a more important character and actually show up later in the series, but as i said, all she's being used as is someone for Maka to look up to, match and likely surpass.

??? buddies list? not sure what you mean there.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 15:18:22
that's alright...

i hope she does make an appearance though.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 16:22:40 (edited 2009-01-04 22:33:39)
Hmm, they talk about Maka's mom that she was a really talented student, could do the Witch Hunter at an early age and all these amazing things about her. I believe they are building up hype until she finally makes an appearance. I think she's a vital character to the story, but not at the moment [like Insanity said]. When I think of her I think of one of those characters that's just shows up when the situation seems hopeless to save the day xD.She'll probably come up at the end of a tense episode so we get a glimps of her and then have to wait a whole week to see what she can do xD.

Maybe she's working in another country, like Camelia Marie, who was also an alumni of the school. Maybe she is trying to get as far away from her philandering husband as possible.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 20:10:11
Camelia? do you mean Tsubaki? in which case, Tsubaki isn't an alumni, she's still a student. do you mean Marie, Azusa or one of the other Death Scythes, since they're all alumni?

actually, come to think of it, we tend to see more weapons than meisters in the, odd.

yeah, she ought to have an awesome entrance. it would be hilarious when she does though, as she'll have to reluctantly use Spirit to properly fight XD it'll probably be something like "*sigh* fine, i'll use you since i have no other choice..." and Spirit will be all happy because he's of use to his (ex-)wife again.

i wonder what she'll look like. well, like Maka obviously, since if Maka doesn't look at all like her father, she likely looks like her mother. but i'm wondering about what the length or style of her hair would be, her personality and little quirks, her clothing, that stuff! to be frank, i don't want just an older-looking Maka.

pfft, know what would be funny? if this happens:
Soul: *staring at Maka's mom (who's talking with someone else off to the side) with a funny look*
Maka: ??? something wrong with Mama, Soul?
Soul: *looks at Maka, then back at her mom*...huh.
Maka: *confused* what?
Soul: *smirking* there's hope for the future after all.
Maka: *frowns* not sure what you're getting at, although i get the feeling i don't want to know.
Soul: (deciding the concussion is worth it) *points at Maka's chest casually*
Maka: *looks down, then looks over at her mother (who happens to have a decent bust size)*...*anger marks* MAKA CHOP!!!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-04 22:36:53
Hahaha! Hilarious dialogue there, I can totally see that happening xD Seeing that Spirit has a thing for beautiful women, Maka's mom must be easy on the eyes herself.
Yeah I meant Marie, I got mixed up there, sorry.

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-05 15:01:25
glad you enjoyed it :D i seem to have a knack for creating dialogue like that, as people always laughed at the same kind of things on another forum i went on.

indeed. Maka may seem plain, but as the Barenaked Ladies once sang "anyone plain can be lovely." i can imagine her mother being pretty and elegant in a simple or unobtrusive way. i can't seem to find the right word there...i mean to say that while she's pretty, she doesn't attract too much attention to herself, like Blair does (although that's on purpose). hm...i hope that didn't sound like i was insulting her.

Spirit has a thing for ALL women XD

ah, Marie. okay, now i'm not confused.

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by deathmaster0 on 2009-01-05 17:52:31
Has anyone heard or found a place that has episode 39 its been a week but I don't see it yet has it been delayed or something?

I wont die yet. You on the other hand might wanna start thinking of your last words

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-05 18:00:15
i think they might have taken a break last week for whatever reason, because i never saw it either. that, or they cracked down on the subbers and we may not see any episodes at all...highly doubt the second one though. New Years is a more important holiday in Japan than Christmas, and the festivities continue on for several days after January 1st, so they likely cancelled several different shows so the people who work on them can go visit their families and take a break. there will likely be one this week, so you don't have to wait too much longer ^^

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by deathmaster0 on 2009-01-05 18:07:41
ok thanks I was thinking that aswell but I wasn't sure guess its back to watching whatever my friends watch XP

I wont die yet. You on the other hand might wanna start thinking of your last words

Re: Soul Eater
Link | by on 2009-01-06 15:27:49
Reply to Insanity's post: yes, I imagine Maka's mom as one of those refined beauties unlike Blair. It was the truth about Blair, but those type of quirks about Blair's personality are what makes her one of my favorites xD. That's so true about Spirit though xD. I can't think of a woman in Shibusen he hasn't hit on so far.
I too can't wait until the next episode. I read somewhere that it aired in Japan on the 5th and as I'm looking now on the site, the raws are up and the subs are coming soon. Tanoshimi~
Darn me and my lack of Japanese understanding >.>

pump~pumpkin pumpkiiin~! Bounen no Xam'd, watch it now!

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