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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by sakura on 2008-05-22 01:44:25
ok then i wanna sakura!!pretty please!!!

A quiet bird is like a piece of sakura falling....

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by trisha on 2008-05-23 07:16:24
hi guys!i'm sorry for not being an active member of this what's up?what's new?how's everybody doing? i hope everybody's doing great ^_^...
take care always!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-05-28 07:57:11
@sakura:sure,i'll make it...just wait.
@trisha:i'm making membership card,i hope u can tell me which character u want in ur membership card.
@minna-san:i managed to make membercard ad,now just editing'll be out soon....

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2008-06-03 04:59:47
hello minna-san!!!

it has been a long time since my last post >__<

hope youre all fine.
And i also hope that the membercards will soon be ready.
mjia-chan please hurry ya? XD

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ladypeach on 2008-06-03 21:50:01
@mjia take youre time it those cards
@likun im doing fine and you

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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-06-03 21:56:32
Mjia-neesan: ive seen sum of the cards u made and they were awesome +_+
goodluck with that ne and if u need my help dont hesitate to pm me!

All: when will the season be out? if there's one that is xD


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2008-06-04 08:39:34
You mean a third season of the anime?

I believe that there will be no third season.

In addiction I do not like the anime XD
The manga is much better :P

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-06-11 07:24:50 (edited 2008-06-11 08:22:43)

@Likun-chan:yeah,i'm trying my best in those cards.Yeah,manga is better than anime.
@Vie-chan:thanz~i think maybe i'll need ur help soon.
@Miaka:Thanz~i'll ganbatte!!

For your information,
I would like to introduce the characters of tsubasa chronicle(anyway it just to keep these club living only..XD) but maybe some character you don't know they originally from which mangas of CLAMP.As we all know ,the main character is Li Syaoran,then i should begin to introduce him here now.Anyway after my post,some one please post as much as you know about syaoran or start to introduce sakura.

Syaoran Li

Anime:vioced by Miyu Irino(in Japanese)and Jason Liebrecht(in English)
Originally from:Card Captor Sakura
Source taken from:Wikipedia

the right one is clone syaoran while the left one is real syaoran

Syaoran Li in Tsubasa Chronicle

Syaoran is an archaeologist who is excavating ruins in the country of Clow and the adopted son of Fujitaka. Other than having a completely different family line, Syaoran is very mature and polite, like his father's incarnation in Cardcaptor Sakura. However, he still maintains the overtly serious streak, which often makes him believe in almost anything, making him come off as a greatly gullible person.

In the series, Syaoran is shown to be an excellent fighter, centered around his devastating kicks (taught to him by Seishirou Sakurazuka. This is to compensate for his lack of reliable depth perception due to being blind in his right eye. He was later trained to sense attacks coming from the left by Kurogane). He is also an experienced archaeologist, with the attendant skills and experience of a hardened adventurer somewhat reminiscent of Indiana Jones. In Outo, he receives a sword named Hien ("scarlet flame"), whose blade can be made to burst into flame, and is trained in swordsmanship by Kurogane. In the Tsubasa Character Guide, Syaoran's fighting abilities are given a score of 380/500, only 20 points behind Fay and making him the third-strongest fighter at the start of the series.

It is revealed in chapter 189 that Sakura Kinomoto and Syaoran Li, the main characters in Cardcaptor Sakura, are the parents of the original "Syaoran". It should be noted that "Syaoran" adopts the name of his father, but his real name is thus far unknown.

Clone Syaoran: "The Clone"

He was found by Fujitaka as a young child without any memories. Fujitaka thus named him and introduced him to the princess of Clow (Princess Sakura). The two became very close friends, Sakura going so far as to give Syaoran a birthday (her own, April 1st) when she discovers he does not remember his. It is shown that they love each other romantically, though both of them hide their true feelings.

One day, Sakura displays mystical powers, but in the process she loses her memories, which are scattered through different worlds in the form of feathers. The loss of her memories puts her life at risk, forcing Syaoran to go on a journey across many dimensions in order to find them and save her. In order to travel from dimension to dimension, he must sacrifice his most valuable possession: his current relationship with Sakura. Even if Sakura were to get all her feathers back, she would never remember how she felt about Syaoran before.

Clone Syaoran's personality differs from that of real Syaoran. Before having his heart returned to the original; Clone Syaoran was an overly polite and mature boy; although somewhat rash. His counterpart, who is much more serious and less rash, was polite but not to the extreme of Clone Syaoran.

It is later revealed that this Syaoran was actually a clone of the tattooed fiqure imprisoned in Fei Wong's fortress. Fei Wong's intention was to use the clone to collect all of Sakura's feathers for himself, but the original Syaoran gave half of his own heart (his left eye) to the Clone and put a seal on the Clone's right eye. Fei Wong did not care if the Clone had feelings, as long as he had the determination to get the feathers, and let the child go without removing Syaoran's alterations. Everything had been going as he had planned until he was met with interference by Yuko.

Once the original Syaoran, a distant relative of Clow Reed, broke free from Fei Wong's hands, the Clone's right eye seal also broke (which is the reason why the Clone's right eye was blind). As The Clone's heart did not actually belong to him but to Syaoran, this means the feelings for Sakura and his companions were actually the original's: however, this might be contradicted by the original Syaroan telling his clone that 'what treasured that Sakura (meaning the clone Sakura) the most did not come from him, but from the clone'. Although Syaoran had hoped The Clone had developed feelings of his own after his long journey, The Clone became a ruthless being apparently without any feelings or heart, hurting his former friends mentally and physically, including Fay D. Flourite whose left eye (the source of Fay's magic) was removed and consumed by The Clone in order to eliminate anyone from interfering with the collection of feathers. With this he became capable of sight through its right eye (which turned blue) and also gained the ability to use fire based magic similar to Fay's. Once he collected all of Sakura's feathers in Tokyo, The Clone left behind his former companions.

After the Tokyo arc, The Clone (now known in the series as "The Clone") is briefly seen in a world he single handedly destroyed to find a single feather. The Clone then entered the dream world to battle Syaoran for the feather he was using to save Sakura's soul. They began fighting despite Sakura's pleas for them to stop. Seishiro (who is now on friendly terms with everyone) has stated to the others that the more The Clone uses his new right eye, the more powerful he will become. This is shown as he overpowered Syaoran's lightning spell with his fire spell. With Syaoran incapacitated, The Clone moved to eliminate both him and Sakura, with Fei Wong commenting that he only needs the girl's body and not her soul. Though The Clone wounded her shoulder, he was incapable of completely killing her, stopping his sword just inches above her head, much to his surprise. At the same time, YÅ«ko makes a comments that even though the heart can sometimes forget, the body will continue to remember, implying that The Clone's own body is refusing to harm his former childhood friend.

Being unable to harm Sakura, The Clone decided to take the feather that Syaoran placed within himself. This quickly prompts them to start battling over the feather. As he and Syaoran jump to grab it/strike each other, Sakura gets in the way and prevents The Clone from killing Syaoran by sacrificing herself. Before she dies, she informs both that she is just like The Clone, and that the real Sakura is waiting for Syaoran. She then falls into The Clone's arms and confesses that even though they were both created she still loved him, and as long as the Real Sakura and the Real Syaoran live, "it won't end". The meaning to this is not clear yet. The Clone Sakura then disintegrates completely into cherry blossom petals, right in The Clone's arms. The whole time, The Clone has a blank look on his face, somewhat surprised. Upon her disintegrating, one of the leftover sakura petals appear in his hand, and he grabs onto it; screaming a silent scream.

The Original: "Syaoran"

The original Syaoran appears as a tattooed figure floating in a tank in Fei Wong Reed and Xing Huo's headquarters (who, instead of being blind in his right eye, was blind in his left due to him ripping it out). He was kidnapped by Fei Wong Reed when he was very young, and is his captive so he was forced to make him a clone. Then he was sealed within a chamber since he knew about his plots while the clone would go to the Kingdom of Clow without having any memories. He remains in this tube for roughly 120 chapters, until he regains his power and escapes. With the assistance of Xing Huo, he is sent to the Witch of Dimensions, YÅ«ko Ichihara (he can be seen making a cameo appearance in Volume 9 of xxxHolic). It is then revealed that he is the original Syaoran and was captured and cloned by Fei Wong Reed.

After The Clone becomes an antagonist, Syaoran takes the role of protagonist of the series (now simply known in the series as "Syaoran") and becomes a "leader" of the group, like The Clone was, in order to stop Fei Wong's plans. However, as Syaoran continued to lead the journey with Sakura and the others; Sakura acts very distantly with him and did not see him as a new companion. It is revealed that she acted so coldly towards him because of a vision she saw when Fay touched her back in Tokyo. She finally does call him "Syaoran-kun" (which she used to call the Clone) at the end of the Infinity Arc, saying she heard from Mokona that he too is called Syaoran. Syaoran at first attempts to deny it, saying, "No, I... Right..." [2]. Sakura's addressing of Syaoran causes Syaoran to think she was leaving because of him. She denies this, but then Fay, possessed by a curse, stabs her. It is later revealed by Fei Wong Reed (and Sakura, in xxxHolic), that Fay was supposed to stab Syaoran, but Sakura changed the future so that the curse was activated before this event.

When Sakura was stabbed, she split up her body and soul. YÅ«ko tells Kurogane, Fay, Mokona, and Syaoran that the body should be rescued first, then the soul. The group then travels to Celes country (where Fay is originally from) to retrieve Sakura's body. Syaoran develops a severe headache upon arrival, and collapses due to it. This headache is connected to Watanuki, as shown in xxxHolic. It, however, does not stop him from protecting Sakura's soulless body from Ashura, who uses his magic to show Syaoran, Kurogane, and Mokona visions of Fay's dark past.

After King Ashura's defeat, the Tsubasa group returns to Nihon Country where Syaoran wakes up to find Sakura's soulless body in a magical sakura tree which heals the wound Fay gave her. This puts Syaoran at ease for the time being until the arrival of Seishirō, who had sensed Fay's vampire blood. He then goes into battle against his clone's former teacher, proving he too has learned from him by looking through The Clone during his captivity. Syaoran enters this fight to get back the feather from Outo country. After Syaoran unleashed his ultimate spell (all four of his elemental spells combined) on Seishirō, he reclaimed the feather and was sent into the Dream alone to rescue Sakura's soul.

Within the Dream, Syaoran finds Sakura and encountered The Clone, who had just entered, looking for feathers. The Clone sensed the feather from him and both of them quickly summon their respective blades. The Clone attacked both Syaoran and Sakura, despite Sakura's pleas for The Clone to stop. Syaoran then placed Sakura in a protective wind barrier and then announced to The Clone that since they are one in the same, he will end their dispute once and for all.

As they both reach to grab the feather/strike each other, Sakura got in the way and saved him from being stabbed by The Clone. As he screamed out in horror she told him she is not the real Sakura, she is just a clone. [a clone of both body & soul]. The Clone Sakura said to the real Syaoran "Your Sakura is waiting", then she falls into the arms the Clone and confesses her love for him.

After that, Syaoran fell down as he was released from the black goop that invaded the area for the short time Kyle appeared. Fay rushed over to help Syaoran up and then Syaoran glares hard after Fay informs them that The Clone disappeared.

After this, the clone situation regarding Sakura is explained further. Syaoran asks Yuuko to tell them where both of the Sakuras are. He then confidently remarks: "I'll never allow Sakura to die". Kurogane, Fay, and Mokona then agree to help him on what appears to be their final stop. Of course Yuuko says there is a price, which has already been paid for by Watanuki. He paid his memories of his past which is why when he was in the Dream World with Sakura's clone soul he didn't remember his parents' names at all. It was paid beforehand.

He later then sits on a roof remembering Sakura and thanks Fay for being a form of a big brother to her. When the group prepares to leave, Fay and Kurogane wearing their original outfits; Syaoran makes an appearance. The surprise is what he is wearing: the clothes from Clow Country, which Clone Syaoran has only worn beforehand in Tsubasa. Mokona mentions "Those clothes.." and YÅ«ko continues on to say that they are Syaoran's clothes she has held on to. As well, it should be noted that the outfit Syaoran is wearing is exactly the same as the controversial scene from the beginning of Tsubasa, with Syaoran and Sakura separated in a tube. This leads to assumption that Syaoran is about to meet Sakura in the tube later. He, Kurogane, and Fay then depart to Clow country to save Sakura.

In a flashback, Syaoran is revelaed to be the son of Sakura and Syaoran Li. He was sent to YÅ«ko by his father and he travels to Clow Country, where he meets Sakura. He was told by YÅ«ko he would only be able to remain there for seven days before he was transported back to his world: after that, Syaoran would have to make a choice. Syaoran always gives his name as "Li Syaoran", which is his father's name.

Due to the revelation of him being the son of Syaoran Li, and not actually having the same soul as him; it complicates CLAMP's "soulmate" rule. He is not actually "Syaoran", he is but the son of the actual Syaoran. The end of chapter 190 proves that "Sakura" and "Syaoran" are destined for each other although, as the last page states he is "Sakura-hime's destined person". Chapter 191 hints at the "Sakura" of Clow Country actually NOT being a Sakura. When Syaoran exclaims that Sakura looks exactly like his mother and shares the same name, Sakura responds by saying "But.. My name..". Syaoran responds with a typical "eh?", though Sakura shakes it off and immediately changes the subject.

The next post will be related to Syaoran in XXX Holic and Card captor Sakura

For so long time finally i have successfully made the membership card.This the the membershipcard of miaka,the others will be out soon~Hope u all like it!

for miaka:-the link is <img src="">

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ladypeach on 2008-06-12 02:26:50
@mchia thanks its nice im gonna use it now

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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2008-06-14 01:10:04
Whee~ Thanks for the information mjia-chan!

Syaoran-kun is my favourite character XD

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-06-15 02:46:33
wow thanks for the information! D= i hope Fai and Chaos will be featured soon as well! ^-^

sure mjia-neechan if u nid sumtng from me dnt hestate to pm me :p

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-06-15 04:30:08
can i join ur club??
i also love trc..



Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ladypeach on 2008-06-15 21:53:12
ryan sure you can join us the more the merrier

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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2008-06-16 05:17:11
@ ryan
which character do you want on your membercard?

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-06-20 08:46:18 (edited 2008-06-20 09:19:42)
@Ryan:Ya,welcome here....err just didn't u a member of this club before??XD

Let's us continue with the information(long post..XD)

Syaoran in xxxHolic

Syaoran appears in xxxHolic in two forms, a clone self and his real self. The clone self appears throughout both the xxxHolic and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle timelines via Mokona, who acts as a communication apparatus for YÅ«ko.

The real Syaoran enters the xxxHolic manga storyline in Volume 9, when he visits YÅ«ko after being freed by Xing Huo. In order to travel to the world where his clone is currently located, Syaoran pays with "the relationship", "the freedom" and "the time" (aka the time he spent in captivity, and the relationship with Sakura paid by the other Syaoran). It is later revealed that Syaoran was one of three people who paid a price (i.e. his freedom and time) to YÅ«ko in order to save Watanuki's life after he had fallen out of a window.

In Chapter 140, Watanuki realizes he cannot remember his parents' names, and holds his head in pain, in the exact same way as Syaoran in Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle. Syaoran is also shown telling Watanuki, "Don't disappear." What exactly this connection means has not yet been revealed.

In Chapter 146, a hand was hovering behind Sakura. Watanuki runs towards her, and the real Syaoran enters, indicating that that hand was the real Syaoran's hand. He comments that it is a dream, when suddenly, cherry blossoms begin to blow rapidly. A second hand appears, and before Watanuki is able to run to Sakura, the cherry blossoms slowly cloud his vision. The real Syaoran, as he holds Sakura, says to Watanuki, "No matter how painful it might be... I'll do everything in my might! So please..." Unfortunately, Watanuki does not hear the rest as he awakens in his own world.

In Chapter 174 of Tsubasa, it is revealed that Syaoran says, "So please... you, too, act according to what you believe in!"

Then in Chapter 181 of Tsubasa, it was revealed that Watanuki paid for the price to know the location for both of the Sakuras, his price was his memories of his past. That's why when he was in the Dream World with Sakura's clone soul he forgot his parents' names when Sakura asked something about his parents. Watanuki did this to pay back Syaoran after he paid a price to help save him when he fell out the window.


In Tsubasa Chronicle, "Syaoran" has more power and more control over his spells than his father had, such as using wind-based magic to fly and create protective barriers. He also appears to have a spell that is a combination of all four of his spells; whether it has a specific incantation or if it is a summoning of four spells separately to attack in unison is still unknown. He also does not need the paper seals to perform the spells.
"Syaoran's" incantations and spells from Tsubasa: RESERvoir CHRoNiCLE:
Lightning Based -Raitei Shourai!
Wind Based-Fuuka Shourai!
Fire Based-Kashin Shourai!
Water Based-Suiryuu Shourai!

Syaoran in CCS

Voiced by Motoko Kumai in the anime, Syaoran is a distant relative of Clow Reed, the creator of the Clow Cards. As a member of the Li clan of sorcerers from Hong Kong, of which Clow's mother was a member, Syaoran believes that he should be the one to inherit the Clow Cards, not Sakura Kinomoto. He first appears as an antagonist in the story, capturing a few cards for himself in the anime (though none in the manga). He acted cold and nonchalant to Sakura. He never even says her name until the second season. As the series progresses, and especially after Sakura is officially deemed the new master of the Cards, Syaoran drops his rivalistic attitude towards her and becomes her ally and friend, eventually falling in love with her. However, Sakura is completely oblivious to these feelings and thinks of him simply as a close friend.

Syaoran is shown, or at least implied, to be an excellent martial artist, swordsman (using a Chinese jian), and sorcerer. His magical abilities are centered around elemental spells using his sword or a collection of ofuda.

Although he claims certain Clow Cards for himself in the anime, Syaoran does not actually capture any Cards, as the act of capturing can only be performed using Sakura's sealing wand. However, if Syaoran has played a major role in weakening or cornering the Card entity prior to its capture, credit for the capture is awarded to him (as the materialized Card floats autonomously to its owner after capture). While Sakura writes her name in rōmaji on the Clow Cards, Syaoran writes his name in Chinese characters.

Before his relationship with Sakura, Syaoran found himself attracted to Yukito Tsukishiro, often blushing madly and abruptly running away at the sight of him. While Sakura also harboured a crush on Yukito, Syaoran would compete with her for his affections, usually by getting him a better present, making him better food, or giving the better compliment. As he shows no interest in Sakura in the first season, the impression is given that he and Sakura are rivals, for the cards and for love. It is revealed later that Syaoran was magically attracted to the magical energies of the moon, which were residing within Yukito, as Syaoran drew his magical power from the moon. Sakura, although she was drawn to a person that housed "power", was truly in love with Yukito, as stated by Kero (Cerberus) in episode 51 (Sakura and the big teddy bear).

Syaoran and Cerberus often fight in the series, where Syaoran often calls him a "plush toy", or a "stuffed animal", while Cerberus retorts with patronizing terms like "kid", and "brat".

A major change to Syaoran's character in Cardcaptors involves elevating Li Syaoran to become the male lead character, rather than a supporting character for Sakura in Cardcaptor Sakura. Here, Li is also referred to as a Cardcaptor, while he has no such title in the original series, as Cerberus never selected him, and has no initial ability to seal cards for himself.

For more information about syaoran,go to this link

**Next will be about Sakura.

**Membership card
for Likun-chan:-

<img src="">

for vie-chan

<img src="">

For mel-chan

<img src="">

for fai

<img src="">

for lockey

<img src="">

for sakura a.k.a lee

<img src="">

**Did i miss anyone else?If yes,plz tell me to claim your membership card,ok?
**Fiu~Full of hard,sorry for using so much time to make them ...Hope u all like them lol!!


Guys,the siggy i used is my membership card as owner..XD.The "green" colour card is made by likun-chna~it's also my tc membership card!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-06-20 20:04:34
/rofl nee-chan that cards r awesome but there's one thing u made a mistake on
i wanted my CHAOS-babe to be on mine >.<"
so yes if u hev time to change it pls do but ill use the one u made me

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ladypeach on 2008-06-20 21:47:25
wow nicely done on those profile cards

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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-06-21 21:08:25
Wow thanks^^

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ayumiuchiha on 2008-06-22 01:54:40
/hug thx mijia... i like it very much..thx again..


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-06-22 02:11:41
@minna-san:Thanz for like the membership card..^^(I really put a lot of effort lol)
@vie-chan:Sorry...i made a hug mistake then.Just wait ok?i'll surely remake it,dont worry ya.

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