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Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by sesshoumaru-xxx on 2006-04-18 22:09:03 (edited 2006-05-12 16:40:54)
To me it is Cou green arm sword in Erementar Gerad.Also,most of the soul slayers from Bleach is quite good as well.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by on 2006-04-19 00:13:17
jo's gun,bakuretsu tenshi.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by -k- on 2006-04-19 00:35:21
Slingshot of Ussop.

In the dark -K- ness, I, Lay.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by flamegod on 2006-04-19 00:53:29
Zenbonsakura-Byakuya's Zanpakutou Bleach
Ten Commandments-Rave
Zabuza's Sword (+_+ must have it!!!)
Kite's Bracelect
Dr. Jackel's sword

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by cake on 2006-04-19 01:16:14
How about a monomolecular cuter. It cuts bread, vege, meat.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by -k- on 2006-04-19 01:33:02 (edited 2006-04-19 01:33:35)
Damn...That's one hot weapon! I agree, cake!

Let's add scissors...It's useful too. :D

In the dark -K- ness, I, Lay.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-04-20 00:22:00
The Alchemy of FMA.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by kyouji on 2006-04-24 23:25:51
yeah, definitely i'd go for jo's gun ( bakuretsu tenshi ) and also her ever reliable robot django.
cloud's sword/s in advent children

kakugo wa ii ka!? iza shoubu!!

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by ナサーニエル君 on 2006-04-25 05:47:04 (edited 2006-04-25 05:54:36)
Tetsuaiga [InuYasha]
Reverse Blade Sword [Rurouni Kenshin]
Escaliborg [Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan]
Vectors [Elfen Lied]

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by quamp on 2006-04-26 05:47:17
Tetsuaiga from InuYasha.

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Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Lucy on 2006-04-26 06:37:14

Dreams are fantasy, if a dream comes true then it was never a dream.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by DrkMerc on 2006-04-26 08:17:25
~Ed's Automail when he transmutes it into a wristblade (Hagane no Renkenjutsushi)
~Hinamori's Zanpakutou, it turns pink and blows stuff up @_@ (Bleach)
~Kongou Tetsusaiga, the diamond one (Inuyasha)
~Wolfwood's Cross (Trigun)

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Feyon on 2006-04-26 12:09:58
Sango's weapon XD


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by on 2006-05-12 16:08:46
Sano's weapon - (the beginning of the series) Kenshin

It was so big he could only swing it in w directions -
up/down... heheh


it dosen't matter what's real and what's fake... It matters what you believe in"

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by sai on 2006-05-12 22:10:50
Gaara's sand... Quite original i say...

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by swordmax on 2006-05-12 22:31:36
bocca's bow but toune's arrow charger

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by on 2006-05-13 01:16:36
~Requiem (Gundam seed)
~Tensa Zangetsu (Bleach)
~Cerberos (Gungrave)

Jyunbi wa itsuka, yaroudomo!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by lilac on 2006-05-13 08:44:45
DARK-SAN's Feather!
Wit Magiic! Sweet~! :D

"You're growing up, and the rain sort of remains on the branches of a tree that will someday rule the Earth, and it's good that there is rain. It clears the month of your sorry rainbow expressions, and it clears the streets of the silent armies, so we can dance."

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by MAKOTO ex.シン。 on 2006-05-24 07:49:36 (edited 2006-05-24 07:50:46)
All the Uzi~s and M16 submachine guns, revolvers and automatics whipped out from Hiruma's school bag in Eyeshield 21. And, his dog, Cerberus...*oh, i'm insane*...

and freedom/impulse gundams from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Keichii on 2006-05-24 12:13:37
The coolest anime weapon is Clouds Bustersword from Advent children ;)
It rocks xD

If I were a Slayers character, I'd be Gourry Gabriev!  Who would you be?

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