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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2008-02-06 09:44:31 (edited 2008-02-07 07:42:48)
May I ask you some question about the competition?
1. Until when we should finish the avatars?
2. Who will be the judgement?
3. shall we post the avatars in the thread or shall we pm you?


OMG!!! This is the trailer of the last OVA!!!Watch the trailer below or click here!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-02-07 23:49:12
1. All the entries must pass up before 3rd Mac 2008.
2. Likun-chan n me(mjia) will be the judgement.
3. For the siggy n the avys just pm me o likun,ang for the drawing just post here.:)

Hug**likun-chan!!The trailer is good!!

Enjoy everyone!!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2008-02-15 08:16:02
This is nothing about TRC but about Yui Makino. So I decide to post it here
(hope it is ok).

Spirale sung by Yui Makino
just a beautiful song *_*

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-02-20 23:41:35 (edited 2008-03-29 04:31:39)
@likun-chan:It's ok as it is related to tsubasa,Yui makino is a viocer of sakura right?so that's right.

hey minna-san,how r u all?let's post some things to keep this club live ok??plz welcome to this club again!!


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-04-08 06:16:58
/zomg i lost track of the competition toink x.x
hu wer the winners btw? xDD

ooh and tsubasa tokyo revelations has just ended =] how sad T-T

mjia-neechan: yes yes i see dead people in here x[

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-04-10 23:14:48
yes,ttr is ended...i wish more TTR!!
.....T_T....i'm that dead person vie....

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by Tsu on 2008-04-10 23:53:43
yo~ :3

May I join your club?
I've finished Season 1 of TC.
I'm still watching Season 2.
Getting addicted to it, actually.

Hope you do well with your club!
Take care, always. =]

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-04-11 20:49:30 (edited 2008-04-19 10:16:27)
@tsujai:welcome to tc club.Tc is really good,so u watch until season2.There is also Tsubasa tokyo revelations,remember to watch it!!tsubasa manga is good too,you MUST see it,welcome again Tsujai!!



Giving membership card/ID:I'm currently making membership card for each of you,hoping everyone will like it.But i need to know which character you want in your membership card,please inform me by posting it here.I'll try my best in making them,hope u like it though.


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-04-19 17:24:29
Mjia-neechan: Vie wants "Fai" in her membership card =]
thank God im the 1st one hu got him! xDD hahahaha

tsujai-san: welcome here! hepatitis here too huh!? xD

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ladypeach on 2008-04-19 19:20:24
can i join i love tsubasa cause syaoran and sakura look so cute together

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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-04-19 19:50:52 (edited 2008-04-19 19:52:34)
well i want syaoran please ^^

anyway is there a competition going on???


whoops already passed ^^;

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by melanie1993 on 2008-04-20 00:04:18
/sweat long time since i enter is everyone~?^^
membershipcard?hmmm...can i get 'fye'?pretty please...(puppy dog eyes)

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ayumiuchiha on 2008-04-20 02:56:57
=_=" long time didn't enter teh club..
Hmm..can i get KAMUI in my membership card..?=_="


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2008-04-20 07:54:21
ooh shoot! i forgot about Kamui!
noo Fai!!! but well id still love tp hev Fai on my
membership card >:D


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2008-04-20 08:02:01
Omg it´s been so long since I was here --.--

May I get Sakura-chan on my member-card? =)

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-04-22 04:06:43
@Miaka:welcome to tc club!!Besides,since i'm making membership card,i hope u can tell me which character u want in ur membership card.

@Everyone:I'll try my best,i'll give u all ur membership card here when i'm done.Hope u all like it.

@Key:Well,actually i'm going to cancel the competition(Since not so many r taking part).So,we need to wait until a big holiday that everyone is free so that we can hold the competition.^-^

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ladypeach on 2008-04-22 19:56:24
thanks mjia primera would be fine on my membership card

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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by ayumiuchiha on 2008-04-30 05:21:56
@mjia: ganbatte ne..!!

@vie: =_=" hehe..


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by sakura on 2008-05-16 01:21:54
hi i hope u did not forget me i m lee (i told u b4 yes i know) sorry i did not enter here 4 a long time i was so busy about school n homework ,so please forgive....what is the membership card for again?

A quiet bird is like a piece of sakura falling....

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2008-05-17 07:42:23
@lee a.k.a lee:i no forget u of course.about the membercard,just tell me which character u wan in ur card,that's all.

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