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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by karuzo on 2007-09-18 01:31:10
wow i envy all of you....

i cosplayed [WAR ROCK] once

a modified version [prototype]

and still it annoyed me.....








Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-09-18 03:46:39
Dang, a few veterans here. XD

Can you post those Tifa cosplay pics? From your reaction to them, she appeared to nail it 100% or so. ^_^

Those are some pretty darn good .hack cosplays.
The fourth Blood+ one, Saya, is pretty cool with the blood 'n' all. >;3


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-09-18 11:08:57
Thanks to whoever it was that posted those Simca pics I was in a good cosplay pic hunting mood. That plus, I just started watching Air Gear XD

So here are some I found. Hope you like.

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Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-09-18 11:52:36
lol ebil kitty researt all about air gear cosplay XD

they are great pictures kitty :3

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-09-18 12:56:59
lol, I posted the Simca cosplay images, thanks. X3

Your Air Gear ones are pretty cool. The girl who did Simca in the third one is pretty~pretty.

But dang, look at Sleeping Forrest. XDXD
So many Akito/Agito cosplays. Look at the last one. O.o`


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-09-25 01:37:18
Felt like sharing a couple of pics :3
I'm not really sure, but the dude this guy is cosplaying is probably from the new FFXIII game. Well....even if I'm wrong, he looks pretty yummy no? Or cool in the guys case, haha :p

I've seen a lot of Larxene cosplay pics in my time. And I've yet to find a DECENT Larxene cosplayer....until today :3
I would pay her for getting her wig to look decently like Larxene's and not some retarded clump of heap of hair. She looks a little...mannish (?) though. But I think she managed to pull her cosplay off :3
Respect, yo!

I just found out they did a live musical on AIR GEAR. The pic is a CD cover (I think) for the musical. Letsee....I see Kazu, Bucha, Agito, Spitfire/Speedfire (?), Ikki, Onigiri(?) and others I'm not so familiar with.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-09-25 13:21:39 (edited 2007-09-25 13:21:58)
They have Buccha in the last one, but not even a single female character?
Ringo? Simca? The other Sleeping Forrest members?

My memory of Air Gear is very faint now, so I don't remember all the characters names anymore. ^.^;

Nice pics though, and I guess the guy with the blue hair is cool. (:\


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-09-30 12:29:42
OH JEEZ. /pops out of no where XD

@evil-kitty~ omgg That's the first FFVersusXIII cosplayer I've seen. /envyy~ He's so good. X3

Anyway! Here's my [extremely small XD] share X3 rofl and they are
both the same cosplayer~ pikminlinkness~ TP link and TP running mail man! X3

These two were taken by me last year and the year before~ X3

I LOL'd so hard at the Kinko's kakashi XD

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-09-30 13:51:08
lol, that's some outfit she's rockin' there. O.o`
they're so much like brothers and sister. :3

cool pics, key~ster~


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-10-01 02:54:42 (edited 2007-10-01 15:22:54)
cool outfit!! i like the air gear one.

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-01 14:18:18 (edited 2007-10-01 16:46:14)
I know the girls would love this. Chibi Naruto and Chibi Sasuke:
    Free Image Hosting at
Although, this is one of the best ones, EVER!! XD


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by fabiana_seto on 2007-10-01 17:37:19
OMG DA how kyuate!!!
and... ROFL that guy in "bloks cosplay" XD

I love the kakashis X3

 photo dfsrs_zpsd125613e.png

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-10-17 18:54:14
Hee, I love kiddie cosplays. They're just the most cutest things X3

@Key: YAY! A pikminlink fan! Da best Link cosplayer ever. You DO know that pikminlink's a GIRL right? Had to find some proof on youtube to make sure she was 100% female since my brain went all crazy from gender confusion. I mean she's just too good looking for a girl ^^; Still love her though XD

Anyone played or heard of a Korean game called War of Genesis? I love Hyung-tae Kim's character designs used in the game. They're so incredibly beautiful and detailed. You can find most of his artwork online. Wish I could make costumes out of his designs...if I can sew that is ^^;

Here's some WOG cosplayers for you guys then. Enjoy.

Those water pistols are just plain ridiculous though -__-; (last pic)

The first picture is quite accurate except the original character has long hair. The last two pictures shows what the other has and lacks. One has the incredible costume right down to the last detail, but lacks the wig that the last dude is wearing.

Next up some Magna Carta cosplays...if I have time that is. Will be leaving for Japan and other asian countries for The 'SHip of South East Asia Youth Program' on the 22nd of this October.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by sai on 2007-10-19 05:58:57
Actually kitty, i'm at the point where i can believe anything considering gender stuffs, because i've just seen this pic:

Free Image Hosting at

Well, that's a GUY, people. Cosplaying with a random kimono or maybe something i don't know...

now, presenting Dynasty Warriors' Diao Chan best cosplayer EVAR...

Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at

Damn she's gorgeous...

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-19 13:45:30
[@Kitty] Nice pics. My friend has similar shows in the third pic, second row. ;P

[@Sai] OMG! She's just too beautiful! /savesbothpics~


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by GuitarGirl on 2007-10-19 14:52:18
I like to make cosplay costumes. ^_^ I made two costumes so far, Chii from Chobits and Mako from Nerima Daikon Brothers.

The costume I'm going to wear to a convention this year will be the Nerima Daikon Brothers outfit.

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by on 2007-10-19 18:45:39
@L: Hahaha, I see. Your friend has very good taste in cosplay then ;3

@Sai: Kyaah!!! I love those last two pics! She's so prettey! X3 *saves them too*

@GuitarGirl: Lucky you. I wish I could make costumes too. Do you have pictures of you in your previous cosplays? If you do, post them up so we can see please :3

My last post for now. Hopefully I can get access to the internet while overseas to see what pics you guys will add while I'm away. Now I present to you Magna Carta cosplay. They all did exceptionally well on their costumes. Nyaa...I wish I was good at sewing DX

Makes me realized how revealing that black dress really is ^^;

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-10-19 19:32:17
Yeah, and I meant "shoes", but I think you caught on to my little typo there. ;P
Your new batch is nice. The lady in the second to last pic (row 1) must've been pretty confident to wear that cosplay. O.o`

Still it was pretty sweet. All these people have nice shoes, too. Might buy 'em just to wear 'em. ^_^


Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by zparticus27 on 2007-10-19 19:43:59
@da that cosplay link thats from aqua team hunger force right?

@sai the first pic is a dude? wow but those two pics after...hawt!

@evil kitty wow look at the chick in the black dress!hahaha the 7th pic of the first

i so want to cosplay in the up coming convention....need cash though T.T

Re: ミ★ ¢σsρℓαч кашаιι ¢ℓυв
Link | by GuitarGirl on 2007-10-19 20:21:46
@ evil-kitty: No, unfortunately I don't have any pictures of my costumes. I hope to take some of my costume when I cosplay this year, though. ^_^

Wow, those costumes are really cool that you posted. Mine aren't quite that intricate! But I hope to make ones like that someday. =)

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