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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-03-04 08:55:15
As an old proverb goes, "Smile and the world smiles with you- weep and you weep alone." We are here to disprove that saying, not to uphold it. No one should have the horrible disparity of feeling pain alone. Long ago I took an oath to help others the best I could and I will continually take that pledge every week, on Thursday nights, at 7 o'clock. I will not falter on my attempt to help others, because people don't know what they want. If a person breaks their arm and says, "I'm fine, don't worry." Do you say, "Ok" and walk away; at least I hope you don't. The person saying that they are fine knows that have a broken arm, but doesn't seek help for it. No one person can sustain their own existence on their own forever. Eventually you will need the help of others. It is here that people like Sero, Sachiel, myself, and others step in and help. After all you have a broken arm, and if we just walked by you would have to live with that broken arm. You don't want to live with a broken arm do you?

There are people who always see the dark side of things. They are dissatisfied when the sun shines- it hurts their eyes, it's too hot. They are annoyed when the sun doesn't shine- things are too dark, it's too cold. If it rains it's bad if it doesn't it's worse. Then there are those who are happy always. When the sun shines they enjoy the bright weather. When it pours they say, "Just what the farmers needed!" People who are cheerful and satisfied not only make life easier for themselves, but they help others as well. It is not the good times that will make you the person you will be, it's the bad. It's when things turn against you that you can truly show your true disposition. In life there are many good times- sitting in your place in the sun, being in love, finding love, any good experience you can think of, but fascinatingly enough the memories that will live the longest in your heart are the obstacles- when you think your on the home stretch but things turn against you, when you can't keep anything in your life going, when your whole world seemingly collapses around you. These are the time that your happiness is tested. Without the stresses your life would become a shapeless mass of simplification. Steel, in order to become strong, is set through the extreme rigors of galvanization. With every hit to happiness it becomes stronger in the end. During these times of stress it may be weaker than ever, but after all is said and done it will be stronger for it.

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by angelyuki on 2006-03-04 10:20:20
hm..ok, i guess i can tell you, but you may think that im a crybaby for making such a big fuss over this small thing..

here goes..

ok, basically its a love prob..its a long story but i'll try to say this.
i kinda like this guy.
he's nice and all,when i was with him, i felt warm.
he never noticed that i like him..and when i left hints, he pushed them away..its like, he's rejecting me. the reasons? i dont know.
now, he's kinda cold towards me and he's not like the guy that i had liked before. he doesnt even care bout me anymore.
when he left, he took some part of me with him cause i still love him so much.
so, now im trying to stop loving him so that i wont be suffering all the time to get him to love me.
im forcing myself really hard to not to love him anymore.
cause i think the only way that will work for both of us is just forget bout it and move on.
but now, how can i forget him when every heartbeat,i can remember only him..
and it hurts when you try to stop loving someone very dear to you.. such a mess..

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-04 13:04:15
Well, there are two ways to see it; absence makes the heart grow fonder, and out of sight, out of mind. Out of sight, out of mind only works with things that aren't to important to you. Absence makes the heart grow fonder happens with something you love and can't have. So I don't have much to say other than that and this: Love is a very powerful thing, so I don't think anyone's gonna call you a crybaby for that ^_^ Cheer up!

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-03-04 13:11:26
Man! Finding a job is so hard. I have to make sure that they call me everyday. Now I'm waiting for the owner to come and start working because he forgot to put me on the scheuele. I need money to buy a Nintendo DS and a PSP!!!!

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Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by overlordsero on 2006-03-04 13:16:09 (edited 2006-03-04 13:34:14)

your not a crybaby.

That is probably a little natural to feel like that....just give it time. Also, everyone is different and handles things differently....

just go at your own pace.....and when the time is will find another one ^_^

Love is a tricky little devil.....yup it is...

just be lucky your not in this situation:

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Light and Dark

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by nightmare on 2006-03-04 13:36:42
wow...that was fursutrationg...if anyone wants a copy, tell me...the continued thread is 797 PAGES!

ibi0001000 gave me the most truble....because of her banner....oh well, ill keep the work down by updating this one every week!

im really sorry to hear about that...angle

Re: The Depression Thread V3
Link | by D-ninja on 2006-03-04 14:43:41
well there are three things I would like to say
  • don't force love
  • don't force your memory of him to fade
  • put your self in his position

    I believe the fact that he could be oblivious to your hints. All men are like that to some extent. He may just be heavily preoccupied. Or he could be completely naïve, and not notice that you like him. Just remember, “Love, like a river, will cut a new path
    whenever it meets an obstacle.“ You just have to wait for it to do its work; eventually he will see you for what you represent to him. His getting colder to you maybe a defense mechanism, that being he realized that you like him and he shut down to you. He may be afraid of what you represent to him, love.

    Even if he is avoiding you because he doesn’t like you, forgetting about him may not such a good idea. Ever hear of repressed memories, they’re more trouble than their worth. Plus they lead to serious mental problems down the road. I’m not trying to scare you into my opinion, it is a proven fact that repressed memories cause many of the serious mental instabilities people face later in life.

    Espi, a DSand a PSP, wow you are ambitious. I’ll give you that. What kind of job will you get when your employer puts you in the schedule?

    Good job nightmare, I can sympathize with your work somewhat. I’ve had to change around the tittles on about 250 pages, with about 3 headings a page. Every title was different, so I couldn’t do a find and replace. Changing things like headings and whatnot is a long and tedious process, I wish there was a quick and painless way, but if there is I don’t know it.

  • Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by ibi001000 on 2006-03-04 15:03:51
    @ nightmare: So sorry about the banner thing, I didn't log in earlier so I couldn't have read that. So sorry! Btw, you might wanna recheck the her :P I'm a guy. I mean I DID challenge dirty to an arm-wrestle :P

    @ angel: Wow angel, I was in the exact same situation last year. I was close with a girl and we were such good friends and I loved her so much. But then she turned all cold and bitter towards me...I think it might be because she found out I had feelings for her. But then, if she knew I had feelings for her then why did she severe the friendship? I mean, there ARE much easier ways to say that you're not interested..:( Oh god, you're making me sink back into that hole :P But anyways angel, it really takes time to get over something like that. I remember those days quite vividly...For anyone who asks, heart aches DO exist and they DO hurt. All I did was wait it out...and it was really hard to forget about her especially since she was in every single one of my classes. But eventually I did get over it and I put her behind. I think that talking to people about it really did help me. So I think you're going about the right way healing yourself. Good luck.

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by taishi on 2006-03-04 15:43:13
    WHATS UP guys, I dont even know why im posting this now. SINCE this incident happened to me like last mounth, I sermise that I just want to talk about it now. MY sister and mom got into an argument and almost started, to have a physical confrontation. ANYWAY after that my sis just packed her close and left, have not heard from her in a wile, I think shes staying with a friend. DONT see her at the campuss anymore, she was a med major, was going to be a nuro sergen. I dont know may be, seashells, thats my nick name for her. GOT burntout, she was always taking 3 and 4 classes each simester, anyway I just hope things get better with her and mumzie. THANKS FOR LISTENING

    a. bai

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-04 17:23:36
    Awww, she was gonna be a neurosurgeon!? She's so lucky... T.T

    If you see her, tell her that she needs to back into education! And it'd help more if you told us the argument ^_~

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by Jomunga on 2006-03-04 17:29:29
    I don't know what to say to help you, I have never had to get over a broken heart. Maybe try to think out everything rationaly, think about his flaws or how he just pushes you away. Or better yet, listen to someone else's advice.

    Kay, I don't know what stops stress. If it is a big competion I would usually be exited and can't wait. Round up some confidence build up on that, then the 2 weeks you won't be dreading it, you will be anticipating it.

    I remember when my older sister stormed out of the house, the first time we heard from her was 4 years later.

    Dads birthday today(Please I don't wanna hear anyone congradulating him) I just have to go out to dinner tonight to some restaurant. I hate going out with my dad because I am always embarrased being around him. People can just look at him, then me and say "so thats what that kid will look like when he is older."

    Dninja and Ibi motivated me for another round of weightlifting with his arm-wrestle talk.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by D-ninja on 2006-03-04 17:40:13
    Taishi, That's our job, and if I dare say we're good at it. Everyone has the ability to help others, they just have to find the right situation. A person who doesn't know first-aid is little use when somone is injured, but if that same person is an exelemt swimmer has the ability to save someone who is drowning. Even if you have these skills that does not mean you will ever be able to help someone, but you do have a chance to do smaller things every day. This can be anything from helping change a flat tire, helping someone get over something, or something altogether different. Always remember, "it's not the size of the help that counts, but the spirit that it is rendered." There are two kinds of assistance you can render- those done on the spur of the moment, or those that you plan for a long time. In both these cases you are helping others with your own abilities to your fullest. That is all you can do(please don't tell me you gave something anything above 100% because that's imposible).

    , are you saying girls wouldn't challenge me to an arm wrestling match. Hasn't anyone learned from the subwei incedent, never judge gender unless you've seen their real face(even then you may not be sure).

    Jomunga, careful; too much rationalization and you could end up like kotuso. I started weightlifting again aswell, altough mainly because track starts in a week and I want to be in shape when it starts.

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by Jomunga on 2006-03-04 17:49:47 (edited 2006-03-04 18:02:19)
    I always like giving a helping hand to those in need, just that I can only find them on this thread.

    Dninja, are you a sprinter or a long distance runner? If you are a sprinter you wanna race? We can compare times.

    I am sure Kotuso would be proud with my thinking of the past month. I have been a thinking a little cynical to love, I just never posted it.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by taishi on 2006-03-04 17:50:59
    @ sachiel, IT was a stupid frivolouse argument about her, using the car with out permition, something so fikcle caused such grate problems. I dont even know which one of her friends, she is staying with, I must do some detechtive work and fined out about my sis.

    a. bai

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by D-ninja on 2006-03-04 18:35:22
    Jomunga, that's by far the funniest thing I've heard in long time. My mile time is 11min, although I am capable of running a decent 100m: ~14sec. I throw things though. Shot-put, discuss, and javline are my specialties. Our thrower-400m-relay actualy got seccond out of three, needless to say the other team was pretty embarrased.

    Taishi the dectective, good luck finding information about your sister. Amzing how some small arguments can cause such problems, at least it wasn't about a fishstick. Let's just say my temper got the better of me that day, which rarely happens and when it does it goes all at once. I ended up giving my sister a nice resounding slap across the face.

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2006-03-04 22:12:43
    Fickle = changeable in affections, BTW XD

    So was she using the family car, you using her car, she using your car, or what? The best way to give advice is to know all the details ^_^

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by taishi on 2006-03-05 07:38:49 (edited 2006-03-05 07:41:59)
    IT was about her using moms car with out permitions. OH and I think I ment to say frugle.

    a. bai

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by nightmare on 2006-03-05 09:53:34
    mike, one of my friends, just came and "accedentallly" took out our's crying now...he dosnt do that aften, he's really upset...mike begend me not to tell his parents...and dad doesnt want to, but i dont care, ill talk it over with mom when she gets home then im going to call his parents.....he is so DEAD!

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by Jinseta Ava on 2006-03-05 19:16:05
    The Depression Thread is back, ya ^_^ I wondered what happened to last
    one and why it was locked, does gendou lock a thread after a certain
    number of posts?

    The Paper

    Re: The Depression Thread V3
    Link | by SCHALA on 2006-03-05 19:33:28 (edited 2006-03-05 19:35:18)
    I too wondered what had happened. I haven't been posting much the last couple days and I! finally got on! Sorry to hear Yuki. Love is difficult, hope for the best 'kay?

    Oh and Amano-san if you get this, thanks for the help ^_~


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