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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-09-06 01:46:29
yeah. i don't know what ohba-sensei would prefer between does two. (or nia and mero, died following L?) just kidding...

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by firemiste on 2006-03-07 15:29:44
Death Note fans: there's going to be a Death Note live action movie coming out in June. The second one is in October.

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by kira-sama on 2006-03-08 00:36:09
hontou-ka? dat's cool~! looking foward into it!

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by masterStrawberry_milk on 2006-03-13 07:52:57
I'm a fan of L. A big fan at that. He's a bit weird, and has those scary eyes, but he's so cool. The moment i saw him in the manga, i fell in love with him. There's a lot of fanfic about RaitoL. Maybe for those who like this pairings, you guys can read it at .


Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-03-14 01:23:00
death note is going to have a live movie???wow!i can't wait!!

hmm..i've been reading the manga since the beginning n i have to say that i really like everything abt the manga!!the plot,characters are original n just like most of u guys,L is soo cool.too bad he died.but i like N as well.n sorry to say this,i really want to see raito be captured in the end.hahahahaaaa

i can't wait for the next chapter!!!

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Tatsubei Yagyu on 2006-03-14 01:34:05
The thing I really like about the manga is I don't know who to root for... I know L is trying to stop Raito from the killing and all, both if does get caught, then the manga would end...


What a dilemma...

"So cool, I don't have to explain how cool I am..."

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by firemiste on 2006-03-15 19:03:53
It's the Japanese website for the DN movie. It's pretty cool, even if u can't read (like me-_-). It's set like Raito's room, with interactive features.

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Tatsubei Yagyu on 2006-03-15 21:25:17
I didn't even know there was an anime...

It's pretty cool!

"So cool, I don't have to explain how cool I am..."

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-03-15 21:56:47
there is an anime already????there already has????

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by firemiste on 2006-03-16 13:34:26
Sadly, no anime yet as far as I know. Only live action movies, and they're not out yet. One this summer, if I'm not mistaken.

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Gon22Gon22 on 2006-03-28 20:52:28
my friend told me this rumor is very recent and that they are going to be making Death Note into an anime. he hasn't said when it will be out but he has some very reliable sources so i trust his information. once i find out more i'll keep everyone posted.

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by athena88 on 2006-03-28 21:06:55
i read somewhere that Tatsuya Fujiwara will take the role as Yagami Raito while Kenichi Matsuyama as L! wow Kenichi's a hottie!!

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by midnight on 2006-03-28 23:32:20
love death note...first saw its premiere chapter in shonen jump and i got hooked into it...

are there plans of making an anime for it???

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Uzumaki_Mandy on 2006-04-03 03:24:32
I like Death Note.. The story is so cool.. Especially the compete between Raito and L!

BUT one thing that've made me extremely disappointed is L's death! I don't want L to die! Hiks hiks hiks.. I don't even know his real name yet..

Near is cool too.. But I like L most!
He's so cool! I like him so much! Why must L die? Hiks hiks..
I really hope that he's the one who'll capture Raito in the end!

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by Image hosting by Photobucket on 2006-04-03 13:39:52
According to a friend of mine at school "only Asians think L is cute". -_-

Anyways, I love L. The weird look that's always on his face is so cute! Wish he didn't die, though...

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by NinjaFox on 2006-04-09 01:46:52
someone said(i dunno ur name, sorry):
"According to a friend of mine at school "only Asians think L is cute". -_-"

i think L is really cute......and i am an asian.....

i love death note. i hope they make it into anime someday.....

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Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by farhana on 2006-04-10 07:18:25
Love Death Note!!! Wonder who will be Raito seiyuu if they make it into anime...


Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by firemiste on 2006-04-22 17:34:19
Pics of the cast....
Very interesting L, much better than I thought it would actually be.

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by SamuraiSheLLy on 2006-04-23 05:47:57
My friend said that it's difficult to make Death Note into an anime because there are more 'talks' than action in the manga... I've read the manga.. *ouch*.. My eyeballs got ballistic (>_<)... Although the plot is intresting, di ba? The art is also realistic.. i hope the Death Note movie will reach Philippines.. -_-

~ L Rulez... Bwahahaha!!! ~ XD

DIE Raito! DIE! >_<

Re: Death Note, shitteruka!?
Link | by firemiste on 2006-04-30 12:58:34
They're going to make Death Note into an anime, finally.
it could possibly be aired in Japan this autumn...with a video game out in the winter. Wonder if it's coming to the states?

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