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Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-07-15 11:13:28
Kenshin's sakabatou is AWEsome, so is Kyo's Muramasa. But I'm more of an archer, so I would have to say Kagome/Kikyo, Touma, Fuu, and Omi's bow and arrow.

And Haruko's guitar! And the kick ass shinken from X. Oh, we can't forget Amiboshi's flute. But I also like the idea of alchemy, if that can be serialized as a weapon. Okay, I'm done.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by baldy on 2005-07-15 19:28:55
I'd have to agree with aramada. The Angel Arm pwns all.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-07-16 04:41:02
that big shuriken called shadow windmill from Naruto is pretty cool!!

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by ReeRee-chan on 2005-07-16 08:04:00
Kaguras fan! (Anime is InuYasha)

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by KaeKo on 2005-07-16 10:29:41 (edited 2005-07-16 10:30:31)
Blades....of Dr. Jackal.
They are as Cool as he is!
and Strings, especially when they are being used by someone like kazuki . Awesome..

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by kirima on 2005-07-16 16:41:27
Can pplz check this over to see if I have it right or if I've left anything out?

Members of the Dai-Sho (Samurai set of matching swords):
Katana: Can be one- or two-handed
Wakazashi: Short, one-handed sword
No-Dachi: Great, two-handed swords, of which there are two in a Dai-Sho
Tanto: Dagger

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Fhuren Sky on 2005-07-17 06:19:27
Double scheinder
and meteor!!!!

Itsumo sasaete kureru hitotachi ni Higorono omoi wo kometa rhapsody... Appreciation no kimochi wo todoke

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Mike on 2005-07-17 13:55:00
Vash the Stampede's Pistol, in the 'alternate' mode!! need I say more (bye bye town!!

"I'm just a cook!" Akido Tenkawa

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Aria on 2005-07-17 15:30:38
Ten Commandments from Rave for me...all around use ^_^


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-07-18 04:15:33
Happosai's bomb, er, Monoko 108 secret skills? Eto...Rave? Oh thats a cool one!! I like Haru's sword, but got to be xtreme heavy.

Kenshin's Sakabatou, Ichigo's Kitsuki (Zangetsu), Kakashi-sensei best weapon - his fingers able to perform 'Zenne no kurushi - pains of thousand years, ops joking~

ja mata ne,


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by symphonia on 2005-07-19 23:32:44
Automail [fullmetal alchemist]
Haru's Ten Commandments
Sanzo's Gun

*~* Anime Is My World!!*~*

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by lacus on 2005-07-20 05:39:11
Any Zanpakutou, except that mad scientst's... who's his name?
Mihawk's black blade (one piece)
And for guns... i think Kaze's magun from FF unlimited is pretty cool

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by sadame-chan on 2005-07-20 23:11:43
Dias Lag's boomerang! (Shadow Skill)

Kyuzo and his Kodachi (they have to be a set) from Samurai 7

Lady Poison's Acceleration Perfume (actually, all of her poison perfumes are cool) from Get Backers

��空����愛��人よ? Kono sora no dokoka itoshii hito yo?

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by riceboi69 on 2005-07-21 21:43:52
Definitely Rushuna's and Setsuna's Revolvers from Grenadier cause they reload from their breasts.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by Lastor on 2005-07-23 03:14:26
Fin Funnel from Nu Gundam
Wave Raider Assault from Z Gundam
Stoner Sunshine from Shin Getter Robo

kid these days doesn't know the difference between "true anime" and "anime for marketing purpose"

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by wildfire143 on 2005-07-27 11:27:13
Naga the Serpent's sea cucumber spell from The Motion Picture
Excel's ultimate technquie
Yoji's Watch

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by andreyev on 2005-07-29 04:13:32
- evangelion = lance of longinus
- hellsing = alucard pistol
- ffVII = sephiroth's sword (but ffVII is not an anime :(, still i love that sword)
- trigun = that pistol !

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by GodKiller on 2005-07-30 13:23:18
the magnet gun tallgeese in Gundam Wing
the gun vash has on his arm
Keitaro's can of "Whoop Ass" in Golden Boy


Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by atsuka_kun on 2005-08-01 02:13:37
Ten Commandments from Rave
G-Tonfa from Rave
I also like the long sword like Kenshin's sword...
Maybe the Ultimate Weapon from FF (just because it's the most powerful weapon)hehehehe.. ^0^

Re: Coolest Anime Weapon!
Link | by heero yuy in da system on 2005-09-21 12:50:13
....from gundam wing- twin buster rifle on wing zero
- twin scythe on deathscythe hell
- tail whip weapon on Epyon

heero yuy is the best-better than all the rest

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