Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
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by angel_of_stone
on 2011-04-02 17:18:08
Been having a hankerin' to play some Battlefield: BC2. If anyone else plays, add me Chaos Laicosin
"But as Deepak Chopra taught us, quantum physics means that anything can happen at anytime and for no reason." -Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth
"I don't have any opinions anymore. All I know is that no one is better than anyone else, and everyone is the best at everything." -Seymour Skinner "...if I got trapped by an evil wizard then I did enough cool s**t in my life to be content with it ending. " -Wolf |
Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
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So I got my first two GF games Monday (Bulletstorm and Crysis2). Beat both of them. I'm honestly going to pack them up tonight and mail them out tonight (or put 'em in the mailbox for tomorrow). I don't feel like doing anything else or trophy hunt. Crysis2 annoyed me after I beat it. Hell even during the ending missions. Moving my GameQ around to see what I want next. I'm tipping myself to not get two shooters at the same time again. Cause beating Bulletstorm then Crysis2 pretty much after another straight messes up your head, lol. Oh yeah, I also pre-ordered Portal 2 anyone else getting it!?!?!? Get it on amazon for 35$ with free shipping!! That's an amazing deal! ![]() ------- |
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Thread's gotten quiet :/ @DA : Glad you're enjoying Gamefly :D Certainly more cheaper than buying actually games.. @Jon : How's 3rd Birthday? It looks pretty good from the trailers that I've watched, haven't seen any of the gameplay yet. I might pick it up since I'm mainly playing on my PSP these days. I'll think I'll stay away from Dissidia for now, it's just seems like a campaign for Lightning and FFXIII-2, that's just my opinion. ![]() ![]() |
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@Yuna - It kind of is. >.> I've played through Lightning, Vaan, Laguna and Yuna's chapters in that order, and now I'm back to another Lightning chapter. I haven't played as Tifa or Kain yet and I'm already back for another round of Lightning. It's turning out pretty much the way I was fearing. I also have a bad feeling about the ending, seeing as how it leads in to the first Dissidia and none of the characters from 012 appear in that (I don't want anything to happen to Tifa T_T). Anyway, it's not that bad. I'm mainly playing through one chapter every session. It's just irritating to have the game focus on Lightning at every opportunity. As for 3rd Birthday, I haven't actually started playing it yet, even though I really should. I'll probably pop it in now for an hour or so before bed. I'll let you know how it is tomorrow. I haven't touched 3rd Birthday or Trails in the Sky, mainly because I've been focusing on finishing up Dissidia and Yakuza 4. Exams are also coming up next week, so I won't get a whole lot of play time with them. I'll have plenty to keep me busy afterward until September though. I have Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising now. I got it for me and my friend to try co-op, but I won't know if he is willing to buy a copy for himself until tomorrow when he gets a chance to try it. Anyway, if anyone else has a copy (or ever picks one up for the $18 it costs) and wants to get a squad together for some co-op missions, I'm up for it. I think it's a pretty different kind of shooter, what with its focus on more realistic engagements. I'm just a little annoyed about not being able to pick my equipment. >.> |
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I've been enjoying Pokemon Black and my 3DS for the past two weeks. Over my spring break I prepared for a battle with my cousin who was way too overconfident in his battling ability. I tore him a new one last Saturday :D He's no longer sure he's ready for competitive Pokemon. I got my 3DS with Ghost Recon Shadow Wars, an awesome SRPG. Its keeping me from training another Pokemon team for a rematch this summer, but its worth while. ![]() |
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I got two games last weekend, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger and The Sly Collection (I've never played the Sly Cooper games before so I thought I'd go for it). I've only been playing BlazBlue so far, and I'm really enjoying it. I think I'm going to save the Sly Cooper games for when it gets closer to when my summer break starts, because I want go for a Platinum in at least one of the three games in the collection. Whether I'll succeed or not is a different story. >.> ![]() |
Re: Gendou Gamers Club 2
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[@Yuna] Yeah it's not bad, the only annoying thing is they don't have overnight shipping. And apparently they don't mail stuff via weekends, since I signed up exactly on the 1st (which is good). Although I got it Monday, it just shipped out earlier this week I think, so we'll see how long it takes for them to get it. Hopefully I get something again on Monday (almost every week it seems depending on how fast I beat these games). On another note I will have Portal 2 eventually and I'm trading in KZ3 so more Amazon credit I get. If it comes to it, after more footage I might pre-order Catherine instead of trying to get first dibs on GF. [@Jon] Is has online co-op? How far did you get or are you just waiting for your friend. How are you liking the gameplay and whatnot? Frustrating? You get neat weapons and scopes like thermal vision which is always cool. [Toyumi@] The first BB is nice, I have the second on my GameQ (very low though, or maybe middle, out of 40 titles?). You have to read like a whole story online though since the game is a bit confusing. There is a tree to get the full endings for each character but even that's confusing, cause you have to finish characters a certain way and sometimes even loose (and I usually hate that with games). The Sly Collection is on my next 2 I think and I want to play it. My one friend has it and yeah it's 3 games and I heard all easy platinums. I'll trophy hunt in that since it's an easy game to play. Seems Sony is remaking a bunch of PS2 games to PS3 like Prince of Persia, Ico collection, Tomb Raider, etc. ![]() ------- |
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@Jon : Ah, I had a feeling and you all too confirmed it. I wouldn't mind playing with Vaan and Yuna though. @DA : No overnight or weekend shipping? That sucks DX. Maybe I should sign up for it when I get a new PS3. I've been looking for Eternal Sonata forever... @Toyumi : I just started with the Blazblue series and it's pretty neat, except they are little too detailed in the story mode and you spend most of the time reading about every single movement they make. I haven't had much practice with the characters yet. ![]() ![]() |
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I'd pick a good date to get it unless you're gonna start playing the game right away. Cause they bill you immediately for the first cheaper month, then your account truly begins. You can also change it whenever you want to, just make sure if you want to, be sure to get it cause you can't change the first month. Well, I think you can but if they mail the game out already you have to return one or they charge you for the game or the plan. Also another annoying thing, which is realistic when it comes to GF, is the availability of games. Out of like my 40 games, only like four are "available now". Others near the top are near medium. My top three games are Socom 4 (just gonna try out the story at least), inFamous 2, and Catherine (removed Portal 2 for obvious reasons). So I'll see if they become available how they do pre-released games. It sucks for people renting games that they could buy like Black Ops or something, cause they can rent those games for like a year and never actually buy it. I'm not sure if there's a time period for renting game (most likely not), but I'unno. I'm only using GF for a few months so I wanna get a lot of games played as I can while I'm still off from school. ![]() ------- |
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I'm going to be picking up Brink when it comes out. Both of my brothers are getting it and I've been needing a game to play with them from up here. Seeing as my school year is gradually coming to a close, I don't have a lot of time for gaming, but if anyone plays any LBP2, LP2, MvC3, BB:CS, or anything of the sort, be sure to let me know! ![]() |
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I saw some gameplay footage of Brink, not sure about the storyline, but online seems crazy FPS fun. It seems different, has sort of a feel like Crysis in terms of jumping and sliding, etc. It's really fast paced for your usual FPS but has some interesting elements like customizing characters. Doesn't come out 'til next month, but if more gameplay videos/or people decide to get it, hell I might. :D Lately I've been waiting for my GF games and I'm trying to surpass my one friend in level on PSN, but it's taking longer since he has more games right now while I have to wait for GF. But I pre-ordered Portal 2 for this month, and Brink looks really fun. I need more PSN/online friends!! Btw your brother Faded getting it, too? What does he do for a living? I noticed he plays a ton of games. ![]() ------- |
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Bad news on my front, my PS3 just got the yellow light while I was playing Yakuza 4. -_- So there goes my saved data, which means that I'll have to replay through 30 hours of Yakuza 4 just to get back to the spot I was in before. I don't know how long I'll be off PSN. I might buy a PS3 from Staples and use my Enterprise card so I can go 6 months without paying any interest on it. The only good thing (if it can be considered that) about all of this is that school is over with now, so I won't be paying nearly as much in gas as I used to, which means I should be able to pay off the PS3 is less than a month. This wouldn't have bothered me as much if I still had my Yakuza 4 save data. I'm also going to lose my cool Valkyria Chronicles skin. I'm having a terrible week. . . |
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@Jon : Ouch, sorry to hear that, ironically the same thing happened to mine. I got the dreaded yellow light but I managed to get my Blazblue out and lost all of my data. If I get another one, It's going to take a long time to beat all of the games I have, especially Final Fantasy VII-IX. ![]() ![]() |
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@Yuna - Yeah, I only just got through with tearing the entire PS3 apart in order to get Yakuza 4 back from the disc drive. I don't know if you found an easier way to get the disc out. Probably should have checked with you first. I suppose I could have sent it off to Sony for 150 dollars, but at that price, I may as well just go ahead and get a brand new one that will be guaranteed to last me 1 year. Save data from the other games I have isn't really a huge loss, since I had them all completed, but I was 29 hours into Yakuza 4 and now I have to start all over. All of the side-quests, locker keys, finishing moves, I have to go through all of that as well as the story itself. It's my own fault though, I should have been making regular back ups of my save files. At least my profile and trophies will still be around when I get my new PS3. I've decided to just go ahead and buy one tomorrow after my exam. I'll use my Enterprise card and pay it off little by little. Should only take about a month and a half to get that paid off. Otherwise I would have to wait for about 2 months to collect enough cash or charge it to my credit card, which would tack on an extra 68 bucks every month. I don't really want to wait, mainly because I have no life and the amount of free time I'm going to have between now and September would bore me to death otherwise. Anyway, I'll have a bigger hard drive now I guess. I've been meaning to get a bigger one for quite a long time. |
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That sucks Jon :( You could try doing what I did and order the part and fix it up yourself. The process is relatively simple and you['ll keep your data. I did that even after I got a new Ps3-now I have two fully functional sony systems in my house :D ![]() |
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@Maiku - It's probably time I get a new system anyway. Besides, my old PS3 is already in pieces now. I basically had to break it open in order to get Yakuza 4 out, so even if I could order the part and repair it, it would look like crap. I was a little frustrated because of it dieing at the same time that I have a bunch of other things stressing and depressing me, so I just broke it open as quick as possible. It's four years old now as well, and I've probably used it for well over 1200 hours of game time. I worked it pretty hard, so I'm actually surprised that it has lasted this long. Like I said, it isn't so much the money that bugs me (because it won't be hard for me to pay off now that school is done with), it's the save data. I can't believe that there is absolutely no way to retrieve save data from the HDD. |
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@Jon: sorry to hear, bro, that really stinks. If you worry about save data, then I should reccomend that you get PS+. It has cloud storage so you can back up your data to independent servers. It's a little to late to retrieve what you've lost, but it's always good to prepare for the future right? And if you don't want to chip in the extra money for PS+, I'm willing to let you use mine to back up the data. |
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@Jon : Yeah, I did little trick of getting it out without completely tearing it apart, I seem to have the worst luck with PS3's considering this will be my third one. I wasn't really that far my games except for Folklore and Enchanted Arms, which I finally got further because the game kept freezing once I got out of London City. I'm really disappointed for the Final Fantasy VII-IX because I grinded for hours on those. Ah well. ![]() ![]() |
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[@Jon] That sucks. Your the first friend I know or anyone to get it lately. Is it random or is it when you've had your PS3 for like, as you said, a long time? Makes me think of my PS3. I too wanted to upgrade to the slim and larger HD, I bought my current one from my friend (big, fatty glossy). Not sure how much I could get for trading it in but the problem would be transferring like, everything. Themes, save datas, etc. [@Haseo] Ugh, another scam to get people into PSN+ but it is helpful. I should think about backing up my PS3, I never have before. I wonder how big the file would be. I didn't know different people could uL/back-up to the same PSN+ system? That's... interesting (makes sense if people have multiple accounts on their PS3). Uh checked seems to be pretty big 30-40+ GBs??? I have to reformat my external HD to be able to back it up!! Although my friend has a PSN+ account but I read that some non-active accounts' trophies won't be saved. At least that's what it said for me when I was about to back it up. ![]() ------- |
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theres a PSN+ now? O_O idk i dont go on the PS store that often only been there a few times to purchase PS1 games since my PS3 isn't backwards compatible as far as my PS3 goes i havent been playing it much, only games i play on it these days are, Tekken, Super Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, well fighting games and some racing games like GT5 im not a console gamer btw but i have heaps of ps3 games waiting for FF vs 13 to come out still my PSP dont play that often either, just got tekken, KH: BBS, Project Diva, DJ MAX series. and i pre-ordered the Black Rock Shooter game (i only got it for the White Rock Shooter figma) PC gaming... i love my PC cant mess with it =D im a PC gamer and i dont think i'll ever get into hard console gaming (unless i get a HD-PVR) |