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Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by Sagara on 2008-06-26 18:36:42
@Inx: It's just your handler was a kid not too long ago but nevermind, most of the handlers are young agents. Your sibling image is from GunXSword i think.

@All: *puts hands up* Okay, you caught me~ XD Anyway, it'd be interesting if i had the only male sibling except NPCs that is.

Legendary RP Trio: Jonathon (Jon), Bloodymoon (Kay), Sagara Kazuya (Sagara) Sagara Kazuya, One of the Legendary Rp Trio.

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-26 19:34:35 (edited 2008-06-27 01:23:02)
@Snake: Thanks, I got help from a friend on which guns are good.
Took me a while to find the images, and writing was a hassle xD. Hope this RP will
be a blast!

@Sagara: I know she's pretty young, but she looked older in a way. I think thats
where I saw that girl, anyway I piked the image at random.

@All: Yup all female, cause I am a female :P I wanted to do a Female 'handler' and
a male 'sibling'. But that would mean I have to control 4 players at once. I love
a challenge >8D (Wonder if I can do so). Can I make another set? Please~

And it is interesting for Sagara to have all males.

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"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-26 21:12:21 (edited 2008-06-28 22:06:05)
wow i've been waiting for a Rp like this^^
, aww right !! i join^^
name : Schneider Saika
age : 22
gender : male
pic : Photobucket
weapon : glock 17 (he has it 5 concealed in his clothes, one of them is equipped with amphibian kit)
Photobucket he also using Enrieatta's gun

bio :
half germany and halp japan, ex interpol, then become a soldier of fortune and terorist before joining SWA. he works for SWA just because SWA could pay him more then the terorist group can do( he interested to join SWA after he engaged in sniper battle with omi(which Omi is the winner), (Hope you dont mind INX-san^^))at the first time before he knew his sibling will be Enri. he surprised when meet her at the first time, because she is the girlwhom he met in hospital 2 years ago. He also teach enri to play music beside teach her aikido and sniping. he will do anything to make Enri enjoy her new shortlife.
US army hunt him because a bombing case(when he was join with anti-US army in afganistan, but there he use nick name Djahhal bin slick (evil bin slick), but no one knows about his face

sibling :
name : Enrietta Ricci
age : 14
gender : female
pic : Photobucket
weapon : mauser sp66,
PhotobucketOM 50 nemesis(when a duty calls), (she hides 4 glock 17 on her clothes)

bio :
a girl who have an illness that made her can not leave hospital, Schneider found her when she try to suicide when she knew that her parents left her alone. schneider supporting her to continue her life until another job comes from the terorist group.The SWA accidentally took her become their agent and reunite them together. Schneider gave her name Enrietta, which is her truely name.schneider taught her to be a sniper in order to make her far from danger. schneider also teach her to play piano. like petra, she is second generation.

~the day when she woke up from her bed in SWA and meet Her handler~
Schneider : eh, you... Enrietta(surprised)
the girl simply respons
Enri : aa..ah Mr schneider!!
staff : we insert your data to her brain, and she knows you as her handler, now you have to give her a name, because we erase all her old memories.
Schneider: is that so..
schneider sit beside enri's bed and put his hand to Enri's shoulder and smile
Schneider : your name is Enrietta Ricci, Lets enjoy this life!
the girl Smiles
Enri : yes sir^^

class : sniper (but also a derringer type)

@inx : inx-san hope you dont mind with this.

@snake : how is it, tell me if i have mistake^^

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by kelreifblue on 2008-06-26 22:31:35 (edited 2008-07-01 18:57:28)
*My First RP @_@ Gudluck to me XD

Team Class:Recon


Name: Godo GunGod
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Grey

He was born on the 'Western Continent'. He lost his family during the destruction that occurred before and during the battle between the silent war of the organizations AdoEdem and Type-Jupiter. After that incident, he grew up and train himself in Handguns and sniping. He participated in an intercept mission of Type-Venus, known as 'Bird Drop'. It was he who delivered the shot that took down Type-Venus. Later he settled down in Italy and joined the SWA.

Main Choice-

Model: Arsenal P-M02(MODIFIED)
Name: Black Barrel(As he calls it)
Type: HandGun
Type Double Action semiautomatic
Caliber(s) 9x19 Luger / Parabellum
Weight unloaded 760 g
Length 180 mm
Barrel length 104 mm
Magazine capacity 15 rounds
1. Tripple Barrel Mode:
-Tripples the power of a shot when switched to this mode. Technically, 3 bullets trigerred in one shot. Causes the gun to cool down in 60 seconds per shot (1 minute) and causes a strong impact to the user.
2. Rounds maxed at 21
3. Silencer Compatible

Secondary Choice-


Name: Sion Eltnam Atlasia aka 'Shion Atalaxia'
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 1st
Blood type: O
Height: 161cm
Weight: 48kg
Measurements: B86/W55/H83

Originally named Sion Eltnam Sokaris, Sion is a former agent of ATLAS located in Egypt, one of the three main branches of the ALCHEM Association. She is a spy w/ great combat skills, given a position equal to the representative of ATLAS at an extremely young age. This event gave her the name of Atlasia, allowed to be used only by those who were the head of the Atlas.
Due to a failed critical mission and many highly secured secrets that she discovered, the ALCHEM Association decided to take down ATLAS, and hunt down all members. Sion escaped and fled to Italy. But unluckily, the ALCHEM has anitcipated her an she got caught up and assassinated in a hotel. Luckily, A guy in the same Hotel named Godo sensed the silent commotion and quickly brought her to the Social Welfare Agency..
After Surviving, Godo modified her nickname to Shion Atalaxia and became Godo's Sibling..

Main Choice-

Model: Arsenal P-M02 (MODIFIED)
Name: Black Barrel Replica (A replica of Godo's Handgun)
Type: HandGun
Type Double Action semiautomatic
Caliber(s) 9x19 Luger / Parabellum
Weight unloaded 760 g
Length 180 mm
Barrel length 104 mm
Magazine capacity 15 rounds
1. Double Barrel Mode:
-Doubles the power of a shot. Technically, 2 bullets trigerred in one shot. Causes the gun to cool down in 18 seconds per shot. Causes a medium impact to the user.
2. Silencer Compatible

Tactical Choice-

Model: Steyr Scout
Caliber(s): 7.62mm NATO (.308Win)
Operation: bolt action, rotating bolt
Barrel: 508 mm
Weight: 3.3 kg unloaded without scope
Length: 1039 mm
Feed Mechanism: 5 or 10 rounds detachable box magazines

Special Tools-
Description: Sion's tool for evesdroping. Made up of a transparent long wire with a small mic on the end and an earphone on the other end.


Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-27 00:44:46 (edited 2008-06-28 19:36:53)
Name:Kenji Kurayami
Weapon:Dual Desert Eagles(Black and silver)
-Kenji is an outgoing guy.Usually seen at Arcades and malls haning out with his Sibling,Minato.People usually think both of them are Twins because they look alike and are about the same age.

Name:Minato Arisato
(Primary)- Steyr Scout Tactical
(Secondary)-Desery Eagle
-Much like his Fratello,Kenji, he is also Outgoi.Usually seen tailing Kenji around town and hitting the arcades with him.One of the oldest Siblings around, he and Kenji only failed 3 missions out of all their missions.Currently attends school when he's not doing a mission.

Picture:(Both of them)


Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by karuzo on 2008-06-27 01:03:09 (edited 2008-06-27 01:31:59)
@Snake- I see, well it like this if my charcter weilding it it says... "Leave of Die" heheheh death threat heheheheheh

well sorry about the machine gun i just hooked because its cool dual feeding system...... hehehehe i edit the machine gun please have another look can youu

@All- hehehe this is getting nice

@Xero- hehehehe, well just i remembered myu youngest Rp character hehehehe


Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-27 03:00:34
@snake: I see the diference now... after about 5 times of looking back and forth at the Mp5 navy and Mp5K... and it does look a lot like the one in dino crisis....

@inx: sagara said it alrady.. it's from GunXSword... and she does use a gun pretty well...

whoa so many new players... looks like this is going to be fun.. fhn fhn fhn

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-27 07:35:05 (edited 2008-06-27 07:45:24)
Wow,this RP got itself a good response from everyone.This will be quite interesting.But it's strange...I don't remember putting the personality in the profile field....

@TM Revolution:A gun collector,eh?But as the first post written,one weapon for the handler and 2 weapons(both primary and secondary) for your "sibling".Though I'm having a idea of switching weapons before and during the missions......And what is derringer?By the way,you really love challenges,yes?That rifle is the German made sniper rifle that can only fire 3 shots per mag.That's 2 shots less than standard(5 shots).And if you're going to use that .50 BMG rifle of yours,wait till it is needed,OK? ;) Other than the part mentioned,everything's good.Speaking of which,you just remind me of the sniper duel with The End in MGS3.I wonder how's you and Inx's sniper duel goes......

@Sekishuu Akiha:That's one very messy profile you did there,bud.I can hardly see it well XP You need to read the first post first,bud!!That is the order!!Hmm,a modified Arsenal P-M02 that fires 2-3 shots,huh.....Reminds me of the Cerberus handgun used by Vincent in FF7.His handgun was a heavily modified .45 LC caliber Schofield M3 revolver handgun.

@Kenji:The first pair to use Desert Eagle,I see....Here's another person who loves sniping challenges as well.I used that rifle in CS a lot and had fun landing several headshots with it ;D It was really challenging!By the way,you may have forgotten to put the "Class" part,but your pair is a "Sniper" class,yes?

@KM Revolution:Yeah,I know how you feel.I had to admit,that MG was a real beauty among .50 caliber guns.But not to worry,though.You'll get to use it one day ;D Hmm,A M249,huh.....That's one of the Para model MG.You're planning to go CQC with it,no?

@Xero:Yup!That's the one.At first,I have no idea what Regina used for her SMG till I take a good at it.It was also then I found out the reason behind its weak firepower(20 points LOL!!).

@Inx:Got the urge,eh?Well,if the condition permits,I'll try to do something about it.Then again,you can always create one as NPCs(10 of the NPCs in this RP are the original 5 Fratello pairs(the girls in the first post are half of them.The other half was their handler) anyway).

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-27 07:48:20 (edited 2008-06-27 08:06:32)
@snake-san :
hahaha, deringer means she had more than one handgun concealed on her body(clothes) for protection cover when she being spotted by enemy^^.about the weapon for handler and sibling, they can switch their weapon when needed^^. ooh absolutely, i love challenge^^ hehe. BTW i'm Oda TM from Owari^^.

i want to ask something, could we change our weapon as the story goes?, because mauser sp66 for Enri is for training, and later i will change it as she develop her sniping ability (i planned to use SAKO TRG-42 ).

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-27 08:07:43
@Oda TM(sorry for earlier time ;P):Ah,so the rest is the other weapons of the choice,huh....So I see......As for your question,it actually depends on the missions itself.For example,when a mission calls for stealth,you can change them to a suppressed weapon.The one we have now is what we'll be using for most missions(that explains the class part here).That also brings up another thing:Depending on the mission,accessories attached on your weapons will be changed as well.Like say,my pair is going to do a mission that involves CQC.The M203 UBGL attachment will be switched to Remington M870 shotgun attachment(you can't use explosive when you're too close to the walls and enemies,no?),and similiar stuffs like that.I'll explain more of it as the RP goes when it starts later.Hmm,so that's the meaning of derringer,huh.....

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by Renma on 2008-06-27 09:20:16
Deeeemn xD

@TM Dude, Enrietta Ricci? I'll bet you everything the name is combined from Henrietta And Rico XD

@Kelrei.. God...Damn... Not that.. Godo... Shoot.. You took Shion as well, Along with her Barrel Replica Uhh... May I Remind you that No Magic, No Etherlites are allowed in this Rp? ^^;; This Rp is taking a setting of this Current Era, So I Dont Think Type-Moon weapon (Such as etherlite, Black Keys etc) Wont be allowed I Guess ^^;;

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-27 09:22:31
@Snake: Ah sorry, seems they fallowed what I posted, since I added
it. Anyway thanks for letting me do so, I might make up my own characters. xD

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"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by kelreifblue on 2008-06-27 20:19:24 (edited 2008-06-27 22:24:00)
@Renma XD Nice Idea =) I think I should give Sion her Etherlite XD
*Updates Char Profile XD

@Snake >_< wat should I change? is it the Modified Arsenal P-M02?? @_@ its just a very very normal weak hand gun(and thats her primary) that can change its mode just once in a while.. and besides, the switched mode has a Bad Effect.. 1 minute Cool Down per shot + a strong impact to the user >_< and my team is just a recon @_@ but if u dont want then i'll modify it again >,<

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-27 22:16:21 (edited 2008-06-28 05:36:59)
@Snake-san : OK! i got it^^. oh sorry i forgot about the duel, the winner of the duel is Omi and Aigis, inx is the winner^^. that make schneider curious about them(and rest in hospital about two weeks,then he meet Enri there), then it inspires him to join SWA. the duel was like this; OMi and Aigis are two sniper who play role as one sniper, and schneider play role as two Sniper(using his observer ability). Aigis is out of his calculation(because he think Aigis is an ordinary child) then it makes him lose. maybe someday they will do a rematch^^(using airsoft-gun).(Inx-san hope you dont mind about this^^)

@Renma-kun my moon fellow: teet toot!! wrong ^^ i take name Enrietta from kamen rider spirit character, an interpol agent Enrietta Birkin, and Ricci is from Alesandro Ricci petra's handler^^. but about her past i inspired by Rico^^

@Inx-san : i want to make my character and your character have engaged on sniper duel on their past (when my chara working for the terorrist before joining SWA). how do you think^^? (the winner is your character, Omi and Aigis).

@Sekshu akiha-san : etherlite?? is that thing real?? i think that wont be allowed

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by kelreifblue on 2008-06-27 22:19:31 (edited 2008-06-27 22:20:47)
@ TM. well, etherlite is just a name I gave to her Gadget XD. and I described it as a normal (NOT magical as the her real etherlite) Just a tool made of transparent wire w/ a mini mic on and earphones =) used to evesdrop and used in spying XD its definitely normal and no cheat =)

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-28 09:00:56
@Sekishuu Akiha:Well,it's not the weapon I'm referring to(though you need a change for that).It's your profile that I'm referring to.It's really hard to read at all!! XP Could you try to make it simpler like I did in the first post?Hmm,speaking of weapons,if you haven't know it,it's one weapon for the handler(which is you,yes) and 2 weapons(both primary and secondary) for your "sibling".Your side is OK,since you won't have much chance to fire your guns.Your "sibling",on the other hand,even though a recon,she still need her primary weapon,which is a SMG.Other than that,your profile need to be shortened a bit till I can understand it.I really don't need EXTREMELY detailed profiles,that's all ;P (Though it can help us understand more.....)

@All:First,thank you,Renma for the reminder.As you buds know,this RP was set on current Italy era,so no magics and fantasy stuffs here.Only guns and technology ;) Though for one thing,I can accept specially-modified firearms(like the Patriot assault pistol,which is made out from a M16 assault rifle.Any MGS fans who played MGS3 before knows these gun quite well).But keep them in logic way,OK?

If there are no more problems or anything else to be replied,I'll start the RP ASAP.Probably tomorrow when I get the idea to start the RP.Perhaps you buds can give me a idea or two.....(Thought of starting this RP in a mission ala Gunslinger Girl season 1 style....)

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-28 11:01:40
@Oda: A past battle? That would connect us a little bit more. I
guess we can do so, I don't mind. You can mention is in your bio if you wish.

@Sanke: YAY~!

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"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-28 19:39:30
@Snake:Hehe Thanks for noticing the missing part.Kinda made that profile on the spur of the moment XD.

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-28 21:12:31 (edited 2008-06-29 04:25:28)
@Inx-san : hooray^^, thank you^^ , i've put it in my bio^^

@snake : yeah^^ cant wait this to start^^!!!

Re: Gunslinger Girl/Boy RP(Started!!)
Link | by on 2008-06-29 09:37:15
@Sekshu akiha: I think you should fix your profile cosing.
Cause it extends the page, I recommend using<br> to break your sentences. Or just don't use the table code.

@Oda: Alright, your welcome.

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currently CLOSED. Request as detailed as
as you possibly can. Find me on Skype,
life is keeping me busy.

"My Gender is Reversible~!"
<--- 「 Belphegor | Shizuo Heiwajima 」 --->

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