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Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by koy+ on 2008-10-13 23:47:15
ahha ye =D
but i don't like it how i've invests so much on kotoko(even tho i really like her and her voice is good) and not too much on their minor singers or ones that aren't as famous.. i mean kotoko gets all these good songs

but its prolly the fact that shes good at writing the songs too=D

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by yuki on 2008-11-30 23:52:52
- Re-sublimity
- being
- Suppuration -core-
- Sociometry

Mami Kawada:
- Get my way!
- PSI-missing
- Hishoku no Sora
- I pray to stop my cry -Little Sea Style-

gotta say that i love mami more than kotoko for now ^^;;

and yeah, i've is a great group. and the vocalists' voices variate too :D

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by asianlegend on 2008-12-20 16:58:12
@ Steel

you can't forget Lia lol. She rules as well
I've is just so good :o

Currently I'm in love with both of them. but I've liked KOTOKO's songs for a much longer time period. xD but since I've been listening to Kotoko for much longer, I'm always looking for some new ones cause listening to them too much gives me a headache ;P
+Where do you download all those songs from KOTOKO?? lol Gendou is my only source of jap music downloads X-X
Well.. in no particular order..

Fact of fact
Kirei na Senritsu
Special Life
Shichitenhakki Shijou Shugi
Shooting Star
Trust your truth
Second Flight

Mami Kawada:
Asu e no Namida
Sora no Mori
Hishoku no Sora

and no offense to anyone, but I really dislike Joint.

and one more thing
LIA IS AWESOME AS WELL! lol but she quit I've =.= that sucks

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Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by stardestroyer on 2009-01-08 19:01:24
I LOVE Kotoko's Shooting Star from Please Teacher!


Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by tomoyo! :3 on 2009-01-11 10:37:26
I think the latest single for KOTOKO at the time I wrote this is bumpy-Jumpy, and its pretty good.

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by on 2009-01-11 10:50:40 (edited 2009-01-11 10:55:54)
Actually Xiao-san her newest song is 'Restoration' featured in the newest Baldr game franchise from Giga. Here is the games demo & the full version as well. The single is already out for those looking for it. Although Bumpy-Jumpy is more mainstream than Restoration is.

Baldr Sky demo

Restoration full ver. by KOTOKO

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by tomoyo! :3 on 2009-01-11 11:12:11

Your as fast as usual. Thanks =P

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by on 2009-01-11 18:23:09
in what platform is this Baldr Sky?


Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by on 2009-01-12 20:18:44
@ Alchemic-san
Baldr Sky is for the PC. It's an adult visual novel. A sequel to the very popular Baldr franchise.

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by koy+ on 2009-01-13 22:50:57

JOINT is good >< its better when u watch shana

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by hello on 2009-01-14 13:41:24
Its too techno/rock/whatever its called for me. I guess the only thing i have on my mp3 is get my way by mami kawada.


Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by ゆめ² on 2009-01-14 22:19:09
I'm more of a fan for Kotoko.

I've got almost every song that has her in it. Primarily due to a Kotoko fan which happens to be a good friend of mine.

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by geneastpac on 2009-06-28 05:00:20
Kotoko have a song call Ao-Iconoclast which is the OST for the game Blazblue. It is the best Kotoko song in 3 yrs since she last released a song call Being.

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by karuzo on 2009-06-28 06:58:40
if I am right the full title of the theme song of Baldr Sky


Restoration -chiisana no sora [?]-

becasue the full translation of the song is

Restoration -Silent Sky-

As i noticed... Kotoko sang the 2 theme songs of the Team Baldrhead games...

Baldr Force
Baldr Sky

most of her songs were in these game are themed in like in cyberworld...

in my opinion some Kotoko's songs revolves in truth, cyberworld, and mystery...

this is my opinion though...

I like her songs...


Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by on 2009-06-28 08:04:50
er so baldr force was a game? wo..i thought it was anime...anyway i never feel bored listening to their song..yeh they are very good!!!

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by on 2009-10-16 00:21:26
Better add another song to Kotoko's contributions to the Baldr franchise. Her latest song for the game is Shudaika Jihad (主題歌・jihad) for the next installment of the Baldr Sky game 'Dive2 RECORDARE'.

The song sounds quite good in my guys can hear it here.

Other than that she also recently released her 4th full length album 'Epsilon no Fune'. There are some very good tracks on the disc....though the inclusion of Blaze & not Sociemetry is a tad baffling. The last song on the set she sing fully in english with the help of Kazuya Takase who i believed wrote Real Onigokko. Well she sings english alot better then MELL is what i can say.

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by thundercraker on 2009-10-18 03:53:41
Yay! Finnaly someone made a thread: Kotoko = win

Mami Kawada is no less by the way. My personal favourite from both singers are

Shooting Star (Kotoko) and Radiance (Mami Kawada) <- suprising, these didn't get mentioned that often in the previous posts. Which must have something to do with Starship Operators not being that famous.

Also, both singers have great music tracks. I love the synths of both artists - but then again I didn't find anything that could beat Shooting Star's opening synth. :P

Lightning Sig - thundercraker

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by on 2009-10-18 07:01:46
I might as well add this to the thread. Here is the PV for Kotoko's new single from her latest album. The title track for it, "ε -Epsilon-"

Kotoko's typical style which kinda reminded me of the video for Re-sublimity.

Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by nyunyuelf on 2009-10-18 10:42:06
Real Onigokko
We Survive
Second Flight

Mami Kawada:
P.S.I Missing
Akai Namida

I think I'm a bigger fan of KOTOKO than Mami, because I heard her songs before Mami's....but I like Eiko Shimamiya, too.


Re: Kotoko & Mami Kawada
Link | by on 2010-01-05 17:16:26
both of their songs are great, best from each is:

Kawada - Prophecy
Kotoko - sociometry


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