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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-11-13 20:22:12
@likun:thanz 4 joining
@iki:welcome!enjoy urself!
@mika:hope u enjoy here~
@ryan:i will~just wait,ok?

yep~i also wait 4 tsubasa tokyo revelation~
*let's talk about tsubasa tokyo revelation ya?

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-13 20:50:01
mjia-sama i want to join the club..


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by melanie1993 on 2007-11-13 23:56:01
i love all the character in Tsubasa Chronicle!!!
Sakura,syoaran,fye,kuragane are so so so so CUTE in episod 12(Season 2)!!!
here are some picture of Tsubasa Chronicle,hope you all like it!!!^^

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Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2007-11-14 09:21:23
Ok lets talk about Tokyo Revelation! It´s release on Friday right?

This is the ending "Saigo no Kajitsu" sung by Maaya Sakamoto. I think it´s just a wondeful song. =^.^= I really love it.
Sakamotos voice is just beautiful.

And this is the Tokyo Revelation Opening. Just a preview. The song is called "Synchronicity" sung by
Yui Makino (the seiyuu of Sakura).

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-11-15 02:58:05
@ryan:now i officially pronounce u as one of the tsubasa chronicle club member~
@mel:thanz foe those pic~they really nice~
@likun:thanz 4 the videos~the songs really gud n i loves them~

here is an video about tsubasa i found it interesting~

hope u enjoy it~

here is another video which yui makino(one of gendounian here) tell me~

hope u enjoy it too~

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-15 17:00:27
:D i love Tsubasa Chronicles!

I would like to join please~ woot!

My deviantART!
Link (from LoZ) claimed by me!
Current obsession:
Icons from here

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-11-16 05:01:24
@suzaku:welcome to tc club~


for all tsubasa lovers=tc club members,here a gift from me:

i made banner for u,hope u like it~sory if the banner r ugly~

for syaoran-lovers:

<img src="">

for sakura-lovers:

<img src="">

for kuro sama-lovers and mokona-lovers:

<img src="">

for fai-lovers:

<img src="">

i got sum tsubasa pics too:

hope all tc members like it~

*remember to post more pics o videos,ok?
*tsubasa OVA coming,plz remember to see it ~

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2007-11-16 05:16:50
hey there,mija!
i would like to join your club nee~
if u need information or anything,feel free to pm me,kay?

why dont u ask someone to make a badge or siggy or whatever?

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by cinta on 2007-11-16 05:19:04 (edited 2007-11-16 05:21:41)
Ohh i loveee tsubasa chronicles
BIGG FAN !! ^^
I think its my most favourite anime
well right now anyway

story line is sooo sad
but its real cute and funny too
nice anime :)

i'd like to join the clubbbbb ^^ XD

i can make little banners and stuff too =3

I want to watch the mooviiieeee

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by Huy on 2007-11-16 07:45:00
A TRC club, cool. ^^

I won't join, but I'll take a look from time to time.
I'm reading the manga, but here in Germany we only have 13 volumes out.

Anyways, here are some wallies.

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by LiKun on 2007-11-16 08:20:15
Wohooo today Tokyo Revelation releases! ^0^/
But Ive no chance to buy it here in Germany ;_;
So I have to look for someone who upload it in the internet. T_T

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by Huy on 2007-11-16 11:54:34
More pics:

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-16 18:20:08
im so excted to watch tokyo revelation ^-^

wee hoo!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by Huy on 2007-11-17 02:51:33
Is there already a subber for TR?


Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by dr_xavier15 on 2007-11-17 21:10:14
i have an idea nee
why dont u guys make an official rp from this club nee?
make it more different,
like teh plots.maybe you can add some such as,meeting you(the players)
or joining them(you know them,right?)

i dunno..just giving some suggestions

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by cinta on 2007-11-18 05:25:55 (edited 2007-11-18 22:06:15)
Everybody this is the banner and code i made for the TCC.
Hope you like =3


<img src="">


<img src="">


<img src="">


<img src="">


<img src="">


<img src="">

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by on 2007-11-18 05:32:43
omg jen u made cool abnners!! nc job!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by yuki_miho on 2007-11-18 11:05:01
ooh mjia im here to join te club !!~ im a fay fan...hiuu~!!

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by cinta on 2007-11-18 22:05:28
Hey everybody, is it okay ? That banner i make ?
Arigato vie =3

Re: ツバサ~Reservior Chronicle ~Club「TRC]
Link | by mjia on 2007-11-19 02:19:10
hug*everyone~thanz for being a tc club members~plz enjoy urself here ya?

besides,thanz for jen a.k.a cinta manis for making us the banners~


* i hev chosen few of members to become organisers for the club to help me up~

these people plz attention

:jen a.k.a cinta manis-chan~

* i now officially announcent that u as organisers of tc club.


mjia a.k.a tomoyo~

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