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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 20:35:35 (edited 2006-06-28 20:35:58)
I rather this finish the fight between the consoles, but in the face of the odds...

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...can dreams do come true?

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-28 20:42:36
Is that Aerith and I know that's obviously Cloud XD.

360 does have some nice graphics, I give them that.


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 20:47:26
Yeah, and Halo 3 when you put aside the debate and fanboyism, is going to be real fun if they can deliver what they promise. Ever wanted to be in the battle in Clone Wars...

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-06-28 20:51:50
Are you kidding? Halo 3 having weight in the console wars? jezzus, no.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-06-28 20:59:36 (edited 2006-06-28 21:00:24)
....if anything, square-enix will be the one to end the console wrs....halo stands no chance against SE....go PS3 !!!

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 21:02:08
I always heard the Wii would be the dark horse. I suppose no one thinks it can stand a chance, anyone want to theorize how the Wii can win? I'd like to debate that!

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-06-28 21:13:28 (edited 2006-06-28 21:15:01)
Dark horse? My 4$$, more like Trojan Horse.

PS3, though, will be one hell of a competitor. In my opinion, it will be tied or very close between PS3 and Wii. Microsoft will get the Macroshaft Hardcore.

On the other end, PS3 could die on simple numbers. $600 for the purpose of gaming is absolutely absurd.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-28 21:27:01
Yeah I agree with you there but as the more better games comes out, the PS3 should've dropped it's pricing range...I hope!!


Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 21:58:58
Wii sounds fun and all, but little kids/FPS fans will want Halo 3 and young adults/PS generation will problaby want PS3, so who is left? Casual gamers. That is a big market I didn't consider, maybe all three will win in different demographics. And also, I think maybe a lot of people can buy a Wii too if they have the money for a PS3 or the difference from a 360. However if I buy PS3, which I will (that is the only system I'll defenitley buy), is'nt that equal to two 360s or like three Wii? LOL Good strategy Sony. $600 is a lot, but if they provide multiple entertainment purposes and the many good games it's promising the price will be worth it. One can always rent and buy traded in games to afford costs.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-06-28 22:14:25 (edited 2006-06-28 22:17:01)
That's if renting and trading games is even possible for the PS3, one of the stories circulating around about the PS3 was that they were going to introduce a licensing system. Basically, you never actually own the game you 'bought' at the store, only the liscense to use it. This would also mean that buying used games/selling yours would be completely impossible.

Personally, I don't think that'll happen, since this takes anti-piracy to a nearly unbearable extreme.

I agree with you about your first points, though. Microsoft will probably only sell in America. Don't see it doing well in any country, but the strongest would probably be America. And for the sake of all gaming, Nintendo _needs_ to get out of the kiddie game rut they are in. They need to make more RPGs ;P

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-06-28 22:21:05
No renting? How would I know if a game really sucked beforehand?!? Magazines are smart, but they are NEVER 100% realiable.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-06-29 07:26:50
Hence the unbelievable stupidity of A) the rumor or B) Sony.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-22 13:17:47

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-22 15:40:40 (edited 2006-08-22 16:13:43)
Halo 3 probably wont win the console war,but rather sonys terrible marketing decisions will lose it for sony and the PS3. First they are using blue ray technology which is expensive and impractical, sony of all companies should realize that cheaper technology in this case hd dvd will win out over better expensive equipment like blue ray. The other thing is the decision to impliment software that prohibits the use of rented or borrowed games on the PS3. Its a horrible idea that will definetly ruin the console. The last thing is the price which is set at over 700 dollars for the ral console like the 360 premium system. In short halo 3 wont win the console war but it will certainly help.

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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-30 16:00:24
I just thoght this thread could use a little chief action, there's no picture of him here so ill post this one. Praise the arbiter!

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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Dragoon on 2006-08-30 17:19:20 (edited 2006-08-30 17:25:07)
I don't understand how Halo 3 and the Xbox appeals to kids when you say that Nintendo makes the "kiddy games". Wouldn't that make the Wii the one that appeals to children...?

Anyways, the latest recording sales of Halo 2 is 6.4 million sales.
I expect Halo 3 to actually sell LESS.
Now you ask why..
The Xbox 360 has only sold 5 million recorded since June 30.
The Original Xbox sold around 13.5 million systems.
Obviously sales will pick how much though? Well we'll find out later.
And not every 360 owner will pick up Halo 3. Well I could be wrong, the highest I see Halo 3 sales at is either the same as Halo 2 or just a bit over, around 6.7 million.

Time for some more common sense, one game won't save the 360 from its inevitable failure, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time sold 7.6 million copies worldwide, Super Mario 64 sold 11.6 million copies worldwide not including its DS counterpart. The 64 lost out against the PSX.
So don't tell me the 360's Halo 3 can help it win the console war, it won't. I foresee Wii>PS3>Xbox360, a strong lineup of Metroid Prime 3, Zelda:TP, Mario Galaxy, and Smash Brawl > Halo 3. There are also rumors of PS3 games being over 70$.

The PS3's price is just too high, and if graphics is all you care about then you can't be called a true gamer. Graphics are nice now and then, but if that's all you care about then go look outside. Gameplay is the only thing that matters.

Comparatively, buying an Xbox360+Wii would be the same as buying a PS3.
Wii + 6-8 games = 600$
Which would you choose?

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Feo Muchacho on 2006-08-30 19:53:59
So you're saying the x box 360 will fail. I dont bleieve this at all and if you viewed my previous thread, not the one with the chief you would see that I share your point of view. It very possible that Halo 3 wont win the console war for the 360. It will help mind you but sonys ridiculous prices will ruin it for them. As for the wii I think you're being a little to confident in its perfromance as a system. No one out of conventions or the developers has played the games or used the new wand controller with a finished game. I love nintendo but im waiting until I get a wii to pass my judgement, when I actually have play experience to back it up. Right now thw 360 is the only next gen system out and im playing it no matter what people say. Sorry I get a little touchy on ths subject.


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Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Dragoon on 2006-08-30 21:40:58
I'm not bashing you because you play your Xbox 360, I'm just saying that its doomed to failure, Microsoft lost billions on the original, and its going to lose more now due to malfunctioned 360s and its poor sales in Japan. I might actually pick a 360 up because of a Tri-Ace game coming out for it. I'm a big RPG fan, and Tri-Ace has made excellent games so I'm willing to dish out some doe just to get their game being developed on the 360, along with some other games coming out in the future.

I may be a little confident about Wii, but its the only one I see with real potential.

Xbox 360 is nothing special, just an updated Xbox.
PS3 is an expensive behemoth, with added on features from other systems and graphics.
Wii is a VERY cheap console that I see doing well due to its hype and how developers are cancelling their projects on the PS3.
Hell I'd buy a Wii JUST to play Smash Brawl, that's how good that game is.
Although...I am going to pick up a PS3, just later, when its around 400-500$, there'll be a ton of RPGs to play like FF13 and probably DQ9.

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by i_want_to_flirt_with_drunk_sango on 2006-08-30 22:57:22
Why do people always assume someone will buy NOT buy a PS3 and a Wii instead just because of the price? I'd hate to tell you, but us people in our early twenties have finished school/worked for years and gotten VERY good jobs. A $700 system will not break me, as it will not break a lot of other gamers who will spend a huge amount of time on a PS3! I mean, Tekken 6? DMC4? Castlevania online? (HOLD ME!) This s*** is gonna be too fun! Oh, and I want to be there when FF13 comes out!

And I don't have a 360, but I will buy one in the future once the price drops and DOA4, DOA Volleyball 2 and of course the new Halo are available! Of all the games I have on many systems, 1/3 of my fave most played games are these because of the online play/relaxation factor! In the last two years, I racked up over 900 hours ofonline play on two of those games, and it is well worth it and a lot of fun! If you spend an hour a day playing games online, that is almost 400 hours in one year! So count me in as someone who will contribute to the Halo 3 statistics, I honestly am very looking forward to it, and I think amy of the old Halo fans and new will come when the 360 is affordable! I don't believe the 360 has really been released yet until Halo hits the stores, that's what MANY 360 gamers are waiting for!

Also, I'm curious, given the choice between PS3, 360, and Wii and they were all the same price, including games, what would you choose? They way people bitch about the price, I assume they'd rather have a PS3!

Re: Halo 3 and the REAL Next-Gen debate!
Link | by Dragoon on 2006-08-30 23:43:50
Ok cool, you have a job, not everyone does you know, not everyone has an awesome job where you get payed a lot. It's cool you can afford it, but not everyone can.
During Christmas a kid's mom asks him what he wants, he says PS3, the woman then looks at the variables - is it appropriate? Does it cost a lot?
These type of gamers (younglings I like to call them) make up a somewhat large percentage of the gaming industry I'd say 15-25%. They buy (or their parents do) the cheapest most unviolent game available.
Wii=9%, PS3=3, Xbox360=3%
Now, there are teens (aka casual gamers), they make up around 35 of the gaming industry.
Wii=7.5%, PS3=12.5%, Xbox360=15%
Hardcore gamers, they make up around the same % as casual gamers, 35
Wii=12%, PS3=12%, Xbox360=5%
Old gamers (can be worked in with casual gamers), combine teens/old gamers if you wish. They make up around 10%
Wii=4%, PS3=2%, Xbox360=4%

Total:Wii=32.5%,PS3=32, Xbox360=30%

This is how I see the world of gaming.
The reason why I say the Xbox360 will fail is not due to sales, but due to the amount of money they lose overall. The Xbox sold more than the GameCube, and lost billions supposedly, while Nintendo being outsold actually GAINED a profit.

Obviously if all systems were the same price you would choose the PS3 right? But that won't happen. I can add on stupid variables as well you know. Hey if Wii had the same graphical performance as the PS3 which would you choose? I'd assume they would rather want a Wii. The game line is different but, that doesn't matter, most companies would jump boat anyways if they had the chance to work with an influential controller, top notch graphics, at an uncostly price.

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