Lyrics for Tonight, Tonight, Tonight from Bleach by Beat Crusaders (Opening #4)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Woke up with yawn. It's dawning, im still alive.
Turned on my radio to start up new day
As goddamned DJ's chattered how to survive
Amazing news got over on the air wave

Tonight, love is rationed
Tonight, across the nation
Tonight, love infects worldwide
Almost another day

Woke up with yawn. It's dawning, im still alive.
Turned on my radio to start up new day
As goddamned DJ's chattered how to survive
Amazing news got over on the air wave

Tonight, love is rationed
Tonight, across the nation
Tonight, love infects worldwide
Almost another day

(Almost another day)

She's a shooting star, good night, good night
She's a shooting star, good bye

Tonight, love is rationed
Tonight, across the nation
Tonight, love infects worldwide...

Tonight, love is racing
Tonight, across the nation
Tonight, love infects worldwide
Almost another day
See you some other day.
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