Lyrics for Kokoro no Wakusei ~Little Planets~ from The Law of Ueki by Aiko Kayou (Ending #1)

itsumo soko ni iru hazu to
omotte ita kimi ga inai
dokoka natsukashiku kanjiru kedo
samishiku wa nai

nanigenaku miageta ano awai iro no sora ni

kokoro ga ukabeta PLANET
mayotta toki ni wa omoidashite
ano hi no bokura ga kitto itsumo
kanata de mitsumete kurete iru

nani shiteru no ima doko ni
toikakete mo kotae wa kurenai kedo
hanarete mo kanjiaeru deai ga (bokura)
tsunaide iru kara

bokura no sagashimono yume himitsu no ano kichi de

kokoro ga mitsuketa PLANET
muchuu no uchuu o kakemawari
kanaeta nara kitto SMILING soshite
ano hi no bokura o FURIMUITE

ano hi no hitomi ga PLANET
bokura no mawari o mawatte iru
sukitooru hitomi no PLANET zutto
kawaranu omoi ga koko ni aru

kokoro ga ukabeta PLANET
mayotta toki ni wa omoidashite
ano hi no bokura ga kitto itsumo
kanata de mitsumete kurete iru

いつもそこに いるはずと
思っていた キミがいない
どこか 懐かしく感じるけど

なにげなく見上げた あの 淡い色の空に

あの日のぼくらがきっと いつも
彼方で 見つめてくれている

なにしてるの いまどこに
問いかけても 答はくれないけど
離れても 感じあえる 出逢いが

ぼくらの探しもの=ユメ ヒミツのあの基地で

かなえたなら きっとsmilin' そして

透き通る瞳の惑星 ずっと

あの日のぼくらがきっと いつも
彼方で 見つめてくれている
I thought that you’d always
Be there, yet you’re not
I feel nostalgic somewhere
But I’m not lonely

I casually looked up at that palely colored sky

When I’m lost, I recall
The planets that my heart showed
The us from back then were certainly always
Gazing at them in the yonder

What are you doing? Where are you now?
Even if I asked, you wouldn’t give me an answer
But even if we’re separated, we can feel each other; because our encounter
Connects us

What we search for = dreams, at that secret base

The planets that my heart found
Run around the universe in my dreams
If our wishes can be fulfilled, then we’ll certainly be smilin’, and
We’ll look back at the us from back then

Our eyes from back then were planets
Circling around us
The planets of our transparent eyes
Unchanging thoughts are here forever

When I’m lost, I recall
The planets that my heart showed
The us from back then were certainly always
Gazing at them in the yonder

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