Registered:2006-09-22 08:14:24
Latest Activity:2008-03-26 01:09:02
Forum Entries: View All (5)
About Me:

hOviEs: kumAin, ......m2Log, .....MaBuhaY, ......ma2tAy,
......mging taO Khit papaNo.....
Fave Books:
HarRy PoTter laNg ata pinaGtyagaAn qnG buk
eh!!!, skA 2ng buK na AnG titEl ay
"giRls rUle"

Fave Movies:
hArry PottEr 1 2 n 4(d q napanooD unG 3),
sPonGebob.....hehe...., mEan gurLz, gLass traP,
8 leggEd freAks, hAunted mAnsion, hiGh schooL
musicaL, cHicken liTTle, piraTes of the
caRRibean, hOuse of wAx, inCredibLes, cHarlieS
angeLs, ceLLular, xMen, sKy hiGh

Fave Music:
cUeshE---guZ2 q p nGa b cLa??, spongEcoLa,
simPle plan, greeN daY, gooD charloTTe,
caLLalily>>stars<<, haLe, liNdsay loHan, keLLy
clarkson, asHlee simpson, >>stars aRe blinD<<,
aVriL, kaMikaZee, 6 cYcLemind, rocKsteDDy,
iTchyworms, pAnic! at thE diSco>>i wRite siNs
nOt roCkz!<<, niCk laChey??,
linKin pArk, riHanna??, >>uNg kNanta s P.D.A.-
hawAk kamy b un??sKa ung tuEsdaY thing and
smiLe....bAzta ung nNdun<<, rYan cAbrera...,
sUm aNime sOngs...gRabe anDmi eH!!!

Fave TV Shows:
sPongebob( khT d n q nka2noOd), cUrious pLay!!!,
dEtective ConAn, myx, pimP my riDe, midoRi days,
plEase teaCher, goD saVe our kiNg, fLame of
reCCa, yuyu haKusho, r.o.d., cHronicle of the
wiNgs, caRdcaptor saKura, lAw of uEki, pAradise
kiSS, hOney anD cLoveR

my full name iz: Zharmaine Marie M. Altea aQ poH
ay cuRRently studying in sT. pauL coLLege pAsig
1sT yeAr sTud....bUt sTiLL 12 yeArs yOunG ^_^ i
aM cHeerfuL,noisy(arOund frEnz),stUdioUs-daW
pEro laZy,couCh potaTo,mKuleT,kaLog-hehe, d
nawA2lan ng sa2bHin,friEnd q ang
raiN,mabaiT,maSama,sweeT-wehh,mLabo.... mDli poh
aQ mGing frienD so lEt uZ be fRienDz....u caN
find me anYwhere,aNytime,i'm aLweiZ aRound....
baZta nKa-piGtailZ.daT'z mE!!...siNz gr.6
hairStyLE q na un aNd no oNe caN stOp Me!!!
mWaHaHaHaHa!!! bY d waY i'm aLso eviL in a
waY....hihihi....kLa2baS q lang sa meNtaL
hoSpitaL at minSan inaAtake aq ng
pAgkabLiw...bEware of me....i mAybe a haPPy
peRson but You dO not waNt to maKe me
aNgry....nGigIng dragOn aq nd you wOnt likE
it....oH weLL...

 I wanna mEeT
-faNs of mY faVes nD...

iT kinDA looKs liKe tHAt i tYped aLot...bUt
the hOrribLE truth iS i sOrt oF juST coPied tHis
fRom my FRiendSter pLease juSt
moRe dEtails...haha...nAg-prOmote eh noH.
:::::wiThout power,jUstice doesn't eXiSt:::::

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