About Me:
hey guys!! Im 17 years old and i live in Pennsylvania and for those of you who dont know that is in the US. I love anime, most music especially the music on gendou....i love the radio(obviously). I dont know many anime b/c im not that on track with everything but im trying to get to know more of them.... :D If ya wanna reach me other than here my msn is Yuuri91100@hotmail.com, my Yahoo is Waterdragon91100@yahoo.com, my AIM is Waterdragon9110 and my gchat for gmail is Waterdragon91100@gmail.com. My Gendouian Brothers are Maiku and DarkSemmon and my CLOSE Genoduian Bro is Demonslayer.
don't click this link...
This avy was made by kazuma
This avy made ny inuyasha
this is a recreation by miko  |