Registered:2006-05-25 02:24:06
Latest Activity:2015-03-04 03:58:05
Forum Entries: View All (1015)
Buddies: has 5 buddies in list, is on 20 buddy lists
Song Ratings: View (11)
Polls: 1 votes
Crypto. Challenges: View All 10 challenges completed, 1,700 points earned
About Me:

Welcome to Lanster's Profile

My Personal Information :

Name ....._..: Unayasha (I won't tell you my real name)
Nick Name ..: Lanster
Gender .......: Male
Age ....++...: 20
Nationality _: Indonesia

My Hobby :
- Doing Homework.
- Picture Editing.
- Composing Music.
- Programming, especially when writting source code.

About me :

Well, I'm an Indonesian. You'll find me amusing if you talking to me, or should I say
that I'm noisy>,<. Basically, I am just an ordinary student of UKDW University.
I live in Jogjakarta City, a school city in Indonesia.

Now about my personality....
My friends said that I'm emotionless. But I think that myself rather noisy. Someone
ever said that I have two personality, because I can become very quiet in the class,
and I can become a very noisy person.

My specialty is disturbing the others when sleeping, especially in New Years Eve^^.
I have a lot of experience about computer, logic of programming, and networking.
You can find me in Indonesian Thread, come and ask me anything you want.
I'll gladly answer if I can.

Favorite Anime :

I like all of them, except Naruto and One Piece. Well..., I'll just mention 10 of them.
If I have to mention all of them, It'll make an A3 page out of it^^
My Favorite Anime :
- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
- Fate Stay Night
- Gundam Seed
- Evangelion
- Super Robot War OG
- Full Metal Panic
- Macross Frontier
- Black Cat
- Stratos 4
- Rideback

Favorite Musics :

Um, I like all of them. So, I have no music that I like the most.
Some of them aren't from Anime. Here's my favorite :
- Feel the Sonic by Meiko, Miku Hatsune, Megurine Luka
- Rip=Release by Megurine Luka
- Paper Moon by Tommy Heavenly6
- Zankoku yo Kibou to Nare by Aira Yuki
- Nebula by Miku Hatsune
- Melody by Miku Hatsune
- Snow Rain by Ueda Kana
- Nemo by Nightwish
- Take Me Away by Avril Lavigne
- Bring Me to Life by Evanessence
- Bang - Bang Boom by the Moffats

^^by Eria-san^^

I'm the light that born from the darkness
I'm the darkness that born from the light
May the light and the darkness reside between my body and my mind

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