Nickname: in S L I K not S I L K
Registered:2006-10-31 13:55:48
Latest Activity:2013-01-27 16:04:19
Forum Entries: View All (189)
Buddies: has 3 buddies in list, is on 5 buddy lists
Song Ratings: View (10)
About Me:
*~...About MeeEee...~*
*get ready for a wild ride!!! j/k j/k* ^____^

Weelll...Im 19 years old ^___^
I love trying out new things...depends on ma mood though >.< hehe..but at the mo, Im making new hobby~!!yeiii~~!!!check me out at deviantart (username: blu-eyezz) ~!Ma other hobbies include listening to music (cannot live without it :P), hanging around with ma friends and watching my favorites shows...though right now im online 24/7 roaming around >.< I love to meet new friends...soo lemme kno if u wanna add me to msn or facebook ^^

TV Shows I Like:

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I'll add some more later..

Okay..Ill share 3 most common things about me with u guys ^^ :
~I can laugh at almost anything..~!and most of the time i cant really stop *giggles*
~I love to talk/chat~!!hehehe
~If im obsessed with something,I try to find each and everything about them and I dont stop unless I get tired or I find myself a new addiction :P

Ma Current obsession ^____^ *droooool* XD

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Hehehe Yaaa~~!!Its DBSK~!!or rather heroo :P

Ma Favorite artists/bands include DBSK, Oasis, Coldplay, Stereophonics, Ayumi Hamasaki, errr...I cant remember the others >___<
Favorite anime: GetBackers, CCS, Tsubasa Chronicles, Fushigi Yugi(TV Series), Karin, The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, WitchHunter Robin, GItS:2nd Gig...
Gaaah~!ma minds blank all of a sudden.. -___-"

I wonder if i should get myself a shoutbox??!! o.O

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