Registered:2004-07-05 16:57:45
Latest Activity:2019-01-21 10:58:10
Forum Entries: View All (63)
Lyrics Submitted: 44
Buddies: has 1 buddies in list, is on 2 buddy lists
Request Votes: 95 total, 0 active
Song Ratings: View (264)
Contributions: 0 pending, 34 accepted, 2 rejected
Uploads: 15 uploads, 0 pending, 8 points total
Crypto. Challenges: View All 13 challenges completed, 2,300 points earned
About Me: Do~ you~ know~? ☆ ☆ I'm a MAHOU SHOUJO DESU KIRA KIRA SPARKLE SPARKLE KYUUUN named Mai (舞, まい). ☆☆ ...I shall now wave my amazingly fabulous stick above you. MOE SPARKLE MOE MOE KYUUUN! ☆☆☆ Also, please don't read my forum entries because they are quite the pinnacle of embarrassmentseseses.

Contact Me
- Imakuni@GPX+
- shimizu_mai@VDex
- まい@Tinierpoop
- shimizu_mai@Neopotty
- Girasole@Subutta
- Sognare@Vinderpus

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