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Workplace Mental Health Programs Approaches

Despite the globally recognized mental health impact, some studies showed that workers remained hesitant to speak to their manager or people in the company about their mental health, for fear that they would be seen like they couldn’t cope and perform, and that they may be replaced. Employees dealing with different challenges require different types of support and the matrix helps business leaders identify that. For instance, an employee working through a diagnosed mental health condition may have different needs than an employee dealing with a personal situation. An employee confronting a trigger unique to the workplace requires a different type of support than an employee navigating intersectional challenges stemming from their perception around others' prejudices. Designing break out areas and coworking spaces to inspire communication can further improve productivity levels in your office. These spaces encourage idea sharing and teamwork to promote positive work relationships. An open plan office keeps lines of communication open and supports information sharing between teams. There are very few workplaces in today’s economy in which resilience (the ability to manage challenge) is not a key asset and in which change is not a regular motif of organisational life. Workplaces and managers should be aware of evidence-based tools such as mindfulness and supporting physical activities that can support resilience. Equally, they should recognise that responsibility for this lies not just with the individual but also with the organisation. Similarly to any change that happens within organizations, discussions around Wellbeing for HR need planning and implementing properly.

Mental Health Friendly Workplaces

60% of employees in the private sector work for small and medium sized employers (organisations employing less than 250 employees) and SMEs account for 99% of UK businesses. However, lack of time and resources mean they are not all able to offer as much support for employees and tend to be very reactive. Look into mental health training for your both you and your management team. This training, provided by mental health experts, will provide you with the tools you need to tackle stigma in the workplace and educate you about mental health – both incredibly important when it comes to supporting an employee with anxiety. Protecting and promoting mental wellbeing in the workplace is not only good for your employees. It’s also good for your business or organization. Your staff members’ mental health has a direct effect on their level of engagement and productivity. This means, not just happier workers, but also a healthier bottom line. A manager who believes a team member may be experiencing mental ill health should take the lead and arrange a meeting as soon as possible to talk to the team member in private. The conversation should be approached in a positive and supportive way. Mental health in the workplace is top of mind for everyone these days. While a lot has changed about what we understand about mental health at work, and how widespread poor mental health is, it's worth taking a look at the basics. For employers not investing in wellbeing initiatives, employers duty of care mental health can be a difficult notion to comprehend.

Organisations now need to be on the front-foot of employee wellbeing, ensuring that environments, processes and strategies bring out the best in people. Leaving it to chance is no longer an option. Sometimes, things don’t turn out the way people expect, and it’s not uncommon to take these failures personally. When this happens in the workplace, it’s critical for employees to have the coping skills in place to manage the missteps, learn from the experience, and move on. Many companies use an employee assistance program (EAP) to support workplace mental health. Some employees may be reluctant to use this resource due to fear of stigma, shame, and lack of understanding about how these confidential programs work. Healthy workplaces deliver greater productivity, improve workforce participation and increase social inclusion. It’s important to get this right because the consequences of ill health on individuals, their families, communities and the economy are profound. Not asking for feedback can be because an employee is scared of speaking out. An opinion on managing employees with mental health issues is undoubtebly to be had in every workplace in the country.

Performance Pressure

Success at work is measured in many ways. Hitting productivity goals, achieving financial gains, completing projects on time—these are some of the ways a company knows it’s doing well. Employees are key to reaching these success measures, and the importance of their mental health can’t be ignored in the pursuit of success. Employees might feel very happy to tell a colleague about a physical injury they’ve sustained, but when it comes to changes in their mental health, people can keep this to themselves through fear of being treated differently or judged. Your employer needs to ensure that, as far as possible, the requirements that it places upon you are clear and compatible and that you have the information you need to understand your role and responsibilities. No one should have to face a mental health problem alone. Managers need to be aware of mental health conditions and of health and well-being issues in the workplace. They need to be able to resolve problems as they arise, using the range of tools, guidance and expert advice available. Even though it may not be easy to become an employee-centric company addressing workplace wellbeing ideas it is of utmost importance in this day and age.

With 14.3 million working days lost per year in the UK due to stress, depression and anxiety the cost to employers is around £45 billion each year which is a rise of 16% since 2016, to the cost of an extra £6 billion a year. It has been found that every pound spent by employers on mental health interventions leads to a return of £5 in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover. Contrary to the myth about people with a mental health condition not being capable of performing to a high standard at work, many people with a condition continue to go into work and thrive. There could be times when performance could be affected, particularly if they are afraid of disclosing their condition and accessing the support they might need at certain times. Employers have a legal duty to protect workers from stress at work by doing a risk assessment and acting on it. Workers feel stress when they can’t cope with pressures and other issues. Employers should match demands to workers’ skills and knowledge. There is more that employers can be doing to support mental health among the workforce. In particular, more can be done to tackle the stigma associated with mental health problems, increase awareness, and provide adequate training for employees. If you hate your job, look for meaning and satisfaction elsewhere in your life: in your family, friends, hobbies, or voluntary work. Focus on the parts of your life that bring you joy. Don't forget to send out proper internal communications around workplace wellbeing support in your organisation.

Psychological & Social Support

External triggers may have an effect on an employee’s mental health and well-being, such as childhood abuse, trauma or neglect, social isolation or loneliness. Mental ill health is usually caused by a combination of work- and non-work-related factors: for example, the pressure of ongoing change at work and longer or more intense hours may be exacerbated by financial pressures at home, relationship problems and, given the ageing population, greater caring responsibilities. Colleagues who are struggling with their mental health may exhibit physical symptoms, such as tiredness due to sleep deprivation or persistent headaches. Stumble upon supplementary intel about Workplace Mental Health Programs Approaches at this World Health Organisation entry.

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