Registered:2004-11-25 21:08:56
Latest Activity:2020-06-18 05:14:27
Forum Entries: View All (40)
Buddies: has 55 buddies in list, is on 26 buddy lists
Song Ratings: View (8)
Contributions: 0 pending, 1 accepted, 0 rejected
About Me:

Things you should never forget about me...
  • ish that I'm a GURL!
  • ish that I'm a Filipino.
  • ish that I'm an Internet Addict.
  • ish that I'm an ANIME Addict.
  • ish that I'm a YAOI and Shounen-ai Fan! Yay for Hawt Men Lurving! X3 ♥ ♥ ♥
  • ish that I'm a believer of Aliens.
  • ish that I love MUSIC.
  • ish that I love reading fanfictions and original fictions.
  • ish that as much as I love reading them, I also love writing them.
  • ish that my PC is always on.
  • ish that I'm a loyal Netizen! ^_~

My Hang-outs? See for yourself!

My contacts? Sure! (but for the love of anything that is HOLY! Don't freaking abuse it!)

E-mail: (yus. that's a 2ndary email.)
YM: corycartel_00 (don't forget to introduce yourself or else I'll just ignore you.)
Skype: azinine (same rule as the above. Introduce yourself first.)
mIRC: azinine

Mah Family! Mah Butties!
Mah highly disfunctional Chatter Clan! XDDD

Yo Pops! X333

Emmmi-cakes [ Moderator] Me Mummy Dearest~ ...and wife?! :O nyarf! chu~ X333

Big Sis! chu~ (we're twins. really!) ^,^

BABY SIS! *grapes*

me Baby Bro! XD

mah only child~ MY BABY! *glomps*

me ex-hubby~ :s ...and my brothah! *le gasp* XD

ish mah son-in-law. X3 (where da heck are my grandBABIES!)

ish to be eaten! yum! X333 Ricey-poo~

ish a damn good ava creator. XD oh the memories~ LINKY-KUN~ *grapes*


hsjdgf! *offers popcorn* mah very gud frend! another damn good ava creator. look at my ava! X333

D-ninja ninipants?! *le gasp* I SO totally stalkz! XD

wanderer shinta-kun! I WUB YOU! XD

ish my Knight in Shining Bike Outfit XDDD

kitty-cat! *____* *purr* X333

ish a sweet sweet gurl~ *glompage*

I'm hish stalker too... >:D
k-chan ish up until now, still MIA! XDDD

ish a kewl dude~

another sweet gurl and mah KABAYAN! XDDD

dude! where's Raito?! X333

Aren't I SO original? *looks up* Bah~ Originality is over-rated! ^o^ nyarf! chu~

How to look for me? *points down* Just look for them! And you shall find me! X333

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And since this is the latest innovation in Gendounian-kind I give you all...

MaH ShöUtBöX!

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

Slytherin Queen
Marriage History:
View god_of_death_123 2007-01-26 16:24:05 2007-04-01 22:16:10
View DeG 2007-04-11 01:16:39
View emi 2007-04-01 02:51:44

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