Jade the black wolf
Registered:2006-02-03 15:47:13
Latest Activity:2011-07-08 13:42:55
Forum Entries: View All (1)
About Me: Oh, you want to know about me? Why would you want to? Oh well, I guess this is what I can say...

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Grey-Blue with a little Gold around the iris.
Intrests: Anime, J-rock (rentrer en soi), role-playing, playing on MOOs, drawing, puttering on my website no one uses, and reading in general.
My Favorite waste of time: A good MOO (especially if you don't know what one is, but only if you've read some of the Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey)
Favorite Book: Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey
Most used phrase: "Don't hurt yourself..."
of flames and darkness...

the only thing left will be your soul.

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