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Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by boots on 2005-01-13 04:38:16
OK my perspective still stands that Misato killed him but i would like other peoples feedback on this topic

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by CrimsonSpirals on 2005-01-14 04:47:23
I thought he was turned into orange goo with everyone else except Shinji and Asuka?
It's been a while since I've seen eva.......

For those with wings, Fly to your dreams...

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by Nagi on 2005-01-15 17:37:51
It's not Misato. The director said so, and actually reworked that scene in the video release (director's cut DVD here) to make her less suspicious in order to get people to stop accusing her.
It's most likely his contact from SEELE, the woman with the cats (at least I believe she was SEELE). He DID just defy SEELE in rescuing Fuyutsuki, after all.

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by sai on 2005-01-16 02:00:32
not misato?? Oh... then this anime is too unclear... i mean they show no one else besides misato and kaji in that room... and the manga gives a better view of her killing kaji i think.

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by Woji on 2005-01-17 19:25:58
Such a shame that Kaji died. i kind of had him as one of my anime role models...
I too think that misato is involved with his death.

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by BMF on 2005-02-09 00:26:07
"It was some nameless security officer from either NERV or SEELE."
From here

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by Makaze on 2005-02-09 13:32:12
I'll tell ya...I thought it was Misato for a loooong time. Especially when she breaks down after hearing his message. Kaji-san was good...too good. Much like Spike, characters like that just -have- to die *chuckles sadly* Or people would demand to see more of them

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by Sacher on 2005-02-10 05:59:20
I dont think it was misato i mean she loved him right? why would she kill him?

and he did pass that information on to her, which suggests she's one of the few people he could trust and it seemed like he knew he was gonna get killed by the person he did.

So I'm going with the fact it was someone from seele

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by jojo on 2005-02-16 16:02:34
I thought it was kind of obvious that it was Misato but maybe thats just me...
*sob* he was such a cool character too

shveet kartoffel

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by Safersephiroth on 2005-02-18 20:48:26
I'm almost sure that Misato didn't kill Kaji...
In the Manga of Evangelion, of GAINAX, and ilustrated by Yoshisuki Sadamoto ( the co-creator)Misato is arrested like in the anime, but is released AFTER the escene of Kaji's dead... And there you can see the hand and a little of the hair of the killer (SPOILER: the killer uses gloves, I think).
Hideaki Anno (The Director) said that this version is the true; though this isn't entirelly sure...

I'm only a nameless shinobi, a common person like you must not fall in love with me, Gomen! "GNO" (Great Ninja Onizuka)

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by tora-uma on 2005-02-21 14:31:43
yeah, no way misato did it. i think... gendou! or maybe his rightside did it.

im learning! weeeeeee!!! lookie

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by Neon Gen Eva on 2005-02-21 15:09:04
First off he was working for the Japanese government or some other federal organization of some sort and working for Nerv....

I think that it was not anyone in Nerv, but someone in the other organization he was working in. Perhaps either one of their other agents was assigned to kill him after his mission was completed, or they discovered he was becoming "involved" with a Nerv member, resulting in them deciding he could no longer be trusted.

If it was, in fact, Nerv's doing, it would be because of SEELE. SEELE might have realized he was a double agent and just decided to let him live, then in a time of great importance he was killedc to protect the secrets of the instrumentality project.

What are you, Stupid?

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by Shadar logoth on 2005-02-21 17:04:32
I think it was ikari Gendo personally don't flame me for it it's just an opinion.

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by gendou on 2005-02-21 22:12:54 (edited 2005-02-21 22:13:11)
how did you know? damn, you caught me red gloved.

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by bakasan on 2005-03-07 20:54:12
i think its Misato after Kaji's death she kept on crying over the messages Kaji left somehow it felt like she is regreting over "something"


-you can't become an otaku by trying, you become one before you know it- Just Like Me ORZ

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by sah-zabi on 2005-03-13 22:48:59
hmmm...a toughie...I think it's Keel from SEELE, cause that eye thing he had WOULD make him miss the first shot...XD...then again...

Knife?I thought it was a frying-pan...

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by gloomy_ash on 2005-03-25 00:31:10
hm...i think it was ikari Gendo too... i dont think Misato would have done it...but who knows...i didnt even understand the last episode of Eva since i watched it when i was...11-12 yrs old?! hahaha

+.:GlOoMY aSH:.+

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by vandreadfan on 2005-03-30 01:08:40
For some reason, I always thought it was Ritsuko. After all the three of them went to college together and it seems like he would trust her. It seemed like he was waiting for someone he knew

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by nmancino on 2005-04-04 06:41:18
i always thought that Misato was going to meet Kaji and she pulled out her gun, then we herd the shots and saw her break down after hearing the message he left. its been a while since ive seen it though so i may have the sequence wrong.

Re: Who Killed Kaji (Evangelion)
Link | by Hakufu Sonsaku on 2005-04-25 18:59:04 (edited 2005-04-25 18:59:32)
When Maya asked Ritsuko where Misato was, it was obvious she knew more than she was saying...

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