For those of you...™® (Part 2)
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by エンジェルã®ç¿¼
on 2006-04-05 07:14:33
[Request: hx4or dude :: Granted] Welcome, this thread is put up so that 'anime adicts' may post their insights and views on a certain topic given, so that 'other anime adicts' that can't understand the plot of a specific anime, maybe some of us anime adicts might help you... Anyone may feel free to post YOUR view on the given topic, but for the VIEWERS please respect other people by refraining from critisizing their posts. NOTE: IF YOU CAN'T POST SOMETHING GOOD, PLEASE DON'T POST AT ALL. THIS MONTH'S TOPIC#2: Production I.G.'s BLOOD+ 4.5.2006-10.13primer Available for: ♂ ♀ Ω Oméga® |