Programming a card game
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by PopeArthur
on 2006-03-25 22:19:23
My friend (known as ferrum.lupus on the boards) is developing a new card game because he can and he is just wierd like that. I was wondering: If I were to want to put the game on a website where people could play against each other online, or against a computer, what would be the best way to do it? Flash? Java? Something else completely? I'm not really anticipateing being able to create it myself, but I'd like to have an idea of what the best platform for development would be if I were to have someone else make it. Thanks!
Music, writing, and nerdery by Arthur Pope. -I'm Ex Cathedra, baby!
Re: Programming a card game
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on 2006-03-27 06:00:40
I have no idea how one would program a version for two people to play against each other, but for just plaing against a computer, I would go with a java applet. Flash is too complicated for its own good, unless you already know how to do flash, then it might be easier than java. |
Re: Programming a card game
I find flash/actionscript easier to code than Java. Flash is also better for web stuff, in my opinion. The only thing that might be pretty hard to do in flash is the player V.S. player. But, even that might not be so hard if you find a tutorial or something. Then of course, there's the option of PHP (if you don't mind the graphics to be mainly still images). PHP is a great web language for small things like this. Good luck! |