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anyone watched mirmo zibang?? so here's a question
Link | by KaTe on 2006-03-22 17:02:34
is mirmo zibang the japanese name of uh...mirmo zibang?? ^^;;
what is the title of the 2nd ending song and who is the singer?? i think the lyrics is something like this: salala, salala...sorry...i don't really know... ^^;;

anyway, arigatou gozaimasu in advance!! ^__^

Re: anyone watched mirmo zibang?? so here's a question
Link | by on 2006-03-22 17:18:10
The Japanese name for 'Mirmo Zibang' is 'わがまま☆フェアリー ミルモでポン!' .. or 'Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon!'

As for the song question, the title of the second ending is 'Sarara' by Becky. More 'Mirmo Zibang' info here.

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