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what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by Del on 2006-03-20 03:40:32
like the title ..what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend? for me is Suigintou

Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by YoYotheCananbalisticOreo on 2006-03-20 04:06:11
i like the main one the most followed by suigintou. mainly becuz they are the most determinated with the best reasons for their actions and role in the alice game. also i hate the ditzyness of all the other dolls except for the calm twin and the new evil doll. they would be 3rd and 4th although cuz they are like the first 2 but they lack emotion and true drive.

I could give no less because I could give no more. ~myself

Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-03-20 04:46:02
suigintou all the way~~and i like hina ichigo as well^^

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Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by sadies on 2006-03-30 04:25:41
Kirakishou. <3

She is soooooo pretty!

To bad the producers said they want to leave it with only two seaosns, The Corrine(sp?) and Oddile (sp? I can't remember how to spell their names at the moment) would be so cool to see Animated.

Barasuishou is cool to. But I am obbsessed with Kanaria and Kirakishou.


Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by neko on 2006-03-30 23:14:34
the 7th doll, Barasuishou

Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2007-05-29 05:45:11
Suigintou and Souseiseki and Shinku XP Kanaria as well.. maybe? :)

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by on 2007-05-29 05:46:55
Suigintou then Suiseiseki...

Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by on 2007-05-29 05:47:39
My favorites are Souseiseki and Hinaichigo.

Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by on 2007-05-29 05:53:24 (edited 2007-05-29 05:53:47)
suigintou ! so cooool :D
oh + kanaria is really cute and irritating at the same time :O

Re: what's your fav. dolls in Rozen maiden traumend?
Link | by Immortal on 2007-05-29 06:19:33
Suigintou's outfit rocks but my personal favorite is none other than Suiseiseki! long live desu~! ^^

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

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