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Link | by Inferno on 2006-03-19 05:11:39
Does anyone know this anime?! well if you know this, you rock!!

I love this anime especially the character Ruriko, the way she uses her bow.., and the thingy thats in her legs!! whakekeke! She is very smart and a very lighthearted one.., She likes Shun Ukiya, and they were childhood friends. Ukiya branded her the name Ruripe the sniveler but Ukiya cares for her because one time when Ruriko was thought of breaking the vase, Ukiya came to her rescue by stomping on the broken vase more. He really cares for her.., whakekekeke...

INVADER...INVADER...INVADER!! whaaaah!! help!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Yesterday to today, ♪♫♪ ~♥♥~☺~♥♥~ ♪♫♪ from today to tomorrow, ♪♫♪ ~♥♥~☺~♥♥~ ♪♫♪ we will be walking together...

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by koori-chanJUPPONGATANA on 2006-03-19 05:18:18
Oooohhhh... Gatekeepers! I liked that a lot! My fave character from Gatekeepers is that girl who controls ice or something like that...I forgot her name since it's been a while since I watched it.
Invaders are creepy.....I hate them....


Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by Bernz on 2006-03-19 05:43:10
its a good anime.

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by briar on 2006-03-19 07:00:20
I haven't watched that for a long time... but I did watch the sequel, Gatekeepers 21 just a few weeks ago. Apparently the main character is the daughter of one of the main characters of the original Gatekeepers. There's a lot of unanswered questions in GK 21, but all in all it's a bit darker and more angst than the original Gatekeepers (at least that I remember).

Slight Spoiler!

I do like Ruriko and her bow, though. Although I find it strange that she wasn't much of a fighter when she's on the side of "good", but is capable of destroying the world when she's on the side of "bad".

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-03-19 07:17:23
I love this show! The sequel is one of my favorite parts! I mean I love that they carried over a specific blond haired character over ^_^. And Bancho... He's so funny! I was so happy for him at the end of the orginial series!

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by EmAn on 2006-03-19 07:58:34
Shun and Ruriko are the Best Pair!!! ^__^

"It MaKes SenSE ThAt YoU TrY HaRd foR THe SaKe oF tHE PeRSoN YOu LoVE.."

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by on 2006-03-19 08:12:49
When i saw this in AXN, i was like "wooah, i think i saw a hot gal there" (Ruriko i mean, of course). Aside from that, i love the way Shun tease Ruriko bout their childhood days. Kawaii desu ne! But when ABS aired it, i was sorta disappointed. Maybe it was the dubbing or something but i think it was kinda lame. I like it better in japanese.

I heard Gatekeepers 21 is way much better, though.

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by amano-san on 2006-03-19 10:44:35
@Koori-chan: She's Houjou Yukino. She's very powerful because not only does she control the ice, she can send blizzards and snowstorms. ^^ Yukino's a very soft-spoken woman (don't mistake her for a young gal; she's more to her years) and she has this very cute white ferret.

I like the fire gatekeeper, Fen Feilin! She's looks so cute whenever she executes her Fire Panda and when she goes AYAYA! ^^; She aslo has this pet monkey which she named as Shun. One of my favorite episodes there involved something about her past; featuring this old man who was selling sweet potatoes with his pack of dogs. You'll then understand how Fen has been longing for his late grandpa.

To know more about the character profiles, have the time to read from here.


- - - - - - -
"To be forgotten, is worse than death."

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by kaykay on 2006-03-19 11:14:51
oh i know this anime....but gatekeepers have serveral diff. series, kinda like diff. sagas but with diff. characters in each saga.

i watched this series a long time ago...i can't remember the characters' names....but the main character used cell phones to summon all diff. types of gates. her own, main gate was wind. and the 2nd main character had the gate of flight. there was also a gate of weapons or artilary.

i thought the series was really original. i just wish the storyline was better though.

i have nothing to say besides school is gay~!

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by Gon22Gon22 on 2006-03-19 13:43:19
ya its a good show i liked it now im waiting for the next gatekeepers series, gatekeepers 21 was supposed to be a prequal for it. AND IT WAS DONE BY GONZO! YAY GONZO!

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Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by kaykay on 2006-03-19 13:49:57
oh yea that's the correct series that i watched. it was called gate keepers 21. thanx for jogging my memory Gon22~!

i have nothing to say besides school is gay~!

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by Seia on 2006-03-19 18:04:02
I like Fey who has the power of fire panda. She is cute with her hair tied bun.

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by Inferno on 2006-03-20 03:51:53
Ruriko is the best! I like her when she's on the side of "bad" coz her eye is black.., and her gate is also black!! and she's really strong there!! harharhar!! And that time she really hates Shun!

But in the end I think she accidentally kissed Shun?! right?! whakekekeke I love that ending!! hihihihihi


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Yesterday to today, ♪♫♪ ~♥♥~☺~♥♥~ ♪♫♪ from today to tomorrow, ♪♫♪ ~♥♥~☺~♥♥~ ♪♫♪ we will be walking together...

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by briar on 2006-03-22 03:54:56
What I don't like is that in the sequel, Shun's daughter's mother wasn't Ruriko. That was such an anticlimatic part!

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-03-22 05:22:07 (edited 2006-03-31 15:11:30)
@Inferno : Yes, Ruriko and Shun got married and had a daughter. If I'm remembering correctly when she's visiting her "aunt's house" there is a picture of the two of them together on the shelf.

*spoiler ahead*

I think it hints that something happened to both of them at one point in time so they were killed. I'm not sure if that's correct, it's been a while since I've seen Gatekeepers 21. But Ayane is their daughter. ^_^ Unless I'm very much mistaken and have been living in a semi-lie.

*edit* Also, she takes Ruriko's last name and not Shun's. Remember they made a huge fuss about it when she met the chick who had the sword gate.

*edit 2* Hahaha... oh well... I didn't know there was a novel about the series out there. I'm going to have to go and read it now. Does it have any of the other characters from the series in it? I'm interested now.

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by briar on 2006-03-23 20:24:38
@ Ekirin0450: I don't know where exactly I read it (I think it's from one of the Gatekeeper fan sites) but Ayane's mother was not Ruriko. In Gatekeepers 21, we only see Shun, but I don't recall see Ruriko's picture at all. The scene in her aunt's house, they deliberately didn't give more than a split second shot of the picture. I know, coz I was crazy enough to rewind and pause until I got that split second part.

I think there's a book, Gatekeeper 1980 (or something like that) where the gap between Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper 21 was explained. It recounts on how Shun got killed. Ruriko... I'm not sure what happened to her, but according to that same source, she married someone else.

I have never read that book, and the info available on the net seems to be very little. Although truth be told, I would much rather Ayane is Ruriko and Shun's daughter.

And is Ruriko's last name Ayane's last name? I think they are different, although at the moment I can't remember either of those names.

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2006-03-25 07:47:26 (edited 2006-03-25 07:50:08)
@ briar,
ditto on your negation to Ekirin0450..
there was a gatekeepers novel [gatekeepers 1985]
and i think [i read somewhere] that Ruriko lost her powers..
and, she married someone else..
Ukiya's wife was said to beYouko Isuzu
she is said to be Ayane's mommy.. =^_^=
Isuzu is in fact, Ayane's "last name" which she uses in GK21
**Ikusawa is Ruriko's last name [me thinks.. ^^']
BTW==>>Ukiya died [after fighting stuffs..]

^^i forgot most of the details.. but, you could check it out yourselves..
search: Gatekeepers 1985

@ amano-san,
hihi.. hisame isn't a white ferret.. it's[he/she] is an ermine..
i know that an ermine is a stoat that turned white because it's cold
anyways.. stoats and ferrets are all weasles[still].. just a clarification Ü


just an addition:
my fave character in gatekeepers.. even in gatekeepers21..
would be.. ..::YuKiNo HouJo::..
w00t~!! Yukino~!!

  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by EmAn on 2006-03-31 08:22:52
GaTe-To.. OOOPEn!!!!!

"It MaKes SenSE ThAt YoU TrY HaRd foR THe SaKe oF tHE PeRSoN YOu LoVE.."

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by rei on 2006-04-09 23:56:17
So I rock? COZ I LOVE THIS!!! actually im looking for a DVD version coz i can't get enough of it, i was in 3rd year high school when i first saw this on AXN...

On The Edge

Re: Gatekeepers
Link | by Lucifer on 2006-04-10 01:53:20
I wanna see Gatekeepers 21.. Didn't watch it.. --__--

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