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Cowboy Bebop song question
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-03-18 13:55:45 (edited 2006-03-18 14:13:32)
The theme that plays on the music box in Episode 8, "Waltz for Venus", does that appear in the OST, and if so, what's the name? I would just go about looking through the list that Gendou has here, but it's rather long, and I don't want to do endless downloads just to find one song.

Note: I don't think it's "Memory", while that is a music box-type song, I don't think it's the right one. *growls* I'll have to listen to that episode again.

Re: Cowboy Bebop song question
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-03-18 22:48:41
The song is: Stella By Moor
I got this from:

Check out this site for all the info you could want on Bebop music for each episode:

Hope this helps!

Re: Cowboy Bebop song question
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-03-18 22:49:36
That makes sense, it was about Stella. I wonder if we have it.

Re: Cowboy Bebop song question
Link | by ROQ sees ya. on 2006-03-18 23:05:44
Yep, it's here, I assume you are already downloading it. Hope you found what you're looking for!

Re: Cowboy Bebop song question
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-03-18 23:21:42
Oh yeah, this is definitely it. I'll have to keep that link in mind if I come across anything else I really like in Cowboy Bebop. Thank a bunch!

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