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Sorry to be annoying
Link | by wowfood on 2004-03-26 01:36:06
Im English, We have no decent anime over here, bout the only anime we do have is pokemon digimon sailer moon (which i will never watch) and Outlaw star, Ive seen the whole of outlaw star and Evangelion, (a friend told me about it) and im trying to find anime and music along the lines of those two, can anybody please tell me some?

Memories are good but thats all they are, memories... Nothing more, nothing less

Re: Sorry to be annoying
Link | by RUZ on 2004-03-27 10:24:26
why dont you just download the animes u want from the net. You could get any anime u want that way.

No matter how far a Jackass runs, he'll never come back a horse.

Re: Sorry to be annoying
Link | by ryukoshen on 2004-04-11 00:54:07
Try Inu Yasha. Thats a good anime on TV...

Heaven doesn't want me and hell's to afraid I'll take over!

Re: Sorry to be annoying
Link | by miroku on 2004-06-26 09:15:24
Well i would try for Trigun or Candidate for Goddess

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