Where can I find samples?
This may be a question that has been asked before, but I tried to do a search and I couldn't find a thread. So, anyway... Does anybody know an online music store or website or anything where I can actually sample the songs of CDs? I'm asking because there's this background music from the Gundam Seed OST that I'm looking for. The problem is, I don't know what's the title of the soundtrack, or which Gundam Seed OST CD it comes from. If I could find out the title and stuff, I could then request it in Gendou. Or, better yet, buy the original CD. But Gundam Seed has many OST CDs, so I don't know which one to go for. Any help would be appreciated. |
Re: Where can I find samples?
I always go to Amazon.com That's the perfect place for me to check out and sample cds. Hope that helps. |