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Ergo Proxy
Link | by Morita on 2006-02-28 13:26:53
Anyone seen this anime? Heard that the intro song was Radiohead's Paranoid Android

Re: Ergo Proxy
Link | by Xaria on 2006-02-28 17:02:43
Yea i saw the first ep where they explaned that radiohead was going to do the op song but they didn't have an op or ed song at the time. The animation was pretty good. Lir was soo AWESOME GO LIR!!^^

Re: Ergo Proxy
Link | by etain on 2006-02-28 20:23:39
Wow I really like Ergo Proxy. I just saw the first episode today :D I love the character designs and the background music is awesome! X3 I wish Gendou had Ergo Proxy music D: sho pretty X.x; But I'm so excited I cant wait to download the second episode of Ergo Proxy. I really wanna hear how PAranoid Android is the opening song X3 I love that song

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Re: Ergo Proxy
Link | by systematic on 2006-04-05 18:07:31
yes. ergo proxy very good anime has a lot of potential very successful anime so far and the art style is incredible.

Re: Ergo Proxy
Link | by dyaoka on 2006-04-06 19:21:11
i thought the beginning of Ergo Proxy was just dull. but i stuck with it and watched the other episodes and it's pretty good. :D

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. i laugh at you. hehehehehehehehehehehe.

Re: Ergo Proxy
Link | by jakehalberd2 on 2007-06-02 10:38:32 (edited 2007-06-02 10:49:24)
One of my favorite animes, the beginning theme is actually "kiri" by MONORAL which this site has. its quite good and I like it better than the ending theme.

P.S. Is Lir the japanese name for the character Re-l?, I have also heard her called Lil, but I guess that that was just a mistake, unless you are mistaken Xaria, which is correct? Either way Re-l sounds cooler. I agree though she does kick ass. . . usually.

One more thing, does anyone know where I could find an english sub for episodes 17+
All I can find are spanish subs or video files that my computer can't read. :-(

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