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Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Leaf on 2004-12-14 18:47:20
Which one is better? I personally cant pick between the two...but I'd like to see other peoples opinions...and WHY!
I like Inuyasha because:
1)It is the first anime I ever saw
2)who could resist those puppydog ears? he just has to work on that attitude
3)I'm a sucker for a good romance/action
I Like Rurouni Kenshin because:
1)Kenshin Himura is adorable...for being 28, he looks younger than he is
2)It is completly addicting...I think it has a good plot, and I cant wait to watch the rest of the episodes
3)As I said before...I'm a sucker for a good romance/action
::sigh:: Who to pick?
Tell me what you guys think!

I am so confused!!!
Watashi-wa do awatadashii!!!

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by M-a-m-u-s-h-I on 2004-12-15 16:01:34
I think Rurouni Kenshin is better because I hate the anime/manga Inu Yasha, I think it's full of crap and overrated, it's kinda like any other demon/sword fighting/action/romance/whatever anime, what's so great about it? Inu Yasha (the character) really annoys me, and especially Kagome.
So....I'm going with Kenshin all the way, besides, I think it's way better. Plus, most of the characters don't seem to be annoying, and are tolerable.

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Menos Grande on 2004-12-15 13:33:25
Kenshin of course. How can you deny the battosai? Not to mention Inuyasha is just to darn long for anyone to care about after a while. I like redheads.

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by claus on 2004-12-15 14:01:06
I would have to pick Rurouni kenshin.I do like inuyasha dont' get me wrong but I prefer Rurouni Kenshin.(I love Sanasuke)

I winner I'm a sinner do you want my autograph?I'm a loser what a joker I'm playing my joke upon you 'cause there is nothing better to do...

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by sorrowful_rain on 2004-12-15 14:12:45
i would definently have to go with Ken Ken. Inu is alright, but after a while, the series turned to crap!

You all mock me, because you don't understand why I'm different...I mock you because you're all the same.

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by 明 on 2004-12-16 02:40:36
i think i'd vote for inuyasha... although the ending really made me unsatisfied...


getsuyoubi kara asanebou, kayoubi yake ni harahetta
suiyoubi sushiya no tetsudai, mokuyoubi DATA atsumeteta
kinyoubi hitasura hashitteta, doyoubi wa minna de BOWLING
aozu de DOWN no nichiyoubi!!
[ c a p t o b i n ]

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Hikage on 2004-12-16 05:47:39
It's already deacided I like Rurouni Kenshin because frankly the half demon thing was OK for a while then it began to suck low.
Rurouni Kenshin the beginning was pretty good because most of it was rather realistic and kept to that piont for quite a while too.

You going regreat your mistake, when you're dead.

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Requiem on 2004-12-18 18:06:47
RK all the way! How I love that show to bits. Inuyasha is good (more like barely worth it) but the story line gets boring after a while. And let's face it, with more than 100 eps. and not much as a straight, mortal hit for Naraku it's never going to end. =P
RK is so addictive and it was an anime/manga you could totally get addicted to. My friend hates me for getting her obsessed with it. Dunno why though.

Why is it that whenever something appears to be fun, it nearly kills me?

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by jadekat on 2004-12-18 23:29:32
Inuyasha all the way ^_^
Go Lord Sessoumaru u rule

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Bernz on 2004-12-23 19:11:52
I like both. But I think InuYasha is better.
Because :
1. I like Inuyasha's demon blade.
2. It gets more interesting as I watch.
3. The characters are cool !!!
4. It's got more episotes than Rurouni Kenshin because of 1, 2, & 3.
5. Even dough the ending sucks I think there will be an ending probable nest season or something.
I like Rurouni Kenshin because :
1. First anime I watched ( the reason I became an anime fan)
2. The manga is better. Even dough it has 100 epi. but it didn't show much of Kenshins past and it did not show Enishi part which is the nices part. The OVA is not realy that nice too.
3. Kenshin's sword tecniques are cool and so are the rest of the characters.

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by anime freek on 2004-12-24 08:08:03
dude kenshin will kick inuyasha's as.
i have nothing againts inuyasha but kenshi killed so many people over the revolution and is know as the man slayer. he can kill any one and inuyasha is so full of him self i mean when hes beat he still trys if not 4 his firends he would have ben kill by his brother. kenshins style "which is real unlike inuyasha's style" is used to read peoples expresions body movement ect... kenshin will stay calm then after inuyasha has tryed to kill kenshin, kenskin will use his god like speed and dice him up. which i will remind u that inuyasha is in no way real or based apon any thing "but waching inuyasha is still fun" but kenshin was based apon the man slayer in japan during there revolution and the japanese can make a man slayer cause they know how to inhance the body move ment and reactions ect... if u ever look up samruai u will know its 100% true that u can make ur body do thing that u never knew posibal. inuyasha's grave at www.inuyasha' lol

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by anime freek on 2004-12-24 08:19:45
i was talking about the real world and just to add to my little kenshin will kick inuyasha's ass, um......the manga 4 inuyasha is crap the story line after about the first 5 times u see inuyasha fighting naraku the story line starts to drop but the story line was all ready crap by then. any one who would like inuyasha better then kenshin must get there head examined or get shot. or diced up eather way works

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Leaf on 2004-12-24 18:17:03
You guys are right....Kenshin Himura kickes ASS! but I still cant get over matter how predictable the storyline gets. any-hu...I wish i could be then i could marry kenshin! (hehe) or Kagome, so i could go out with Inuyasha ::yay!::.
either way, I'm happy. :-)

I am so confused!!!
Watashi-wa do awatadashii!!!

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Leaf on 2004-12-24 18:18:56
oh yeah...and Anime Freak? baby is spelled
B-A-B-Y, not B-A-B-B-Y. good luck with the next spelling bee....::winx::

I am so confused!!!
Watashi-wa do awatadashii!!!

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by kei on 2004-12-30 02:55:46
4 me i think both Inuyasha and Kenshin are good and almost(sort of) the same.Don't u think so? Well u see.... both of them uses sword,...and don't know a girl's feelings. But the diffrent thing is Kenshin's reversed sword isn't ment 4 killing and Inuyasha's tetsusaiga is ment 4 killing. But still i'd say both anime are totally cool and exciting(except 4 the bloody part)


Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by thundergod on 2004-12-30 23:33:26
Inuyasha is a great anime but Rurouni kenshin is the GREATEST, BESTEST and, and whatever words that links with best! Yeah yeah, so inuyasha's cool but kenshin has something else! he's awesome! Kenshin (KAWAII!!)
peace out!

...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right... -wildstriker_09

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by thundergod on 2004-12-30 23:36:33
oh, by the way, kenshin is more realistic because samurais really existed, Edo is tokyo, there was really a Tokugawa era but demons?! maybe in hell but still...

...If loving him is wrong then i don't want to be right... -wildstriker_09

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Grimalkin on 2004-12-31 17:05:43
Rurouni Kenshin is an original samurai anime and manga. It's got a plot that sticks to you and characters that are easy to love. Besides that though, the anime is almost somewhat cliche?L. A samurai refuses to kill because he killed the one person he didn't want killed. On the other hand, Inuyasha isn't that much different. Inuyasha is filled with love triangles, not to mention the good ol' evil vs. bad. Both animes have parts to criticize about but don't ALL animes?

"Goddamn the Pusher..."

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Bernz on 2005-01-02 00:13:10
A message to all especially anime freak.
I did not say I don't like Kenshin but it's just that after watching Rurouni Kenshin 1/2 a dozen times u tend to get bored even if it is a great animation. It's true that Kenshin is more realistake than InuYasha but we must realize both are still fiction. True Kenshin's moves & his ability to predic his enemies movements are cool but Inuyasha is something new. Inuyasha is a 1/2 demon & he uses a demon blade which can turn red & crystelyze.
However both animes are great. I like both. For now my fav is InuYasha. 2nd is Bleach.

Re: Rurouni Kenshin vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Shadow_BladeX on 2005-01-10 07:22:15
I have to go both sides. Both Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha are kick-ass animes. While Inuyasha is all about fighting demons, Kenshin is more of traditional japanese samurai fighting. Plus, both characters themselves are kick-ass. In my opinion, both are amazing and equal.

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