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i believe in recarnation
Link | by jundune on 2004-12-14 12:45:04
im not sure but i had some kind of weird memory that i was a baby in japan in a bath but i drowned(the water was pretty high ).and then everthing was black i felt i was falling in a pit and then it stopped i could feel ground suddenly there was above me 3 dark wierd beings i suppose .i couldnt see there faces.they were wering a dark cape.and when you are reborn you can see a very bright light.
but the purpose in recarnation i think is to succeed something example to make someone happy .
i dont care if you dont believe this .you may find me grazy.but you will know eventuely when we are dead we can seee it for our self.
i wanted to let out this memory i hold back for many many years


Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by M-a-m-u-s-h-I on 2004-12-14 21:20:02
i believe in it, I believe in a lot of weird things, it could be real. it's like when we get that feeling of deja-vu, feeling something we think happened before, as if we've had a past-life. we could've been once living before, then died, then we were reincarnated as something else. is that strange? but if you include something from Yami no Matsuei with the shinigami....but that's another note.

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Crescent on 2004-12-15 07:10:53
I beleive too. It happens that I had a dream about being i think an Egyptian and being a member of some group there. It seemed so familiar to me in some way and still to this day I'm looking it up.
Recarnation is something a few good religions beleive in, so you shouldn't feel as if you're crazy for thinking you were. Take it from a pagan, there are alot more stuff people will think your crazy for then the beleif in recarnation.

"Stone Rose" -Weiss Kreuz

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by jhong on 2004-12-16 02:35:40
...this is pretty wierd too. you see, me and my family went to this place really far from home, it was a province 1000s of miles away...this is the thing: when we went to this restaurant to eat, i was like being in some other person's mind. I saw a glimpse of 2 things... 1. I wanted to go to this room and i needed to be there quickly...and then a schoolbell rang...i didnt make it.
2. i went back to where i came..,,the restaurant where i was in..
and then when i got there, someone pushed me against the wall and told me something i cant understand.. he became very very mad...and the whole glimpse thing ended. I really dont understand what it meant. it wasnt like a daydream, it was like i remembered it from the past.

love & peace

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Rockoff on 2004-12-20 06:57:51
I suppose it's possible, and certainly interesting...many people come up with odd memories or dreams that they themselves never remember themselves having. Science says it's either the brain creating fragmented memories or an overactive imagination. Mystics and various other believers say that it's the spirits and memories of other people that we are feeling, left behind because they are so strong. So if this is true, then maybe all of you folks with these memories have really been reincarnated or are innately psychic. Personally, I dunno. I certainly don't consider it crazy, I actually think it'd be kind of nice if it was true. Is that how some people are just naturally wise without knowing why? They use the memories of their past lives to be wise people without realizing it? There are a lot of possibilities that you can think of.

Anime is w00t. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. =)

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Amethyst on 2005-01-13 06:57:44
I read a book about a woman who died and came back (it's non-fiction). Her name is Betty J. Eadie. She mentioned that we go through a spiritual process of reincarnation to purify ourselves. It makes sense, but I don't like to think about it because it would imply that I have to come back and live again.
On the other hand, I don't think deja-vu are memories of previous lives. I think the human brain has the capacity to foresee things. Heck, we only use about 20% of our brain.

~*~*~*~* There are no such things as stupid opinions; just stupid people who give theirs... ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Ili on 2005-02-08 00:10:10
What a very interesting topic.

I for one don't believe in reincarnation. I'd love it to be true, personally but just because you wish for something doesn't make it so.

I was told that the deja vu feeling comes to us because our brains aren't paying attention. Something happens and we don't really realise it is happening until a few split seconds later and so we feel like it is familiar and as if it's happened before. Or something to that effect.

And to get to reincarnation... I'm sure there's many different versions of it. A religion in India believes that all their members will be reincarnated as rats and so rats are holy to them. The most interesting part is that they believe that only believers of their religion become rats. Which is a huge relief. I certainly wouldn't want to come back as a rat if I had the choice.

If reincarnation existed like this; that people who believe in something strongly do get there in the end, I think I could accept it. As if their spirits are strong enough and are able to carry on.

But if reincarnation was for everyone then I have a problem. If anyone here has ever watched 'Before Sunrise' this argument will be very familiar to you. Back when our civilisation was just starting out the world population was small. It is not feasible that every soul gets reincarnated because then how could there be 6 billion people living here now? If you keep getting recycled you can't end up with more than you started out with.

And this brings up the problem of where new sould come from. But then you'd have to have a definite answer to what sould are and where they reside within us.

But if new souls do come into this world then what right do old souls have to live again? They would be taking up space for those souls who have never had the chance to live. And that's pretty unfair.

Anyway. That's just my musing on the subject. And what an interesting one it is too ^_^


There are worlds out there where the sky is burning,
and the sea's asleep,
and the rivers dream;
people made of smoke and cities made of song.

Somewhere there's danger,
somewhere there's injustice,
somewhere else the tea's getting cold.

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Blaze01836 on 2005-02-18 20:49:21
In one of the mainly Hinduist countries of Asia (idk which) there was a kid born with a lot of wierd birth defects (a tail, a lame foot, etc) that the Hindu god Hanuman was said to have had. A lot of people are actually worshipping the kid, because reincarnation is in the Hinduism belief. Just sort of a fact.

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by jundune on 2005-03-02 14:23:06
i think there is a other dimension if you die

it depends if you did not do any very bad things
you come in a happy peacefull dimension

if you did something very bad you go to a similair hell dimension in the bible they say something with fire in hell or so but i think its totaly a dark dimension and repeatly the same painfull horror that a monster is slowy eating you alive again and again brrr i got scared already of thinking that

for recarnation i dont know but i pretty certain you have to wait in a longlonglong line before you recarnated ;)

and the thing what you mean of that there is more souls is coming its a mystery i dont know


Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Annette on 2005-03-16 03:59:03
For me reincarnation is a very interesting subject...its fascinating...I think I believe in it, I don't really know...but I mean it could be possible but we won't really know that its for sure until we die and live again? If it happens that is...we'd probably forget...

I'm not suffering from insanity...I promise!^_^

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Dee on 2005-03-16 12:33:32
That's interesting... sometimes I get flashes of things I know have not happened to me. Like, a day in a park with someone I can't really recognize anymore. It seems like a memory, but then again I can't be too sure. But yeah, I guess we'll all know when we die, right?

--|| the bitter taste of coffee wakes me up in more than one way ||--

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Tessa on 2005-09-13 17:47:19
well... reincarnation does exist for me... because there are a lot of things in this world is unknown... waiting for us to discover it... if there is no reincarnation, i wonder will there are so many souls to be born in this world after some souls died? well... it depends on how people think of it...

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Alini on 2005-09-19 04:29:07
I don't particularly believe in reincarnation, as all the evidence is very circumstantial and subjective. So we can hardly say one way or another.

but it's an interesting thing to think about and imagine. Sometimes I do past lives readings and get very interesting results for people XD

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by muzica on 2005-09-19 06:54:42
Umm, I had a dream that forecasts my act and it really happens the day after it! Can that also be said as reincarnation? Oh, yeah and something bugs me,, if it does exist, then every human being in this world would have reincarnated! With different faces of course... ;p

-nothing is impossible to a willing heart :p-

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by demon-chan on 2005-09-19 06:59:13
TO tell the truth, I also belive that you can be reincarnated. But i feel that if you are that you are to go to the next body thats destend to do something greater


Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Blackcatkira on 2005-09-19 07:41:45
i believe in recarnation n i watched movies dat when ppl reincarnated, they will not remember anything of the past... y is this so?

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by sora_ky on 2005-09-24 22:36:26
reincarnation is definitely a possibility. Dreams, deja vu, these are all unexplained things that happen in everyday life.

But, while these kinds of things point to reincarnation, they could point to something else. The human knowledge is still too limited to even make such a judgement. =/

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Evard on 2005-09-25 18:16:10
I will never belive in reincarnation nad neither should you Sleipnir I dont care about the rest of you I just know him personally and know what his mom would think
Im Cristain so thats why I dont belive

Death is the gift a blade shall bring, death is the gift a blade shall sing why is it my life sucks so much I mean it really sucks

Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by kirisuto_kyo on 2005-09-25 18:47:07
reincarnation.....hmmmm. well i don't believe in the kind of reincarnation most people do, like having a past life on earth. since i'm a christian, i believe in a different kind of "born again", when a person dies and receives a new body in either heaven or hell. but through Jesus everyone can go to heaven, just as long as you accept His sacrifice and love. <3

"live by faith and not by sight."

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Re: i believe in recarnation
Link | by Ryousuke_sama on 2005-09-25 19:46:39
But if reincarnation was for everyone then I have a problem. If anyone here has ever watched 'Before Sunrise' this argument will be very familiar to you. Back when our civilisation was just starting out the world population was small. It is not feasible that every soul gets reincarnated because then how could there be 6 billion people living here now? If you keep getting recycled you can't end up with more than you started out with.

mmm.... have you considered that other living beings have souls too? What about those from other planets? That would mean trillions of souls out there. Plus those extinct animals, where will their souls go? Haha, I see correlation between rate of animals becoming extinct and rate of homocidal killers being born.

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