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Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Requiem on 2004-12-10 16:23:17
Which of the two shows is better over all?
I say Yu Yu Hakusho. I love Rumiko Takahashi's work but I don't think the anime is better than YYH. Neither is the manga. They're equal in that sense . . .

Why is it that whenever something appears to be fun, it nearly kills me?

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Menos Grande on 2004-12-10 18:35:27
I like Yu Yu Hakusho better, its more interesting. Inu-yasha has been getting a little boring lately and its always the same thing. I haven't read much of the Inu-yasha manga but I don't really like it (why is Viz still floping it?). YYH manga is pretty good though. The fights are much more condensed than in the anime which I like.

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by shun on 2004-12-13 10:11:06
YU YU HAKUSHO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! (i've been a die-hard fan for nearly 10 years on this anime, so that's a no-brainer for me)

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by gendou on 2004-12-14 10:20:20
Hyuuga, your my hero.

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by M-a-m-u-s-h-I on 2004-12-14 21:01:13
I'm going with Yu Yu Hakusho all the way! It's one of the best (in my opinion) animes ever! It has a more interesting story too, it actually goes somewhere...if you know what I mean.

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Nekko Noku on 2004-12-15 19:10:58
I like Inu-Yasha better but it's repeting so its getting kind of dull even tho I still can't resist watching. :3

I really like YuYu Hakusho but I have to go with Inu-Yasha.

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by shun on 2004-12-16 06:11:02
i watched both naruto and samurai champloo but that's not the topic here XP (YYH still rocks!)

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by miroku on 2004-12-21 21:58:21
tis true that they get VERY repetitious, and quite predictable, but given the choice between the 2 id have to say inuyasha, but only because it got better at the end of the series...... otherwise WAY too many filler episodes...

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Kenshin on 2004-12-23 08:34:58
DUHHHH! Inuyashai think, the drawing on yyH is crappy i think, And Hail to Hyuuga! u guys really gotta wacth Naruto or Shamurai Champloo.

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by kazenoTsuki on 2004-12-25 07:44:13
Inuyasha is boring,so as to yu yu hakusho.
Naruto-u rock.
I prefer Inuyasha.

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Grimalkin on 2004-12-29 16:30:01
YYH and Inuyasha are both great animes. It's true that Inuyasha has the better graphics, but you must keep in mind that YYH came out almost ten years ago. Cel work has improved through that amount of time. Both animes have great plots. It just depends on your choice of story.

"Goddamn the Pusher..."

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by shun on 2005-01-04 06:54:41
yu yu hakusho was released in japan at 1992, ended at 1994. (it's already 10 years...) it's not until the very end that computers started to get popular (remember the old Windows 95? ah~ those were the days...) so YYH were all cell work. while the recent animes like inuyasha, the frame works, timing, and even the coloring were all done by computer. so of course it looks better -______-

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Gnkks on 2005-03-04 09:12:28
I would support Yu Yu Hakusho although i like inuyasha too...I think the story of inuyasha could be predicted. It is ALWAYS a demon came and then inuyasha won...Thoughout the story, almost every scene is based on this plot...But i think the ending for YYH is too simple, the author ended the story withput much thinking...

Hey! How ya know that i am nuts!!!!

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by the_imiko259 on 2005-03-06 21:22:32 (edited 2005-03-07 01:41:39)
Yu Yu Hakusho's better than Inuyasha, because, there's a lot more action, funnier, good animation, and it's not overated.


Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by moonshine on 2005-03-11 16:14:28
Go Hiei!! Kill Inuysha with your evil third eye glare of awesomeness!!

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup!

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by hOnxx on 2005-04-17 03:35:15
inuyasha is better...

i dun have a siggy so sue mi xD ~!

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by kirima on 2005-07-12 17:58:07
Yu Yu Hakusho.

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by shun on 2005-07-13 20:51:45 (edited 2005-07-13 20:52:07)
the reason why the author for yu yu hakusho ended the manga just like that, is because that freaking evil shonen jump company's been giving him a hard time, stressing him to draw more and give that last makai battle season the big bang. which was not what he wanted to end. and guess what? he had it! and officially quit on drawing yu yu hakusho and ended it for good XD ! i personally think that was a good move for him, because indeed, shonen jump's been using them, stressing them into that manga drawing hell, forcing their stories to continue in order to keep up their company's profit. so yeah, it's better to quit than to be controlled don't you think? he was nice enough to stay in the shonen jump company, but hell, he's not gonna be their slave anymore (because he already earns enough $ from YYH to keep him alive *hehehe*)u___u

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by Sakura Fubuki on 2005-07-14 02:23:31
I prefer YYH. I liked the story line better.
I dislike all the romance involved in Inuyasha with Kagome, Kikyou and Inuyasha...its kinda cliche...
Inuyasha is really repetitive, therefore predictable... I don't really like repetitive manga/anime which repeats itself too much...
Plus, Inuyasha's ending (in the anime) was really...odd... But, YYH still kept to the original plot.
The original plot is better I think.

Re: Yu Yu Hakusho vs. Inuyasha
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-11 20:17:35
Fight scenes in YuYu Hakusho seem to drag on and on... But I like the characters of Keiko and Yusuke and I think they're a better couple than Kagome and InuYasha. The supporting cast is also better in YuYu Hakusho.
I think YuYu Hakusho wins on characterization and InuYasha on plot (but not by much). I think YuYu Hakusho is the better show, overall.

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