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Link | by miroku on 2004-12-04 08:14:29
this isnt really physics but i got into an arguement with some people that said lasers cant cut through skin, i believe they can....... if anyone knows for sure could you let me know, oh and if you happen to have a source could you let me know what it is?

Re: Lasers
Link | by gendou on 2004-12-04 09:17:27
lasers do not cut, they burn. a laser is a machine that emits a focused high-intensity beam of light (photons) of the same wavelength. this is accomplished by containing the photons in a chamber which can only be escaped once the photon reaches a certain frequency. the "cutting" power of lasers is due to thermal reactions when it comes in contact with matter. for example, if you point a pen-laser on your skin, it will heat up one degree in the immediate area of the laser point. however, a high frequency laser can burn your skin like the sun, or worse since the light is concentrated. have you ever burnt a bug with a magnifying glass? its kind of like that. industrial lasers are powerful enough to preform surgery, meaning they can cut and cauterize flesh instantly.

Re: Lasers
Link | by miroku on 2004-12-04 13:29:48
thanks that settled the arguement... person said it couldnt do anything at all to skin....

Re: Lasers
Link | by desertfox on 2005-03-15 03:56:54
it can't with those that you buy off the toy store... but those that you find in the hospitals used for surgery can burn through skin... the light energy is so concentrated that when molecules in the skin actually takes in the energy, and turns them into heat... those that you buy are actually very low powered, therefore, very little light and hence heat energy is generated. however, in those heavy duty lasers, voltage is stepped up to the point that the input electrical energy could be as much as a few kV... therefore, the light energy concentrated on a point could cause so much heat that it just burns away, by the way, the cauterise thingy, it means that it actually stops bleeding by closing the artery... so laser can be quite handy

Re: Lasers
Link | by knyght on 2005-04-06 18:40:13
well i dont know if you know but co2 lasers are used to cut steel plus the power of the laser doesnt just lie in its frecuency but in its amplitud with those 2 factor you can get the power of the laser wich is the work convertion rate wich is translated into damage

Re: Lasers
Link | by SaiQ on 2005-04-06 22:52:15 (edited 2005-04-06 22:52:46)
Is it possible to make lasers small and capable to be used in future combat? I'm taking a guess that some computer games are misleading and that if possible, "laser guns" wouldn't have recoil or emit sound.

Re: Lasers
Link | by knyght on 2005-04-07 10:38:43
nope actually laser are highly uneficcient and the most powefull are extremly big and use an obcene amount of electricity and are quite fragile since they are made by exciting the molecules of gasses or liquids

Re: Lasers
Link | by gendou on 2005-04-07 16:24:08 (edited 2005-04-07 16:24:44)
it is possible to make laser emitters that are stable, like those pen-lasers that were popular a while back. also, as hydrogen fuel cell technology becomes more and more advanced, i can see hydrogen cells capable of producing laser beams with high enough power to be effective in stealth combat.

p.s.: uneficcient is not a word. you mean inefficient.

Re: Lasers
Link | by knyght on 2005-04-11 09:00:02 (edited 2005-05-04 20:56:08)
well its true that fuell cells might produce enough power but i think it might take a while since you will need about 1kv at 10 amperes wich is one hell of a lot o energy for a portable cell
plus it might not be good for stealth since it will need a very advanced cooling and heat disipation sistem or it'll be visible by infrared

ps sorry about grammar english isnt my mother language

Re: Lasers
Link | by Jerc E. Ophe on 2005-06-11 08:24:07
Wouldn't that be scary if plasma weaponry is being thought of? When it comes to that, you don't have just a single laser beam. You got a whole stream of blasts of light. What if one blast can past through a body and burn the area here it hits? That could be possible for a person, but not solid structures because plasma could not completely pass through metal. It would take several shots of plasma to punch through. The best thing is you wouldn't have to use a silencer for a plasma rifle 'cause the blast is so quiet as it passes and the shots are not as loud.

Re: Lasers
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-08-15 13:13:18
Mmm k... I can see how an American hate rant came out of lazers there lol... >_>

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: Lasers
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-08-15 14:22:31 (edited 2005-08-15 14:22:44)
Ya... parents who care only about that "Coffee thing" are just retarded... theres so much more worse shit out there >_> ... but... why non-lethal? Muhahahahaha

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: Lasers
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-08-15 15:30:29
I think there would be more guards.. lol ^___^

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: Lasers
Link | by andreyev on 2005-08-16 05:57:12
laser is used in military today, not as a weapon, but as an supporting accessories. I believe that nowadays, many sniper rifles use laser as pointer. And if you ever played MGS, snake's SOCOM, is equipped with laser pointer. The laser function is for aiming.

and in medical field, laser is used in surgery. It is said that the injuries caused by laser surgery, is healed faster, and better, so, many doctors today use laser to do circumcision.

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

Re: Lasers
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-08-16 18:47:41
even the strongest laser is delfected by a mirror.. so, most useless weapon ever. there is nothing in delvopement that can beat the good old reliablty and destruction of throwing a chunk of metal at high speeds


Re: Lasers
Link | by Rukia_chan on 2005-08-24 02:11:36
i though the dream to make laser weapons are being stopped 4 now because real lasers that ut cut through every thing are 2 large and hot to be carried around as guns.... but i'm sure it will be so cool if there is a real one...i'd like 2 have 1...^_^

Re: Lasers
Link | by gray on 2005-08-24 02:57:59
i know there's an acronym for that. could somebody tell me what is it?
and btw i believe someday technology will be powerfull so we can create laser gun that is small and cold

kill me or i'll kill you twice

Re: Lasers
Link | by Nismosis on 2005-08-25 07:28:03 (edited 2005-08-25 07:28:55)
The Air Force has a supplementary laser "gun" that they are using for disarmament of airborne explosives (missles). It mounts to a supply-class aircraft and fires a "beam" that disrupts the electrical distribution within the missle and predetonates it. Still in testing however.

Also in testing is a transported anti-armor laser that is mounted via Humvee. Last info I gathered had a picture of a 5-foot long block of glass that had a cone shape hole drilled into it from the laser's impact from about 100 yards. Lasers are here, but I wouldn't expect any lightsabers for a while.

"Flamethrowers are proof that somewhere, someone, at sometime said 'I want to set those people over there on fire but I'm just not close enough to do it,' comforting huh?" - George Carlin

Re: Lasers
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-08-26 13:15:27
lasers might be powerful, but not effeficient, for the milltary there is a huge price differnce in making a bullet than the energy needed to fire a laser. Plus the 50 cal thats loaded on a humvee normally would shater that glass completely. The air borne laser defennse system does not work anyway.


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