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Worst Character Name
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-02-18 20:04:56
Trust me there are loads of them:
Erk, Fire Emblem
Wakka, Final Fantasy
Kapeora Gabora, Legend of Zelda
What else, I'm looking for stupid to downright awful names.
(I need a laugh. . .)

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by shinjiownz on 2006-02-19 18:51:59

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-02-19 19:10:16
Fan girls are already preparing to jump you in an alley for that, you know this right?

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by Sleipnir on 2006-02-19 19:44:24
Dorcas, from Fire Emblem

Giving money and power to Government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. -- P.J. O'Rourke

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by sphere on 2006-02-19 20:59:15
i agree with the saying one of those like walking on a death trap >.>

DarkMooN "The Soul Collector from Hell" Live Free, Die Well...Hail Sin~!!!

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-02-19 21:20:22
Actually Fire Emblem is riddled with bad names:
Dorcas, Gietz, Nergal, Batre, ERK!!!!
(I heart Eva's gone quiet, I wonder if the fan girls caught 'im. . .)

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-02-20 05:10:29
I personally hated Yuffie's name from FFVII...

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by TTD on 2006-02-20 05:41:43
Gazelleman (Dik Dik Van Dik's original Japanese name) from Ultimate Muscle

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by shinjiownz on 2006-02-20 08:22:07
(shhhhhhh.... i'm hiding from the fangirls....)

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2006-02-20 11:43:13
Zone of the Enders: Dingo Egret.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-02-20 19:13:19
How about Zesassamel or what ever tha hell his name was from Soul Calibur 3? Is it even possible to pronounce that?

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by TenSpot on 2006-02-22 09:42:43
The Legend of Zelda series also had some bad names, like Tingle and Ankle.
Also the Dynasty Warriors series has some... unfortunately named people, just because they actually existed, such as Cao Cao (pronounced cow cow), Cao Pi (cow pee), Cao Ren (cow ren) the list goes on (it's actually one big Chinese family).

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-02-22 10:23:33
Dynasty Warriors has got more than their fair share. Lu Bu scores just for looking dumb.

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by :+:+:Dig~Dug~Extreme:+:+: on 2006-02-22 17:15:06
Guilty Gears a Great Game, but Sol Badguy I think is still a ridiculous name for character.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-02-22 19:40:16 (edited 2006-02-22 19:41:13)
More Final Fantasy: Cait Sith and Kadaj
Guilty Gear: Zappa
Street Fighter: Bison

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by Lee^NouX on 2006-02-23 03:08:01 (edited 2006-02-23 03:10:20)
1st of all, i'd like to clarify one thing:
i love dragonball!! (i know it's anime, but it still has a game version, right?)

however (yes, now come the bad part)... i think the names of the caracters are quite funny. consider dr brief, for example, and dodolia, picollo, bulma, vegetta, trunks... (some of the names had such a funny origin.. e.g: vegetta from vegetables, brief from.. well.. brief)

but i still love dragonball! ^^

don't let your guard down

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by The Doctor on 2006-02-23 19:48:32
All fear Emperor Pilaf right?

This requires a unique combination of psychology...and extreme violence.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by Dudeman on 2006-02-23 22:27:58
Cao Pi is pretty bad as Sesshomaru/you said. Lol, has anyone ever played gitaroo man? The main character's name is U-1. Who would name their child that? I'm sure there are tons more, butI can't think of them at the moment.

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by Phill on 2006-02-23 22:30:14

"What the hell can you protect when your feelings are the only weapons you've got."- Kira Yamato-Gundam Seed

Re: Worst Character Name
Link | by :+:+:Dig~Dug~Extreme:+:+: on 2006-02-24 23:14:25
I dont think Pikachu counts, its more of a species then a name. (Plus, as silly as it sound, I love the GBA games.)

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