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New .hack Anime
Link | by Kouichi on 2006-02-16 11:06:56
I've recently heard there's gonna be a new .hack Anime called,


from what i can gather (which isn't much) it's connected to .hack//G.U.

if you can find anything, please let all us other .hack fans know what you've found ^-^

Thank you

Cat Cat Cat

Re: New .hack Anime
Link | by Xaria on 2006-02-16 18:17:32
Is it conectted to the new hack games that are coming out this year?

Re: New .hack Anime
Link | by Milly on 2006-02-16 20:00:02
I'm pretty sure ROOTS takes place before .hack//GU. It would seem to involve the Twilight Brigade, a guild which Haseo and Ovan (who are also main characters in GU) are part of. A girl named Shino is also appearing in ROOTS and we already know that she is of some consequence to GU.

So, short answer.... Yes. n_n;;

Also, FictionJunction YUUKA and ALI-Project will be doing the opening and ending songs respectively. (OP is Silly-go-round and ED is Boukoku Kakusei Catharsis)

No word on Yuki Kajiura working on it but knowing Bee Train, Kouichi Mashimo will be directing and he works closely with her so...

Re: New .hack Anime
Link | by on 2006-02-17 18:29:47
doesn't look very funny, i saw an awesome pic on google with, Kite? looking realy scary in the background and a female twinblade and wavemaster

Re: New .hack Anime
Link | by Kouichi on 2006-02-21 18:35:42
well .hack//G.U. is darker than the previous one's. and that scary-looking Kite is Tri-Edge

Cat Cat Cat

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