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Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
Link | by edwinluvr on 2006-02-12 20:17:42
Hey, does anybody know why we never got to see the 1st or 3rd FMA openings on CN?
That bugs the crap out of me. I had to wait till I found music sites just to hear the songs, and love them. I finally looked them up on youtube to watch the videos. If they are on the DVD's it'll do me no good cuz I don't have player !-_-

Anyways, I just wanna know why. We got all the endings, but I want the openings too!! I started freaking out when they finally showed the 4th opening, soo happy! Anyone know why we were tortured like this??

Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
Link | by Joe Anime on 2006-02-12 21:42:58
I think it was sony music,not sure.they wanted to promote L'Arc~en~Ciel's new CD so most of the series on AS ran the 2nd OP "Ready
Steady Go".if ya want the openings,get the series on DVD.

Anime Coolness

Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
Link | by Elysiah on 2006-02-13 02:22:24
I thought they had all been on CN. I've seen them all on there on AS. Also they're the same on DVD, surprisingly.

Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
Link | by Joe Anime on 2006-02-13 16:59:10
AS only played the 2nd and 4th openings,they played all of the endings though.

Anime Coolness

Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
Link | by Blue on 2006-02-14 07:22:00
Dunno why they did that. Maybe it's cuz they picked the more popular ones. I'm not saying the 1st and 3rd aren't good, because I love all the songs equally, but the groups who sing the 2nd and 4th are quite "popular" here, considering that they now have cds here. Either way, I would NEVER cound on CN for putting OP/EDs anywayz, cuz they either don't show an OP or they do but they shorten it and the same goes for EDs.

Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
Link | by Ichinin on 2006-02-14 07:23:42
You joking? Both Pornograffiti and Cool Joke is very popular, they realesed many album already

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