Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
Hey, does anybody know why we never got to see the 1st or 3rd FMA openings on CN? That bugs the crap out of me. I had to wait till I found music sites just to hear the songs, and love them. I finally looked them up on youtube to watch the videos. If they are on the DVD's it'll do me no good cuz I don't have player !-_- Anyways, I just wanna know why. We got all the endings, but I want the openings too!! I started freaking out when they finally showed the 4th opening, soo happy! Anyone know why we were tortured like this?? |
Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
I think it was sony music,not sure.they wanted to promote L'Arc~en~Ciel's new CD so most of the series on AS ran the 2nd OP "Ready Steady Go".if ya want the openings,get the series on DVD.
Anime Coolness
Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
I thought they had all been on CN. I've seen them all on there on AS. Also they're the same on DVD, surprisingly. |
Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
AS only played the 2nd and 4th openings,they played all of the endings though.
Anime Coolness
Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
Dunno why they did that. Maybe it's cuz they picked the more popular ones. I'm not saying the 1st and 3rd aren't good, because I love all the songs equally, but the groups who sing the 2nd and 4th are quite "popular" here, considering that they now have cds here. Either way, I would NEVER cound on CN for putting OP/EDs anywayz, cuz they either don't show an OP or they do but they shorten it and the same goes for EDs. |
Re: Why no 1st or 3rd FMA opening?
You joking? Both Pornograffiti and Cool Joke is very popular, they realesed many album already |