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Elfen Lied?
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-02-07 17:15:14
Any anime fans out there who loves elfen lied especially Lucy/Nyuu?

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by purplepaws on 2006-02-07 17:21:03
Lucy ish love :D
My favorite character in the anime and one of the common reasons i kept watching it XD
One of the best animes i've ever watched...Though it was full of dead bodies and blood and other stuff,i still think it was great...Especially the opening song 'Lilium'
I still listen it almost everyday...It's like magic... love Elfen Lied ...End :D

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-02-07 17:25:17
Yep, a lot of dead bodies were featured. It's like a violent work of art. But can you see the meaning of the violence shown here?

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by purplepaws on 2006-02-07 17:31:54 (edited 2006-02-07 17:32:26)
Well...i think there are many reasons for those violence...First of all revenge i think...The revenge Lucy wanted to take from Kota because of his lie...Well...i dunno but the only reason Lucy escaped form that lab. is because she wanted to see Kota again...And didn't want anyone on her path and killed em' all...Though she wanted revenge at first,her love to Kota was stronger...
Uh...but there is one thing i didn't get at the last episode...What was that broken horn...I mean why did she go back under fire...Did she wanted to get killed...And was that girl at the door...Was she Lucy? was an weird end...I wish there were second season or sth...Or at least an OVA ,which can explain what really happened at the last episode XD

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-02-07 17:36:08
Well, there is this 14th episode that was noted to be an OVA of some sort. It continues the part when Kouta-kun went to the yard to see who's at the door.

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by purplepaws on 2006-02-07 17:38:39
O_o really? I didn't know there was a 14th episode...I think it's that special episode i've heard before...Uh...i must watch it...Or...ehem...Does Kouta see who's on the door...Is it Lucy XD

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-02-07 17:42:41
Dunno, haven't watched it yet. No time.

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by purplepaws on 2006-02-07 17:47:30
XD hehe oki...then i'll go and find it from somewhere...Wheee...i can't wait :D

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by #2 on 2006-02-07 18:13:02
If I recall correctly, the special episode simply explained how Lucy as a child had a friend and in exchange for her safety she allowed herself to be captured thus explaining how she ended up in that facility at the beginning of the series. I could be wrong, it was a long time ago since I watched it. Never truly shows who is at the door at the end.

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by Nanaya Enix on 2006-02-07 18:34:20
I think she lost her final horn was because she wanted not to be recognized by those lab people and the army.

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Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by Milly on 2006-02-07 19:44:40
I thought she lost her final horn in a battle against soldiers...

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-02-07 19:49:21
First of all, this show is very graphic and also bloody. I've seen all 13 episodes. I've herd there's like a special episode aka the 14th episode. First of all, why is it so short? I was getting into this anime. Who does Kouta like anyways, he's like the only male in the house, with like 4-5 girls living with him, and a lil puppy outside. He met Lucy as a kid, but found out later in his life. He knew that one girl with the brown hair for mostly all of his life. idk about those other girls, but does Kouta ever go see who's at the door. that happened on the 13th episode, Someone knocks at the door, after the night Kouta and Lucy kissed, she said "Good-Bye" but I guess she can't leave..where would she go anyways... P.S. I herd there's a movie in the near up and comming future?


Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by otakuman_geo on 2006-02-07 20:30:48

I presume that she lost her horn because it was hit by a bullet. Remeber that in the climax of the last episode she faced a group of special task force and all that was seen was her last horn flying in the sky during a flurry of bullets firing from the group.

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by TUN4L on 2006-02-07 20:32:31
my guess for the clock and music box thing is that the music box represents Lucy. and since Nyu was always playing with the clock, the clock should represent Nyu. Lucy and Nyu are the good and evil in the same person so when the music box stopped, the evil inside of Lucy/Nyu person is gone and the good side comes back. Then it also confuses me because i also think that Lucy was actually killed in the gunfight. The reason for this is because her vectors were in the air. How is Lucy going to survive a massive barrage of bullets without any vectors?

The moral to Elfen Lied? never ever trust pretty looking girls with red hair and horns or else youd be dead before saying OMGWTFBBQ

(enter cool sig here)

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by h4xordude on 2006-02-08 04:44:16
Two things:
1) At the end, Lucy broke her last horn off herself! I think it was a way of her trying to destroy the thing(s) that made her so different/hated/and tortured for her entire life.
I doubt she could've survived, but who knows, maybe she killed all the guards around her and due to the anime laws of physics, the bullets' time was slowed to show the scene with her vectors in the air for added drama.

2) You can trust girls with red/pink hair and horns (nana/#7), so long as you don't get on their bad side. Heck, if I knew of a diclonious at my school as cute as #7 or as cool as Lucy, I'd date her!

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by zero lionheart on 2006-02-09 17:30:48
i think that lucy dieds because when makoto broke the first horn she was unconsius(sorry for my awful english^^') but the cuestion is..... who appears in the last escene the doctor(sorry i dont remenber her name) or lucy???? whe have to wait until the second part of elfenlied start in japan^^

"i dont believe in god ,but i belive in angels because you are here"

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by megami on 2006-02-17 11:57:05
the 14th episode was... strange, a bit. in the beginning i didnt really like how they drew nana, and when she was crying after destroying hte dinner. episode 14 is also episode 10.5 for those who dont know. it showed lucy had a friend, a girl, and the girl was killed when kurama was going to take lucy, who went willing with him when he said he would help her friend. i liked it because it showed that lucy had a heart and she wasnt totally corrupted as a child. it also explained why in a later episode (dont remember which) lucy had escaped and went straight to kurama to say 'thank you' before she was recaptured and taken back to her cell. i think thats also why lucy never harms kurama, because he tried to help her friend. i think that nyuu tinkered with the clock and was trying to fix it because she probably saw kouta looking at it (and he was frowning b/c it didnt work in the very beginning). nyuu always wanted to please him so she fixed it to help 'repair' their broken relationship on a certain level, that kouta didnt remember and that nyuu had no recollection of. i pray that lucy isnt dead, and that she did survive. (if she didnt there probably wont be any more episodes :( THEY BETTER MAKE SOME MORE!!!!!!!!!!)

~When you’re miserable, you need something that’s even more miserable than yourself. ~Lucy, EL episode 8~

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by rose on 2006-02-17 13:00:06
ME ME ME ME ! ! ! ! !

I especially love all versions of the song Lillium... but oh my goodness... I thought it was going to be a kid like anime at first and then i watched it and the first 5 min.... Violence, Blood, Death, Nudity...

There is a world just around the corner of your mind, Where reality is an intruder and Dreams come true...

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by s0m31 on 2006-02-17 13:17:47

I think Lucy is dead but nyuu is alive.. Coz like at the end the music box stopped playin which i think symbolized Lucy while the clock starts working which symbolizes Nyuu.. So I think Nyuu was the one at the door.. jst a thought

Re: Elfen Lied?
Link | by atenhotep on 2006-02-17 13:19:29
Elfen Lied is a good anime, because the characters have weaknesses too. Lucy started as an invincible human-killing machine, but as the story develops, you can see she is as vulnerable as a normal girl. Same for the other characters in Elfen Lied.

A movie, anime, book or whatever isnt fun if the hero(es) always wins. We want to see human-sides too.

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