what kind of manga is the coolest?
yeah what kind of manga is coolest, i've been asking that, cause of some test i'm doing i mean is it romance,horror,adveture? What is it?
what's more fun the heaven or the hell?
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Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by Onizuka Eikichi
on 2006-02-06 12:31:20
well to anser your question there is no coolest kind of manga it all depends on whos point of view your looking from like if you say something isnt good but to some 1 else it might be the coolest to them get wut im saying lol |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by purplepaws
on 2006-02-06 13:15:36
I prefer mangas like XXXHolic...not too much romance,not too much action...and i prefer a little shonen-ai in it too... And i luv sweet yaoi mangas too...Like Eerie Queerie and Love Mode :D (what can i say...i'm addicted to yaoi) |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
manga with lots of guns and action ^_^ |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
Manga with Blood and guns, action,and a really good story to it! >;] |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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Cute manga is coolest. You can't beat Akari's (From ARIA) or Yostuba's (From Yotsuba&!) smiles. Fo course, there's alot to be said for good romances (Like A.I. Love You or The Demon Ororon) as well, and then there's always action (like The Demon Ororon or Saiyuki). |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by masterStrawberry_milk
on 2006-02-18 06:08:50
manga with nice drawing, actions, maybe yaoi too. I don't really like manga with lots of romance. A little yes, but not the whole manga only about romance. |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
On my 1st list is ..... MEITANTEI CONAN !!!!!!!! So cute, cool, romantic, sad, etc.....This is the best manga i've read....!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smile !! Even inside, your heart is broken apart...
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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Mangas that have occasional humor are very good. Like Saiyuki, FMA, Gravitation, and almost anything made by Maki Murakami and Kazuya Minekura. Though most of this titles can be quite disturbing be cause of a) Violence and blood b)Homosexuality and c) The story is too good too handle. ![]() |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by ilikeanime
on 2006-03-09 08:48:20
educational mangas! team medical dragon yakitate japan |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
action/comedy ones. comedy and then more comedy. those are the coolest i reckon. fantasy ones are a bit too confusing. its hard to tell who is getting slashed by whom. romance...OK but not too many at once.
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Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
RurouniKenshin is my favorite manga ![]() |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by merely13769
on 2006-03-09 12:06:16
the dark ones ones with lots of blood, though i occasionally read funny action type manga. |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by Onizuka Eikichi
on 2006-03-09 19:25:20
well to anser ur question there are alot of cool mangas but it verys from person to person depending who they are the coolest to 1 might be the worst to another so there is not definite anser for this but i like anything with a stright solid story with a hint of comedy and alot of action |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by hakuryu-kun
on 2006-03-14 21:42:17
Mecha because of Gundam Wing Zero Custonm's and Evangelion's actions!
VICTORY goes to the only one who is the bravest!
If you are not brave, you will lose but you still have the courage in your heart!--> |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by Queen Luna
on 2006-03-16 00:18:09
Mangas with adventures, magics, element forces, goddess and gods... For me... Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok +Anima Vampire Princess Miyu King of Bandit Jing |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by SwordLover
on 2006-03-16 04:31:11
So many for me... I like anything with any bit of violence, shounen-ai,some comedies and also stuff like Cross. DNangel is the only romance i can stand, FB i found pretty good, but too many emotions for my liking. ![]() |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
I always think that manga with cool fighting actions and humour( well, not too much)are perfect~!!Coz I always enjoy in studying the weapons in the manga.Well sure a little romance in it will make it a 100%. Excellent Examples : Rurouni Kenshin,D Grayman,Peacemaker Kurogane, Fullmetal Alchemist..... *~But the most important..........the drawing skill~!!! |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by sherlock_holmes
on 2006-03-16 22:28:02
maybe gashbell,fma,detective conan and peacemaker. i think they are much better then the anime. they got alot of storyline and very intresting. |
Re: what kind of manga is the coolest?
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by Triple M-san
on 2006-03-16 22:56:55
Genrewise, for me, Comedy beats all. Nothing makes me feel better than a chuckle from a well placed Japanese/Cultural pun (Or debating with a idiot... Now THAT'S entertainment...) Read Azumanga Daioh, Sakigake! Cromatie High, School Rumble, Yakitate! Japan, and Excel Saga (In order from light to extreme) for some laughs. I also enjoy Mysteries/Thrillers, like Meitantei Conan (Case Closed), Black Jack, and Monster. Action... I may or may not like. Hellsing, R.O.D., and Tsubasa Chronicle are the titles that I read over and over again. Shounen is overrated, but a guilty pleasure. I only lower myself to Bleach (because it's so addicting...) and Yu Yu Hakusho (because I want to complete it). I try to stay away from Shoujo manga as far as possible. Loveless is enjoyable though (Damn catboys and bandages...), along with Aishiteruze Baby and Full Moon wo Sagashite. |