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drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-02-06 05:56:38
i just wanna ask ur guys opinions of what the danish n norwegian newspapers have done..honestly,i'm a muslim n yes,i feel angry n humiliatated wth those images.i hate what they did n i also hate what the muslims in syria are doing as well;burning those embassies etc.violence is NOT islam's way.can't they see that?
nonetheless,why do people like to irritate each other?what are they trying to say wth those images?freedom of speech does not gives people the right to insult religions.what they did is too much.
anyone would like to share a thought?i don mean any offends,i jz wanna know what do u guys think.sorry if i hurt anybody.

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Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-06 06:59:27
images?hmm...haven't seen you have anylink to them?unless i see the papers or pictures,i won't have the full picture of what you're trying to tell us...

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Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by eternaltorture on 2006-02-06 09:57:01
huh??? norweigan newspapers???

never heard of it...

i don't feel offended...

i don't feel hurt either...

i feel angry thinking of those images...

how dare they!!!!

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by purplepaws on 2006-02-06 11:54:17
i'm muslim too and heard about those comics but never seen them before...Everybody was talking about it and it was on the news how norway refused to apologize...
I can't say more than that because i haven't seen the comics yet...So i can't say it's cruel or horrible...I just can say that it's devouring to see people who makes fun of other people's beliefs...It's just sad...

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by atenhotep on 2006-02-06 12:30:25 (edited 2006-02-09 15:01:40)
the first comic appeared several months ago, nobody demonstrated then. Only now the media is giving attention to it, people protest. Most of them just don't know where the protests are all about.

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by purplepaws on 2006-02-06 13:25:44
Like i said before i didn't see the comics before but i think media is exaggerating it like they always do...I mean there are other comics about other prophets but no one protests about it...i'm sayin' this again...I didn't see the comics ...I'm just trying to be objective...Correct me if i'm wrong

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-02-07 20:00:44 (edited 2006-02-07 20:25:35)
firstly,i wanna say sorry again if i offended anyone who haven't see the pictures,
i got this link from other website..

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Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2006-02-07 21:23:27
okay...that is really insulting.i think now i get it why alot of muslims around the world are causing a riot.espcially when i saw the last's really insulting >.< who drew all those sketches anyways?

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Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by gendou on 2006-03-28 20:20:54 (edited 2006-03-28 20:21:03)

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by Jad [Alt] Kaizer on 2006-03-28 20:58:35

I'd personally think the face portraited in the pic is not the Prophet... looks more like a Mongol to me. No offense. =___="

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Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by sai on 2006-03-31 07:52:55
12 idiots drew those pics if i'm not mistaken... And actually, that one gendou showed is not too insulting... I saw worse and more vulgar picture i won't bother posting it here...

I'm not a muslim, I'm a christian, and just fyi, many insultings comics based on Jesus and other religion role models were made too before this...

Many atheists in the journalism world huh?

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by white wings on 2006-03-31 09:05:59
you know i kinda agree with Jad about the Mongol part, me too no offence, but what's that abt the norweigan newspapers?

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by gendou on 2006-03-31 11:37:19
a muslim is insulted if you depict the profit muhammad (see above).
a christian is insulted if you make fun of jesus (Mel Gibson! lolz).
a jew is insulted if you call him a jew (and he won't lend you a quarter).

an atheist is insulted when people of any religious denomination try and preach their religion at them!

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by Jad [Alt] Kaizer on 2006-03-31 13:46:59 (edited 2006-03-31 13:50:29)
How to insult a Buddhist?


I think it's totally impossible to insult one.


Anyway... this question has bugged me all the time...

If no one has seen the face of the Prophet before (thanks to the no-idolism policy), then I wonder how those artists managed to draw his face out?

Behold the possibilities ! The end is merely the start of a new history !

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by craving for moar on 2006-04-01 05:57:49
i dunno. Maybe they substituted Bin Laden's face for the drawings. No offense anyone, but if I really offended someone, then I'm really, really sorry.

Seriously, the Danish/Norweigian/Whatever people have violated their freedom of expression when they drew those "drawings". Again, if I had offended someone seriously, I'm really sorry.

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Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by Voxyn on 2006-04-01 06:05:10
the point isnt whether the picture ACTUALLY looks like him, Its the fact that they drew a picture, CALLED it the Prophet Muhammad and stuck a bomb in his turban.

Totally insulting and degrading to Islam and Muslims.
It was wrong.
but it was also wrong to start burning embassies that had nothing to do with the artists or newspapers.

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Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by craving for moar on 2006-04-01 06:09:05
@voxyn have a point there. Burning embassies is a very, very bad thing to do, especially if you're a Muslim fanatic (no offense intended).

What if I jump out
of this speeding jeepney?
Fly without wings
Reach for the grey-painted heaven
And out into the sea of infinity?

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by kittykat on 2006-04-03 18:24:38
I can't get the link to work, and I've only seen glimpses...
So, because I'm stupid, where does it say Prophet Muhammad? I've heard a lot about these cartoons but could never find them (the whole of them), only parts...
I never knew the scary-looking guy (NO OFFENSE-just my first reaction, PLEASE nobody get mad at me!!) was made to represent Prophet Muhammad.
(Once again, I mean no insult!!)

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by Wolf on 2006-04-03 18:52:15 (edited 2006-04-03 18:52:42)
*sigh* People are gonna have to learn to get over it. Bad jokes are bad jokes but you gotta move on. No use crying over spilt milk.

Re: drawings of prophet muhammad
Link | by Tessa on 2006-04-04 17:47:52
religion is something serious, make fun of it will only cause a lot of disasters... so why do that?

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