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Next Gundam Series
Link | by subsrulz7 on 2006-02-03 09:48:23
After Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus, i was wondering wether there will be any new news about the next gundam series, What i thought was probably Gundam Seed Destiny Astray, but i thought that was manga. So im not really sure about the date and the next Gundam Series

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2006-02-03 12:53:32
Well, Sunrise/Bandai has given the ok for a new CE series. I hope they don't bring back Mr. I always listen to what my wife wants Fukada and I can't draw more than 3 faces Hisashi.

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by CaptainJoystick on 2006-02-03 18:27:43
You know... I've always hoped they would animate a series spanning the F90 era on through to Crossbone...

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by blue on 2006-02-04 00:08:54
I heard rumor that a gundam seed series named Gundamm Seed Eternity will be out and Athrun will still in it...

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by hakuryu-kun on 2006-02-08 15:13:10
subsrulz7, Gundam Seed Destiny Astray is just a side story just like Gundam Wing G-Unit and Gundam Crossbone

VICTORY goes to the only one who is the bravest!
If you are not brave, you will lose but you still have the courage in your heart!-->

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by jyunkin on 2006-02-09 10:58:52
This topic has been discussed long time ago ...
By the way, I really hope the 3rd series is comin soon
the 'new' episodes of either OVA of GSD or anything will be out on MARCH.

so just wait n see

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by subsrulz7 on 2006-02-09 11:05:51
Well even though they make the next gundam series it's most likely that they will have the same concept of Gundam Seed.

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by Nazlando on 2006-02-09 15:19:21 (edited 2006-02-09 15:19:36)
Gundam Wing - Episode Zero, a prequal, the manga's amazing!

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-02-09 22:38:47
cool!! I cant wait!!!

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by neko on 2006-02-09 22:46:53
I also heard rumor about GUNDAM Seed Eternity is the next series of GUNDAM

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by Ferphylss on 2006-02-10 00:05:03
Woah if Eternity comes out, Seed will be the longest series of Gundam Anime ever o.O

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by Jabba on 2006-02-10 00:32:05
I... Just want more Kira...
Muhahaha!!! :P

I Support Muraki x Tsuzuki

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by RzmmDX on 2006-02-10 04:31:51
i want more dying

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Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by Meyrin Hawke(Meyrin Zala) on 2006-02-12 02:15:50
I want more Kira and Athrun together to fight ppl and much more upgrades on Freedom and Justice.And most important..i wan to take part in Gundam Seed Eternity lol muahahahaha

Sui of the GSD fanclub

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by AkuraHibiki on 2006-02-13 13:19:25 (edited 2006-02-13 13:20:39)
Rumor control here:

The name Gundam SEED Eternity is false for now. Old rumor started nearly half a year ago that was proved false. Sunrise about a month and a half ago, confirmed that there is another SEED series in the works, as well as an original Gundam series also that and I quote "Is more to the style of the older fans" meaning it is probably a UC series/ova.

Yes a 3rd SEED series *sigh* I hope Fukuda learns his lesson from SEED Destiny...less fanboy/girl appeasing and less flashbacks...more story more action. He did say "He wanted the challenge of having 3 main characters for a new series"

Speculation time:
....which means MOST likely it will be Shinn, Athrun, and Kira in the lead...again...having new and fresh characters brings an interesting new perspective to a series with characters, whose conflicts have been resolved. Ie: In SEED, Kira overcame his faults and accepted who he was. SEED Destiny...he had barely any flaws, he knew all, he couldn't be beat in the end...more Mary Sue-ish.

Big example how a character arc works...
The original Gundam: Amuro is the main with Char as the secondary. Z Gundam, Camille is the main, Char is secondary, and Amuro makes a small but important appearance in the middle. Gundam ZZ Judau, while people speculate what has happened to the old heroes of the previous wars. Char's Counterattack, Amuro and Char finally reappear to settle things once and for all.

SEED Destiny tried to shove this kind of a large character arc in 50 episodes, while the original UC series did it over 130 eps (141 I think, don't quote me on that though). Gutsy attempt, but failed horribly. Older fans reacted badly, while new comers who didn't know any better, thought it was okay. For the 3rd series (speculation again) it will probably have a fall release on Nihon -TV and Tokyo Broadcasting. Fukuda will probably direct again. Same staff. New better story and a good plot this time? Up to opinion, but I predict they have to doing something new or it will be dismal and be cancelled x.x Less flashbacks more story!

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by Kura-chan on 2006-02-13 13:24:48
Hmm... After hearing Kira's "Let us fight together" I suppose Shinn, Kira and Athrun will be in it. As important characters, of course. All I want is some Athrun T-T ...And AsuCaga! >=( *Un-supports AsuMey*

Well, in my opinion, it's: As long as Athrun is in it, and didn't change his hair color. And hair cut. And face. And... uh... Anything.

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by KeLRei on 2006-02-15 04:27:52
will the universal century wars have continuation?

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by AkuraHibiki on 2006-02-15 08:36:55 (edited 2006-02-21 18:11:15)
heh to that question they did in the form of F-91 and V Gundam...other than that only in Manga form. Crossbone Gundam is the sequel to F-91, and Gaia Gear is a far fetched sequel in the 220's of the Universal Century. Will the Universal Century get a new series ever again? A question to answer on a different topic lol

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by Meyrin Hawke(Meyrin Zala) on 2006-02-21 02:07:14
Hey! i heard that Gundam Seed Eternity....Athrun Married Meyrin and had two child!!!! i dunno true or not but cant wait la..poor Cagalli~she was cute

Sui of the GSD fanclub

Re: Next Gundam Series
Link | by h4xordude on 2006-02-21 05:15:31
As nice as some of you may think a Gundam Seed sequel would be, lets be realistic. When they do make another Gundam series, I highly doubt it'll be another Seed one. None of us here can vouch for what's going through Mr. Tomino's head, so don't get too crazy yet. I'm just as excited as most of the rest of you!

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