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Life's Theory
Link | by Tsiju on 2004-11-15 16:59:35
This is about how you guys believe in life or our world.
I have 2 theories.
A) First, In the beginning, there are different um... worlds that are very simmilar to ours today, but we have a number of lives(yes like a video game) except our deaths are coming to an end. this is probably our last life and existence.
B) we are in a dream (similar to the matrix world) of a dream of a dream. every time that dream, uh wakes up we get closer to 'Tru' death. and eventually we will be erased from existence.
people in my classes say im crazy, but i dont care.

That is my way of the ninja!

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by RzmmDX on 2004-11-16 03:04:20
dude i think exactly like u

Ģöţ ñõţħįňģ Ţθ ĻÖŠĔ, ĕυεгұтђīŋġ ŧÅ? ĢĄİŇ, ₣řέёÄ?Å?м ằήđ Ĵůśťїçè, ČθгŗůÏ?ŧìÅ?Å‹ ằήđ Ä‹Å?ňƒīņěΜәπŧ, Vâļóůѓ ịή βαŧŧļé, Ħõńòґ ÏŠÅ„ Ä?Ä•Ä?ţħ

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by gendou on 2004-11-16 07:29:46
my theory about life is this:
we have a mind because god gave it to us, or because our species evolved with an enlarged forebrain, however you want to think about it.
we can use our mind to comprehend the vast and intricate universe. we can discover, through thought, the secrets of mathematics and logic. we can use our creativity to design tools that helps us live, give us time, allow us to go into space - leaving the nest.
we humans are perpetual infants, always learning. this is the true reality: seen through the eyes of a child.

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Tsiju on 2004-11-16 17:16:13
I think this is how religion was made. over time our life's theory keeps getting changed until eventually it becomes a religion

That is my way of the ninja!

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Ryuran on 2004-11-17 18:55:14
Here's my theories of life
-It seems more like a process within an experiment. We were put on this world to see how we react to and towards each other. Like we are just guinea pigs within an experiment, who are used to prove a point. To show that as long as man exists in this world, they are the ones who will also bring it to an end.
-Ever had that strange feeling of deja-vu? I think that the life we are living right now is the one that will end our life (our last life). That us as humans right now were something else in a past life. Since I'm a human right now, I could've been a rock or a hamster. But we have no memories of that because we are just living within a dream. Whenever one person wakes up from that dream, one person in the dream dies. We become reborn as something else if there person once again falls to slumber, if they don't, then you're just screwed, I guess.
-Or we were just put onto this place to suffer death after living a wonderful life that you don't wish to end. That someone is watching over all of us and laughing at us. Life could all be just a lie, and everything we have is just what we think of it to be, that's what gives it it's body and soul.... such as ourselves.
Too pessimistic? @_@

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Aramis on 2004-11-18 00:56:36
Well, I believe the universe consists of something smaller than anything known to us, some kind of energy. And that, the wholeness of this energy is (conciously?) building itself towards something. It is also what I call "god"
Under its guidance its parts have been built from a void to higher and higher levels, eventually us. Once something gets enough energy, it will get to the next level, and become closer to understanding life and universe.
A similiar theory is explained in a book called "Celestine Prophecy" (and it's sequel and synopsis) by J. Redfield, which explain it in great detail and story, and admittedly influenced the way I think.
It's convenient to believe in something like this, that higher truths exist and we simply cannot understand them in our current state. But it satisfies me, and I'm not asking for more.

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by jhong on 2004-11-20 22:18:34
life.. its something that was created to solve an equation/ a problem that requires such complex processes and procedures that could only be accomplished by thought or the way we lived our lives, life being it's term(if you come to think about it, even if you have no shell, you still exist as long as u generate thought, and so on your own, u live, in thought), and the body being life's. so, every action of every human life that ever existed and will ever exist are all entwined to have a single, simplified answer to the equation.. a yes or a no, a 0 or a 1. referrence: Bible..hehehe
sort of like:
x=me, y=you, z=him...
where ??? is not a variable.
where each result has its own
where the problem could be, "im right if ???=1"
but this is only possible if life itself could be equated... anything could be possible but not everything could be put into numbers..especially life. its too huge to comprehend, i think. and
for it to be possible, there has to be something able to comprehend such huge numbers..definitely not man, which leads me to the conclusion... God.

love & peace

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Rockoff on 2004-11-23 21:38:35
Reading through this for some reason made me think of the dream that some people claim to consistently have...the one where you fall off of a cliff, and then just before you hit the ground, you wake up. Supposedly, when you hit the ground in your dream is when you die. So is this what life is supposed to be? Falling? And the people with longer lived are just the ones whose parachutes last longer? To be honest, I can't say, since I've never had that dream before, and I certainly don't want to see what happens if I hit the ground. What do some of you think?
And with life, I've always just believed that everything, in the big picture, has a focus. I know it sounds cliche, so let me explain. I really do think that all things go to some unseen goal. Small actions themselves often do not really matter, even their effects may last. For instance, let's say you skipped breakfast. On the whole scale of life, it doesn't matter. But let's say that this was the day of the SAT, and you're distracted by your hunger and don't do well. Then you see the effect. But still, that is also a rather small aspect of life. As they say, "life goes on." The human race will keep chugging in spite of the actions of most humans. The people who have the greatest dreams, and most importantly, the will to achieve those dreams, are the people who are the rocks that cause the ripples in the pond of humanity. Any thoughts on this, too???

Anime is w00t. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about. =)

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by hitenzaryu on 2004-12-15 17:57:18
this is MY theory...
u are born in "Reality" and u live ur life to ur fullest until u die...then u dream that u didnt die and dream that u are a baby and live until u die and the cycles repeats until you can free your mind and realize that this is all a can never go back to "Reality" when you die...

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Nep on 2004-12-16 01:51:13
Ok. I like where your theory is going. But there seem to be little protrusion, or piece of string attached that just doesn't go away and the more you look at it the more sticking out the string is...
Firstly. What is this "reality"?
Secondly, How did it get there? WHat is the theory of its development?
Thirdly and most importantly, If we are born in this "reality" and then die, yet we dream and keep dreaming within our dream, WHAT exactly happens after we die? How are we reborned? Or are you saying that we don't reincarnate or metaphmorphsise? If we are not reborned then where does this "birth" begin? How does this process keep going? Is there only a limited people in this truest sense of "reality"? If once we die and can never live in the "reality" then, where did the people come from in the first place?
There is no unlimitality in the world. How can there be a 'cycle' if the cycle never even started in the first place?
What if there was only one person that was born in the whole of "reality". Is that one person, GOD because he dreamed of us, and within his dreams, he kept himself and everyone in the dream alive?
Is that what you're saying....or am I digressing onto a whole different theory?
man....thinking is hard...

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Requiem on 2004-12-18 18:31:11
Oh life, how doth we comprhend thy mysteries?
This is a very interesting thing to read. The dream theory is awesome. That just may be it, too. Life is but a dream. It has a nice ring to it.
Reality is only what we perceive. If pigs fly and we believe it and it's tangible to us it's part of our ''reality'', hence the base word 'real'. So people who are supposedly insane may not be insane, but live in a completely different reality, outside that little box most of us seem to be kept in. Who knows, maybe the reality that insane people see is really the 'reality' we're supposed to be seeing, but don't because we all conform to the ''reality'' that pigs don't fly.
But, on the subject of life, I think we are all born between a unity of a man and woman, created for our own purpose and our own paths. How we live is completely up to us. Then we die. We wait to be resurrected after death. Then we are judged by God, the Ultimate Creator who made us and shaped us and know us.
Another fantastical way I think about it that is not tied to religion is that we are alive, but in a different dimension than our own. So we're alive in two dimensions and one of us is playing a sort of game. Like a world created just for us and we're free to live here. When we die, it's because we _have_ to. Maybe because the us from the alternate dimension who is playing this little game called life needs to eat dinner. So life is nothing but a game where we are being tested on our survival and ability. *shrug* I'm weird, and this probably won't make any sense later. I dunno, maybe it's just hack.//SIGN getting into my head too much.

Why is it that whenever something appears to be fun, it nearly kills me?

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Amethyst on 2005-01-13 07:24:07
I've thought about insane people seeing the 'reality' we're supposed to be seeing. It ocurred to me because I was thinking about my grandma, who sometimes appears to be crazy. She says that she sees things that aren't really there, and that she's not sure of what is real and what isn't. Perhaps she and all of those people who are certified 'insane' by our society are really at a higher level of evolution, or in a transition from one world or reality to another. This mainly applies to old people. However, there are many old people who are mentally healthy, as well as there are many insane young people. So, why are some people in a transition and some aren't? Are they at a higher level of evolution?
I read this book which really influenced my philosophy. It's about this lady who died in a surgery and came back. She says that on her journey, there was this part where they showed her how her life had been, and to her it seemed that she had only been alive for a short time, like a dream. I knew exactly what she meant.
However, she was a Christian. So when she died, she saw Jesus. Well, if a Budhist died, would he see Jesus? I think he'd see Budha, or Nirvana. So perhaps when you die, you go to this place I'll call 'Paradise'. And maybe that 'Paradise' is different for everyone, like in Wolf's Rain. For example, if your favorite place in the world is Germany, 'Paradise' will be something more or less like Germany. On the other hand, if your favorite place in the world is the New York sewer system, then 'Paradise' will resemble a sewer.
Then again, if that theory about reincarnation is true, then will 'Paradise' be exaclty the same for all my incarnations? Or will I abandon my worldly likes and dislikes as soon as I die and 'Paradise' will be the same for me and for everyone? Or will I even get the chance to see 'Paradise' before I incarnate???

~*~*~*~* There are no such things as stupid opinions; just stupid people who give theirs... ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Xiao on 2005-01-15 13:45:41
ur first idea is kinda like in the movie "The One" with Jet Li. Where there are different universes and there is one of our selves on each of those worlds. One dies, power is spread through out the others. But the other theory is different. I wonder if most people go to fast fast through their "dream lifes"

USA Today recently came out with a survey. Apparently, 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population.

Kids in the backseat cause accidents, accidents in the backseat cause kids.

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Zen Havok on 2005-02-18 07:03:32
You guys think too much about life...trying to theorize it..but you can't..because it's not meant to be..Just kick back and relax..

So dark the con of men...

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by sublimation on 2005-02-20 20:18:48
i like the video gaqme idea, i am confused a bit as to my own understanding but here we go

if you have ever seen the ending to the last episode of wolf's rain, yeah it's like that, we are born again but all the memeroies fro earlier are erased from our tiny minds. and whi9le mthe world who new the one who died sleeps there memories are fixed with a different face so they will not see the one who is reborn.... I'm liking the theory of "insane" people, how they see a differnt place. i would be classified as "insane" for i see things not ment of the mere humans eyes. i think that the ones who are "insane" are just a high form of human. no meree mortal can see the truth and the ones that do see it are tough of as crazy, because the human mind can not comprehand something like the reality that the supposted "insane" person is seeing. life is not a dream, it is a here and a now. human minds can not comprehend something like that. what is here? what is now? i just typed a word, does that moment of life, never happen again, ever?
that ties into my de-ja-vu theory, life is just a repeating thing, we die, we live,we die, we live. kinda like there is a me, 5 years back in "time" that is following the same path i made for her. one day she will besiting at this computer and a "past" you will be reading her post. im not sure if it makes any sense you you but it does for me

i would also like to put my view on a "god" here. god is just a word to ease the humans into a state of comfort. humans lack comfort when they are faced with something that they dont understand, so, so that the whole world doesnt panic, there is a god. it is just a word to mask the unknown, kinda like abslout zero.

there is alkso a big uprooting in the god. vs. alchemy thing. if alchemy is a way of rejecting god, then how did that alchemist gain the power. if you believe if god, doesnt god make every one in his image? maybe everyone is born with an alchmic power, but few are able to grasp it? if not, why would alchemy be rejectiong god, doesnt god give you the power? like a blessing? people say a baby is a blessing from god, life is blessing from god, one must stop to think, is alchemy too a blessing from god?

sorry im taking so long!

as a last note about the "insane" people, a quote that i live by( besides the equivelent exchange one)= "i reject your reality and substatute my own"

"human kind can not gain anything with out first sacrificing something in return. to obtain, something of equal value must be lost this is alchemy's first law of equivelent exchange" sublimation- the process of turning a solid into a gas, skiping the liquid stage "i reject your reality, and substatute my own!" ~*the sublimation(sublime) alchemist*~

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Jezal on 2005-02-26 21:36:37
heres mine.

The human brain works like a peice of software - it manipulates binary information. The brain works by using a positive charge to represent a 1 and a negative charge to represent a 0. The synapses are built like boolean logic circuits - they accept binary information in the form of electrical charges, and their pathways are arranged to apply mathematical functions to these numbers and output the answer in the form of electrical charges. The human body also works like a peice of computer software - it receives information and transmits it to the brain in the form of electrical charges representing strings of binary numbers.

The human world works like an object orientated computer program - every entity is a object unto itself; a unit of modular data. Entities communicate and pass information to react with other objects between each other using variables and I/O ports.

All the laws of science that define how the world works are defined in their purest form as binary mathematics.

Human kind invented the earliest computer, the abacus, and later, boolean logic, long before we knew that the brain was binary..... is this because we are programmed using binary information?

Is this because we are binary information?

Could our subdimension and indeed us ourselves simply be information stored on a computer?

Consider this:

The human race is artificial intelligence created using object orientated programming. DNA is software that builds other software and modifies itself in the process - it contains instruction sets to build your program. Information was placed in this dimension with the ability to reproduce and evolve itself. The interaction of this information created new information and new DNA, constantly evolving and creating new software. The information was manipulated from its parent information system very occasionally. The software was guided into evolving the humans until they become self aware information.

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by K1t on 2005-02-27 04:42:15
Well I know it leans more to the principles of mathematics but here goes...

If our lives were to be viewed as a Cartesian coordinate plane whose X and Y axis stretch out to infinity, then we could assume that our existence on this Earth as the point of origin (0,0). This is to emphasize how short life is. All points found in the first and fourth quadrant (to the right of 0) may be an eternity of heaven whereas, all points in the second and third quadrant (to the left of 0)may be an eternity of hell. Whatever actions we do while living change the x and y values of our lives and at the end of this existence, the resulting ordered pair ultimately decides our final destination... Heaven or Hell.

I know it's more numerical than Physics related but Physics does touch a bit of the cartesian plane ne? ^_~


Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Cneversoft on 2005-03-01 19:25:48
I have a question to ask that's been on my mind for quite some time...

Does anyone believe in the fact that there is really a God?

It's been something that's been bothering me for a good while. My family thinks there is a God...maybe because of the fact they're religion is based on that belief. I used to believe we were all created by a superior being where we live our lives only to die and join 'it' in some paradise like heaven.

But I've been reading a lot of other religions that believe there is more than one god or that there is no god at all...hec even some who don't even give a damn whether they live or not. The more I read about it, the more it makes me question some things about life.

Why are we here? What is the purpose of living when we'll only die eventually? What's wrong with this picture here? People are born, they live, they die, and the process starts all over again. Will it ever end? All of these questions I ask seem to have a difficult answer.

But what does that make me to question my own religion and my parents beliefs?

...To Death and Beyond

Re: Life's Theory
Link | by K1t on 2005-03-02 03:50:52
Well, I recently came from a retreat (get in touch with God thingy in my religion) and that same thing popped up. The answers are in the Bible. Our priest explained it to us this way:

If we buy a new product from the creator, it is implied that we utilize the manual if we are not familiar with the product ne? Well, God IS the ULTIMATE creator and the Bible is the manual. In it lies our reason of existence. We live to fulfill God's will and not our own.

Our priest had us do an activity, we were to state what we felt was the purpose of being alive. After writing each and every one of the answers on the board he made us see that they were all redundant and lead to a dead end (e.g I want to be a nurse when I grow up or My purpose in life is to be successful...) They all lead to the question ; If you fulfill this would you then be ready to die? Is your life worthless after?

We exist to do what God wants and not what we want. He is the Master and we are the servants although He did give us free will. What does He want? Well it's all in the Bible. That all... ^_~


Re: Life's Theory
Link | by Enigma.Fade on 2005-03-05 21:11:27
yes, that may be as u said and all, but there is also speculation on what the contents of the bible were based on.

I have christian friends who say that the bible was written by prophets of old and gradually passed down through the ages, but could it be possible that during translation of the bible from archaic languages a mistake was made? What proof is there that the bible is 100% true information?

This is not meant to be an attack against christianity, and i apologize if i have insulted your religion in any way, but these are just my opinions.

however, perhaps there is some other being out there that is shapes our destiny and thus we are merely figures in a large-scale, never-ending play. The greater being gets bored, he starts to put wars and disasters into the play, and observes how individual characters react.

my second theory is from ff7, the lifestream theory. within the world there is a circulating supply of something we shall call "life". This spiritual energy is omnipresent. when we die, we return our spiritual energy to the earth and cleansed. when a baby is born, part of this spiritual energy is transferred to give the baby life. Thus the cycle goes on and on. Memories that we have "of the past" may be caused when uncleansed spiritual energy is mixed up with the clean spiritual energy and transferred to give us life at birth.

*Become a wind, unfathomable distress*

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