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Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by getter ray on 2004-11-06 18:17:54
Who, I ask you, are the greatest, most powerful, destructive, and all around best buttkicking, headknocking, a**kicking giant robots of all time? I say it's:
Getter Robo
Mazinger, Mazinger Z, and UFO Robo.
Genebuu (Parallel Trouble Adventure Dual)
Optimus Prime (the original Transformers)
The Evas (Evangelion)
GoDannar (Shinkon Gattai GoDannar)
GOD Gundam and Shining Gundam (G Gundam)
If you don't know some of these guys, I suggest you do like Uncle says and, "Do Reeesearrrrch."

"Stand tall and shake the heavens."

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by StupiDSeeD on 2004-11-06 19:25:03
There's a difference between real robot(gundams, aestevalis, godannar) and super robot(mazinkaiser, getter) -.- and Yushaa (GaoGaiGar, Firebird)
REAL ROBOT: Gundams, Aestevalis, Layzner
SUPER ROBOT:Zaorymer, Dunbine

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by CondoR on 2004-11-06 22:00:22
My favorite robots are Arbalest(full metal panic)
and Dai Guard

"When all the guys at work look at me, they see a fat ugly loser. Excepy Craig, with the lazy eye, he sees a fat ugly loser and the vending machines."

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by Wolf on 2004-11-08 12:43:14
GaoGaigar is my favorite. Pretty darn powerful. Also Shin Getter, Gravion and Mazinkaiser.

Are you guys familiar with the Super Robot Wars series?

"the end justiφs the mean"

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by StupiDSeeD on 2004-11-08 14:26:57
yea, i like SRW @lpha 2 the best cuz it has GaoGaiGar and it has nothing to do with Super robot or real robot =\

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-11-09 16:30:31
Dangiazer 3 robot and Big O and Escaflowne!!!

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by wolfenmkII on 2004-11-18 07:41:00
idolo the prototype orbital frame, also the most powerful when piolted by a person it choses (OFs like the gundams have a personality)

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by Crimson7 on 2004-11-20 07:04:00
Gekigangar (from nadesico) is the best one of all! ^_^

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by Amethyst on 2004-11-21 19:12:49
Gundam Deathscythe (from Gundam Wing)

~*~*~*~* There are no such things as stupid opinions; just stupid people who give theirs... ~*~*~*~*~*~*

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by Meilin-chan on 2004-12-02 17:09:47
For me the greatest mecha of all will always be Voltron. It's not because he could beat all of the others in combat, but instead it's because Voltron was the first Japanese anime series that I ever became a fan of. I've been addicted ever since. ^_^;;

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by getter ray on 2004-12-03 20:51:56
Voltron holds the same special place in my heart, too. I sure do miss Keith, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and of course (sigh :) ) Princess Allura. I even miss that winey little brat Lotor, but don't tell him I said that.
The Blazing Sword was one of coolest weapons ever.
I just always thought it would have been cool to see Voltron clamp on to a Robeast's arms and legs with each lion head, and then tear him into pieces.
Wherever you are, fight hard brave defender of the universe. I salute you (tear falls from eye).
Do you think Allura and Keith ever got together?

"Stand tall and shake the heavens."

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by getter ray on 2004-12-03 20:54:58
I'm absolutely not saying that your love is misguided, but I just think that you should know that GekiGanGar is actually something of an homage to the original super robos: Getter Robo, Great Mazinger, and Great Mazinger Z.
You really ought to find out more about them, especially if you love GekiGanGar.
Nadessico is one of my favorite animes, too.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens."

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by shinji on 2004-12-04 21:09:16
Giant Robo all the way.


Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by F_F on 2004-12-06 05:47:49
The only thing able to penetrate their AT Field is other EVAs and the lance of Longinus...
Yet you know what happens if an EVA went beserk..

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by Berserk on 2004-12-09 14:25:02
If u think that, then you obviously haven't played Super Robot Wars. My fave super robots would have to be Shin Getter, Shin Dragon & Mazinkaiser.

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by sai on 2004-12-09 23:05:44
Eva and armslaves all the time...

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by getter ray on 2004-12-10 15:07:31
I'm the one who originally made this particular post in the forum.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who made comments and for sharing their love of Mecha/Giant Robot Anime with everyone.

"Stand tall and shake the heavens."

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by Masafan on 2004-12-28 08:31:34
armslaves, eva andgundam have best cockpit and performanse.
But orbital frame is just very too fast.

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by nimbus on 2005-02-28 07:14:30
I love Getta Robo and all its incarnation (Getta Robo G, Getta Robo Gou, Shin Getter), The Mazingers (Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, Mazinkaiser), Grendizer, Reideen, SRX, Daizengar, Vaikungfu, RahXephon, Combattler V, Voltus V, Daimos, Grungust, RyuKoOu/KoRyuOu, Garmreid Blaze, Zambot 3, Daitarn 3, and of Course GEAR Senshi Dendoh.

"I'm Zengar Zombolt! The Sword that Cleaves Evil!"

Re: Greatest Giant Robots of all time!!!
Link | by BlooD on 2005-06-21 18:53:27
It's Voltes V and his Ultraelectromagnetic brother Combatler V.

Also the Gundams from Gundam Wing...

Voltes V is a legend so please consider him...

"I miss KaeKo-san!"

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